The Dirty Lily

THE PLACE SPADE had selected for their dinner was a lively little tavern in a hidden corner of the capital's town area. It was tucked away in one of the backend alleys away from the main street.

The cobblestone pavements that led the way were drenched with unknown liquid as they neared the tavern, most likely from spilled drinks or water from the canal that ran right next to the path. Only weeds grew along the pathway for it was a place where no flower dared to venture.

Every few steps or so, Alice could hear the sound of beer bottles smashing or people engaging in screaming matches, all to end with rambunctious laughter that implied they made up after the brief scuffle.

It simply wasn't a place Alice had thought a dignified prince would enjoy visiting for dinner but that didn't mean that Alice abhorred the idea.

Since they were out on the streets, Spade had changed into a set of clothes that were more casual than his usual silk. They were out of the palace and there was no longer a need to keep up with appearances. Or at least, that was what Spade had said when Alice asked why there was a need for him to change what he wore.

Now, he was dressed in a pair of black breeches paired with dark brown boots. He wore an off-white poet shirt, the v-neck collar loosely laced, revealing a little bit of skin, the hems tucked in neatly.

While the town square during the day was bustling with life and color, the streets after dark were no less vibrant. Street lamps were lit, illuminating the stretch of roads and the respective shops that sat out in the main road.

The people that roamed the streets, however, were from an older age group than during the day.

Instead of children and their parents, the prowlers of the night were all young to middle-aged people that were hoping for a good alcoholic beverage to fraternize with their pals. Men and women alike had mugs of ale in their hands, laughter in their throats and smiles on their rosy cheeks.

The bell attached to the main doors of the tavern rang when Spade pushed it open. Even before they had entered The Dirty Lily Tavern, Alice could already make out the insane laughter that chorused from indoors. She could even hear the smashing of glassware and the screams of a female lady, barking out profanities and demanding payment for the smashed dinnerware.

"It's a little loud but you'll find it pleasantly homey," Spade assured.

Alice nodded, eyes bright and eager. Spade might not know it but she was more so unused to the stuffy aristocratic style of living than a rowdy street that served drinks and partied all night long. The life she grew up with was, after all, not one of nobility in any way.

"I've been to louder," she off-handedly commented, thinking back to the parties she had attended with her ex-boyfriend what felt like ages ago. The mere chorus of rowdy men could never be louder than booming music that reverberated from multiple speakers.

Spade quirked an eyebrow at her words but chose not to insert a remark.

"Your Highness, I'll wait for you at the usual meeting point?" Behind them, Spade's personal attendant asked.

The prince had chosen to leave the palace covertly with only his personal attendant. No guards followed them beyond the palace gates. In fact, it was unlikely most of them even knew that the prince had snuck out. Either that or they were too used to his constant escape attempts and had chosen to turn a blind eye.

"Yes, that will be fine, Dorian. We'll probably be in there for at least three or so hours so get yourself something to eat before then." Tossing a bag of coins into Dorian's hands, Spade turned to Alice. "Come on, let's go in."

Upon entering, Alice was greeted by bright orange lights and throngs of people gathered over both the bar counter and the tables. A flight of staircases led up to the second floor at the back of the room, disappearing upstairs, most likely to bedrooms which guests could rent for the night.

The tavern was packed to the brim, men and women alike with drinks in their hands and plates of piping hot food on their tables before them.

A woman dressed in a low-collared white and red dress darted back and forth, weaving through the tables with trays in her hands. She handed out food like an expert, moving with no hesitance in her steps.

Behind the bar counter, a man could be seen through a small opening manning the kitchen at the back. He expertly cooked up the various orders, sifting through the order slips with barely even a glance.

Together, the pair seemed to be the only staff members working. They handled the customers swiftly and efficiently, not even missing a beat in their steps.

"Ay, look who it is!" A man from the counter who was seemingly to be in his early twenties — someone much younger than the typical age group in The Dirty Lily — raised his drink at Spade, cheering. "It looks like the old chap has finally decided to grace us with his presence."

Spade immediately adorned a bright smile, displaying a set of pearly white teeth as he slipped his hand into Alice's. Intertwining their fingers, he gently tugged to lead her towards the bar counter.

"Good of you to finally show up, mate. When was the last time you came 'round these parts?" The man asked, slapping a hand onto Spade's back familiarly, bearing a friendly smile.

"It's been a while, Deacon," Spade greeted. "Good to see that you're still doing well."

"Yeah?" Deacon grinned. "Can't say the same for Daryl, though. The bloke's been chasing skirts all day long and I've never seen it end well. He should be here any minute now so you'll be able to ask him for your— ah! There he is!" Getting up from his stool again, Deacon waved frantically at the door. "Daryl!"

Alice whirled around to see who the new addition was. Her eyes widened with surprise when she noticed the man by the door. He, too, looked to be in his early twenties and he was a perfect copy of Deacon.

Both of the men had sleek dirty blond hair. While Deacