Chapter 25: FUBAR

I was standing on the arena's outer walls, my body hidden under a standard light brown cloak and my butterfly-Anbu mask hiding my face.

I suspected that such a mask had been chosen as some sort of punishment towards poor old me.

Among the other things, being in sage mode places your chakra network in a state of extreme saturation: in short, unless it's another sage performing it, genjutsu just do not stick.

That was why, when the big ass genjutsu hit the arena and worked as a signal to the invasion to begin, It took me a second to recognize the reason behind why people suddenly started dropping asleep.

I had my orders.

For all that I believed the Sandaime to be wimp wristed when dealing with his students ( cough "Nepotism!" cough ), he had known about Suna's plans for weeks.

The fact that Kabuto had managed to escape Anbu before any serious interrogation was carried through had been orchestrated to perfection.

I didn't know the specifics, but it was clear to me that his escape had been ordered by the Hokage only to reassure Orochimaru that his plan was still running smoothly despite my intervention in the Forest of Death.

I did not doubt that several soldiers had been thrown at Kabuto only to sell the fact that his escape wasn't organized by Konoha's higher ups. But such was the life of a patriot in the Elemental Nations.

From a tactical point of view, I could understand, feign ignorance of an attack and then turn an enemy assault into a striking victory.

My skillset had been deemed the best to face Rasa, since Suiton could easily slow down his golden sand, turning it into an even better conductor for my admittedly limited Raiton knowledge.

I didn't know what roles the Sandaime and Jiraya had, but I suspected that Sarutobi was to face Onoki in case he revealed himself to be allied with Suna and Oto, while the Toad Sage was to hammer down his old teammate as soon as he slithered out of the rocks.

It was unfortunate, but Orochimaru's skill in wearing other people's faces made it impossible for me to sense him.

I had known the Kazekage was the Snake Sannin in disguise, but only based on my previous knowledge, which was revealing itself more and more wobbling as the years went by.

Surprisingly enough, it had been Kurotsuchi's act of kindness to clue the Sandaime towards a possible betrayal from Iwa. I wanted to believe she had simply chosen to follow the lead I had provided during my chunin exams, but in the eyes of the Kage, it was suspicious.

After all, didn't I spare a child only to kill a jinchuriki immediately after?

I crouched for a second, my heart started beating again, and with a push, I barreled through the arena, slamming into Orochimaru disguised as the Kazekage, and pummeled us both to the warehouse right behind the Kage's booth.

Basically, I had become a human bowling ball with sticky hands. I had slammed my hand on Orochimaru's face and slammed us both through the stone walls that separated us from our designed ring.

Distractedly, while I was passing, I felt/saw/perceived Sarutobi deliver a butterfly kick on Onoki, skyrocketing him towards the extensive training grounds of Konohagakure no Sato.

I took off my Anbu mask, letting it fall by my side, and started acting as a shepherd for the dozen of tsuchi bunshin Orochimaru had hidden himself amongst.

His first action was obvious, a kawarimi is easy to detect, and not extremely fast, unless performed with a clone. Somehow, swapling yourself with a mass that held a dose of your chakra made the techniques several times faster.

In my first years, I had wrongly believed the Kawarimi to be some form of space-time ninjutsu. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It was the equivalent of a rail gun.

The why still escaped me, but the hand signs for a kawarimi created a circular flow of 'force' which had as diameter the distance between you and the target you were substituting yourself with.

Somehow, at the sides of the circular 'force' flow, it developed two circular rails of chakra. They were as thin as a hair, and went in opposite directions, acting like rails in a rail gun.

Only, instead of shooting yourself forward, the technique propelled the user along the circular pattern, attracted to the side of the object you were kawariming with, and repelled by the side you weren't facing.

The same happened to the object you were kawariming with.

It created a sort of circular particle accelerator in which you and the object you were kawariming with were the only particles. It was fast.

It explained why one couldn't kawarimi with an object with a higer volume than the user unless dumping a shitload of chakra to enlarge the distance between the two chakra rails.

Somehow, kawariming with something alive ( read with flowing chakra ) didn't work, because of their being alive clashing and breaking the chakra rails.

The passive nature of plant life was apparently enough to allow a shinobi to swap himself with a log. I still had to figure out why every exchange happened in a clockwise spin... But at least I knew that the first step for the Kawarimi was the same for the reverse summoning, your body and the one of your target became 'chakra'. Or some ethereal substance that felt like chakra but was something completely different. I had no clue.

And if there was a mass imbibed with your own chakra, the kawarimi resulted faster because the two chakra rails that defined the path of the technique were there as soon as one thought them.

I believed the chakra of the user somehow resonated with the tsuchi bunshin, but experimenting that shit to check my theories had been difficult.

Kage bunshin didn't work as a target to swap with, because they were pure chakra.

Chakra was magic, maddening and marvelous, and knowing its inner workings as I did, allowed me to pinpoint Orochimaru's swapping as soon as the rails started forming.

Anyone with sufficient experience in chakra sensing could feel the circle that acted as a track. I was also fast enough to anticipate the Snake Sannin.

He hissed in rage and flared his chakra in a very specific pattern once he noticed the ANBU closing in.

His four lackeys wasted no time and immediately I witnessed the purple barrier rising around us.

I felt him form a new clone and I smirked when I felt the telltale shaping of chakra into a kage bunshin.

I Ignored it and kept closing in on my real opponent, not giving him any occasion to take a breather.

"A kage bunshin, really?" I asked, an open palm strike skyrocketing him into the raised part of the roof.

"Kukuku... insolent child..." He hissed, and I ducked under an impossibly fast jab from the Kusanagi.

Then I felt it.

A twist in the chakra behind me.

A summoning. I realized.

I didn't have time to curse, but 'Shit' was my first thought.

I turned on myself, my hands blurring through hand seals and my chakra turning heavy, solid and unyielding I slammed my foot on the ground, aiming to the three coffins Orochimaru's kage bunshin had summoned.

I had an idea that the third one was Madara already, so I really wanted to keep them closed.

"Iwayari!" ( stone spear ) from the ground under my foot three spears made of rock rocketed towards my opponent, acting as a nail on the coffins.

At least, one did.

The Tsuchi bunshin I hadn't bothered with before stopped the others from reaching their target.

I was about to charge ahead when I was forced to throw myself aside to avoid another deadly jab from the divine sword, Orochimaru was using it like Ichimaru Gin from Bleach.

I knew that the first thing to do was to take away Orochimsru's toys. Luckily, I was prepared for this.

I placed my fingers in a familiar cross-shaped hand seal and summoned a Kage Bunshin before returning my whole attention to the original Orochimaru.

I dropped in front of my opponent like a meteor crashing on the ground. The reinforced roof of the warehouse almost gave in under the force that I had exercised over it. I lashed forward with a knee thrust, my right hand clenching over the wrist holding the Kusanagi no Tsurgi like an hydraulic press. The bones under my fingers were reduced to a fine powder, while the parry hastily executed by Orochimaru's leg saw my knee break his fibula, the energy behind my blow carrying over the rest of his body.

Something moved behind me, I dropped low, my hand never leaving the wrist of the renegade sannin, and twirled on myself. My free arm coming on my second opponent in a backhanded punch strong enough to shatter rocks.

My eyes recognized the fucking Nidaime Hokage, who had jumped back, far enough to avoid the senchakra surrounding me from landing a blow. He jumped forward, trying to slam a kunai through the weak point of my armor. Before he could reach me, I used my momentum to slam Orochimaru on him, using him as a make-shift wooden club. I heard ligaments tearing along with muscles and saw Orochimaru's shoulder getting dislocated. Immediately, my free hand clamped near my other one, and with a grunt signaling my effort, I twisted and tore the hand holding the Kusanagi from its original master before flinging him away.

Then the wood slammed into my back, trying to spear through me. My toughened skin turned the lethal attack into a very strong push. I'm a motherfucking Sage, bitch!

Instead of using chakra to stick on the ground, I let myself being flung away.

I was no swordmaster, and keeping the Kusanagi in the game was plain stupid. I brought the sword over the summoning contract tattooed on my arm, and channeling chakra into it I whispered: "Kuchiyose no jutsu." sending the divine blade to the Elephants.

I was still spinning mid-air, and I adjusted my arms in order to balance myself and land on my feet.

I was upside down with an outstretched arm when fucking Hashirama, of all people, targeted me.

He grabbed my outstretched arm and made a movement as to snap it, sure of his target, since pulling away my arm would bring the Shodai on my face and I couldn't push him away.

Then a spiraling blue sphere formed into my hand and ground away the Shodai's torso, blowing him away. I landed safely, Rasengan in my hand, and glanced on my opponents.

My clone was busy burning all the results of the Mokuton, the white-hot firebird flying everywhere the Shodai attempted to attack with his unbelievably overpowered signature element.

Orochimaru shed his skin and emerged from his own mouth, an enraged expression on his face, while the Nidaime charged me while Hashirama was busy rebuilding its destroyed body.

The katon-futon hybrid technique directed by my clone flew over us in that moment. From the lower of my back, I unsealed a scroll as tall as me and tossed it towards the body of Hashirama, before reaching with my chakra to the Hinokami and taking control of the technique.

My clone left it to me and, grabbing the scroll I tossed, immediately set himself to seal away the Edo Tensei of the Shodaime Hokage.

In the space of a heartbeat, Tobirama closed half of the distance that had been separating us and the Hinokami flew to me, warping itself in a tight spiral that joined my Rasengan, which went from being a blue football sized sphere to twice the size of a basketball, looking like the sun, red and yellow, with occasional elliptic bridges of white-hot fire continuously sprouting and collapsing on its surface. My chakra surged forward to keep it contained, stabilizing the crazy difficult jutsu.

Tobirama brought forward his hands in a ram seal and inhaled, ready to blast me with a single seal 'Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu' (Water Dragon Bullet) and I shot my hand forward, holding my wrist with the other one, carefully balancing the chakra output and overcharging the jutsu as much as I could: "Senpō: Hinokami Saigo no Uta!" (Last Song of The Fire God).

Then I could only hear the otherworldly solo made of howling wind and crackling fire, over a soundtrack of melting tiles, vaporizing water, and dismayed scream of Orochimaru. From my hand, an over-glorified flamethrower engulfed the side of the roof occupied by my still active opponents, developing in a growing cone, the jutsu swinging between white and blue.

Tobirama had turned his attack into defense and rose out of nowhere his Suiton: Suijinheki (water wall).

My jutsu couldn't care less.

The water burned, oxygen and hydrogen doing nothing to slow down the last song of the fire god, which burned to ashes the Nidaime Hokage with the same carelessness of a civilian flicking away a mosquito.

I couldn't direct the flame in the way I could direct the technique in the Hinokami no Mai, all the control I had over the inferno I had unleashed was dedicated to keeping the jutsu from backfiring. Orochimaru had dodged the first bout of my technique, but the evergrowing flame washed over the barrier and almost behaved like a liquid, rebounding against it and spreading in a wave.

I felt my clone walking behind me and tapping the armor at the base of my back, unsealing the second giant scroll I had prepared. "Hashirama is sealed and sent to the elephants. I am almost out of juice, I'll do the same with Tobirama, then you'll be on your own until the other one of us dispels."

With my sage enhanced sensing, I felt Orochimaru moving in the ground we were staying on, trying to sneak his way to me in an ample circle. I cut down my jutsu, leaving my clone to hide with the scroll until there was enough of the Nidaime to be sealed away and turned towards the incoming threat.

I wasn't eager to face Orochimaru without Sage Mode, so I had to stop throwing ninjutsu around like confetti.

I slammed my foot in the ground, senchakra disrupting the renegade Sannin's technique, forcing him to abandon it.

I ignored the several Tsuchi bunshins that emerged from the ground, frankly, I doubted that they were able to actually harm me. I was on my opponent like a landslide, my right arm shot forward in an open palm strike, the concussive force behind it enough to generate a low boom when it impacted the chest of my opponent.

I whirled on myself, ignoring the now destroyed clone he had kawarimed with and I lashed out with a sweeping high kick, that he leaned back to avoid.

It wasn't enough. The natural energy surrounding my body hit true, and the snake summoner was flung back.

I dashed in pursuit, the memories of my clone suddenly swarming my brain and informing me of the Nidame's successful sealing. The tiny silver on unused chakra returned into my coils, I thoughtlessly formed a Rasengan and slammed it into Orochimaru's head.

Again, he had crumbled into dirt, and suddenly, Sage Mode left me.

I darted away, creating a kage bunshin and immediately dispelling it, my other clone should have been able to tell if I was no longer in Sage Mode, but I wasn't willing to risk it.

I kept moving feeling blind and deaf in comparison to my previously enhanced senses.

"Are you running out of juice, Daiki-kun?" the mocking voice of the Snake Sannin reached me.

I refrained from rising to his bait, any idiot with half familiarity with chakra sensing could tell the difference between my previous Sage-state and my sadly... mortal one.

Even if I was far from defenseless, I had exactly 0 experience with dealing with other S-rank. I was an exceptional jonin, and in sage mode I could barrel through almost anyone, uncaring of their rank.

Facing Orochimaru without what was definitely my trump card, was unwise at best and woolish at worst.

The duel had lasted almost twenty minutes already, but it felt like a lifetime.

Out of the purple barrier, the Snake Sannin's lackeys had wasted no time in raising, I could recognize the flashes of Onoki's signature jutsu and Jiraya running circles around the giant sand tanuki, giant toads in the distance dealing with giant snakes.

My eyes never left my opponent form, and I had never been more aware that at the end of the day, my S-rank was a one-trick pony.

I frowned, distractedly taking notice of finding other ways to apply my repertory of skills. I needed to be an S-rank without Sage-mode.

Oh well, no moment is better than the present. I thought.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

And when the snake sannin stopped to tilt his head sideways I continued: "To have a nineteen years old take away your toys one after another?"

The Snake Sannin smiled, his poisonous yellow eyes landing on mine, they were flickering, like the edge of a fire, like...

I fluctuated my chakra violently, breaking through the genjutsu and already feeling another layering itself over my coils.

I flexed my muscles, reading myself for the effort I was about to face: "Keimon, kai!"

The Gate of View broke open, and I felt like a giant coil had sprung in my stomach, making me flinch at the unsteady and turbulent flow of chakra in my coils, but I felt the three genjutsu Orochimaru had sneaked in break apart, like spider webs cut by an avalanche.

The surrounding bodies of water, a legacy of the Nidaime and mine' previous Suiton techniques exploded away from me, generating a wave that slammed against the purple barrier and ripped apart the tiles of the roof.

I watched Orochimaru with a tight, unimpressed expression, a green aura started settling around me.

I noticed his fascinated expression, and the curiosity of the consumed scientist pick apart my technique.

"Fascinating." he hissed "You opened the sixth, bypassing the first five, no..."

He smiled widely, not bothering hiding his curiosity, and likely banking on the fact that I was on a time limit.

"The difference between you and before isn't great enough... no..." He continued, I steadied my breath, lowering my barycenter and bringing back my right arm, my hand clamping close in a fist.

"You were already using the first five?" He speculated, guessing the truth without difficulty: "But your chakra was stable..."

When I smirked, he laughed: "Don't tell me! You perfected it! No longer a kinjutsu, but a technique all with enough training and skill can master without repercussions! Daiki-kun, it's outstanding, you surpassed your sensei at such a young age..."

And now cones the recruit-spiel. I dryly thought.

"Akai Tsubu." (Red Grain) I whispered.

My legs straightened and I was in front of the Snake Sannin, my right hand crashing through the air and setting it on fire before landing in the middle of Orochimaru's chest.

He was propelled backward, his feet instinctively digging through the tiles to avoid being swept away.

I jumped ahead with a twenty-degree angle from the ground, I cartwheeled in the air, my right leg coming down on my target, my left still pointed at the sky.

"Tsukirakka!" (Falling moon) The axe kick set the air on fire and exploded on my enemy.

When the Snake Sannin managed to parry the blow, his arms encased in stone making my right foot slide off him, I brought down my left leg, completing my movement.

"Nichibotsu!" (Sunset) My left heel dug into Orochimaru's guard, breaking it and burrowing him through the reinforced roof of the warehouse.

I followed without hesitation, eager to run through him.

In the dimly lit warehouse, the Snake Sannin laughed: "Kukukukuku..."

Who the hell actually laughs like that? A brief thought flashed and disappeared into my mind.

"To think one of my creations would grow so strong... but it's no wonder, with your genes..." The Snake Sannin hissed.

"What?" I couldn't believe he would chose this moment to reveal what was surely a tragic backstory.

Not that I actually cared. I distractedly realized for the first time that I couldn' t care less about how I came to be into this world. Maybe knowing that the multiverse was real made the idea of being the result of an experiment into another reality easier to accept, maybe I simply was no longer a functional human being.

"Kukukuku... you must have wondered who your parents were..." he hissed from somewhere to my left.

I didn't lower my guard: "People live, people die, my parents likely ditched me for one reason or another, I don't really care."

"Oh, but you're wrong, Daiki-kun... soo wrong..." he hissed again.

"Say what you want to say, then I'll punt you through the floor." I said "Again." I added after a brief pause.

"Kukukuku... you never noticed? The similarities are all there to see after all..." He continued tauntingly.

"From the ease through which you use the Rasengan, to your ridiculously high water affinity..."

"I am a sort of DNA mesh up from the Yondaime and Nidaime? Yeah, pull the other one." I rolled my eyes, even if my mind was running faster than Naruto could say 'Ramen'.

I already knew there was a relationship between a body and its soul, after all, the Edo Tensei somehow created a corpse from the DNA of someone.

It could make sense that a body made from DNA of already alive (like the yondaime was when I was born) and dead ( like the nidaime was when I was born) and some fuinjutsu tossed on the side would pull a soul from another dimension.

Tenzō had his own soul, but he was created to be a clone of the first, but with the face of a random kid from the clan of the people that turned into smoke if I remembered correctly, so maybe...

"But you know it's true..." he hissed again.

At that point, once more I regained perspective: "So what?" I asked.

"Let's say it's true, why would this sudden revelation stop me from killing you?"

"Kukukuku... don't you want to know the secret behind your birth? It's clear to me that Konoha can't help you become stronger, you already surpassed them all, they will only hold you back..." he whispered, tempting me with the 'Sasuke-standard-pack'.

I pity I couldn't care less: I closed the sixth gate, regulating my chakra flow and stabilizing it again.

"Kukukuku... I knew you would see reason... cone with me, I can make you the greatest this world has ever seen..." The Snake Sannin came into the dim light that shone through the hole in the roof.

I closed my eyes, my clone dispelling itself, and gifting me with his memories.

When I felt the Boss started moving, I ran across the village, my destination clear.

I was suppressing my chakra as much as I could, the kage bunshin equivalent for tenketsus contracted to contain my presence and making sure nobody was the wiser.

The blank mask I was wearing allowed me to see without impairment of any kind, and the light brown cloak that hid my figure was perfect for my task.

I flickered through the village, carefully holding back my chakra. Even as a clone, I wasn't used to having the Kage Bunshin's equivalent of the Gates closed.

It is what it is. I thought grimly.

I reached the Sarutobi compound with little difficulty, and, carefully looking around, I waited, using the least amount of chakra necessary to cloak mysekf into an illusion.


The paper bombs I had placed around the construction site nearby went off. Those, along with the smoke rising from another building and the wildly fluctuating chakras of Boss, Sarutobi, and Jiraya, clued in everyone that something was very wrong.

The dozen or so chunin stationed in the area where clan resided, started following the standard procedure as soon as the alarm was raised.

Code yellow. Code yellow. The speakers placed strategically around the village started shouting.

I shot forward and quickly reached the western-styled wooden door of the Sarutobi compound.

"Fuinjutsu is such a bitch." I muttered under the mask.

Without hesitating, I slapped an unfurled scroll against the door my invisible fingers knowing what to do only thanks tho the proprioceptive one reached with years spent doing hand seals.

The inky characters spread on the wood, and in less than fifteen seconds of lockpicking, the door was open.

I closed it behind my back and ran through the house, spreading my senses and taking in what should and should not be there.

I roamed a little library that clearly doubled as hone-office for the Sandaime, my eyes scanning the rows upon rows of scrolls and books, picking a few and setting them on one side.

My hands landed on a big blank scroll, upon which I carefully drew few three storage seals at the opportune distances.

Every book I had never seen before found itself on a pile on the first inky circle.

The unknown scrolls found themselves on the second one.

With a light application of chakra, the two piles of pure golden knowledge were sealed away.

I sat still for a few seconds, sensing around me, the seals securing the compound were like a golden web to my senses.

Each thread was thin and frail, and yet bright.

I roamed to one side of the library, sliding out the Monkey Summoning Contract.

I tilted my head, considering my options, before shrugging and placing it against the summoning contract on my right arm: "Kuchiyose no jutsu" And with an application of chakra, it was gone.

I opened my eyes, walking to the center of the web and smirking when I found myself in the Kitchen.

I opened a cabinet and removed a false panel using a kunai as leverage, before sliding out a massive scroll.

I recognized it from both the anime and the manga, I unfurled it, taking in the first technique described: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

"The theory is a bit raw..." I muttered, but set it apart nonetheless. I did not doubt that the Hokage had wanted Naruto to learn the Kage Bunshin, otherwise, he would have never found it, and sure as hell he wouldn't have had the time to learn it.

Now, how do I know it's the original? I mused. Boss would chew me out if I were to pick up a fake.

I searched the house carefully, unfurling every scroll that gave me a reason to suspect it important.

The need to have the compound Konohamaru-friendly greatly reduces the lethality of the traps. I grinned to myself, taking notice of the sheen that covered a doorknob, showing the contact poison that covered it.

I opened the door with a chakra scalpel, finding myself in what I supposed was the armory of the Sarutobi compound.

I unfurled the giant scroll I had previously prepared and added a storage seal: moving in it the several scrolls that described a weaponed variation of the 'Monkey Fist'. Not that I need it, but I am beginning to feel the cleptomania sinking in.

I watched the unfurled scroll, grinning in reading the kanji for Stolen Books Stolen Scrolls Stolen Giant Scroll and Stolen Taijutsu Scrolls in the middle of each circle of characters that bled one into another.

I furled close the giant scroll and leaned it against my right arm.

With an application of chakra, I whispered: "Kuchiyose no jutsu." sending the big ass storage scroll to the Elephants.

I then proceeded to place everywhere the stack of paper bombs Boss had provided me with, standard issued by a Supplies Shop in Konoha with the largest clientele.

Not that I ever bought from them. I reminded myself.

I sat still for a minute, carefully circulating the smallest amount of Senchakra within my coils, replenishing the admittedly lower reserves of my kage bunshin existence.

I felt Boss clones dispersing, their memories a confused jumble across my senses.

"I wonder why I never kill myself for shit and giggles when I am a clone. Ir why I don't try to kill Boss." I muttered. "Like Hugh Jackman in prestige..."

I performed a familiar cross-shaped seal, giving birth to a single Kage Bunshin who sat down and started meditating, still and indifferent to the passing of time, and dispelled myself.

In this way, the boss will deal with my memories before the Senchakra... I thought.

My other memories flashed quickly in my head, and I classified them without problems.

"So Daiki-kun... what do you say to my generous offer?" the Snake Sannin asked.

Then my chakra exploded.

I channeled the senchakra without issues in my once more calm chakra network, and I felt it soothing and strengthening my sore muscles and taxed ligaments.

My hands formed another cross-shaped seal, a kage bunshing appearing behind me and unfurling a giant scroll from a seal on the back of my armor.

My arms fell like twin axes on Orochimaru's wrists, the sheer strength and weight of my chakra enough to cut through.

Before he could react, my right hand clamped on his neck, and with a light hop, my feet crushed his kneecaps.

Isometrics, gotta love them.

"I don't know if you can survive in a storage seal written for reanimated corpses." My clone said while my left hand forced Orochimaru to keep his mouth shut.

"But I'm willing to try." I concluded, jumping back in time for the scroll to eat the Snake Sannin.

"Go with him to the elephants, see what they are willing to do." I ordered my clone.

"Well, he has the knowledge, and our contract is knowledge for knowledge, so..." my clone shrugged, reverse summoning himself and my last opponent.

Now, to sell his death...

I took all the senchakra I had left, changing its nature, molding it, folding it and storing it in my tenketsu, again.



I repeated the technique three times, feeling the exhilarating pain against my chakra coils.

It was simple, really, fire and air, separated one from another by a tendril of neutral chakra.

Then I let it go, the air churning in a merciless twister around me, taking in everything which wasn't nailed down, and soon even the shelves ruptured and were flung around.

After all, there was a very simple way to destroy the unbreakable barrier from inside.

The weak point of the technique, like always, was the user.

Then, with a single ember, I let go of the second part of the technique.

"Hinokami no Tanjō." (Birth of the Fire God ) I whispered with reverence, pouring all my leftover chakra in the technique.

And all I could see was fire.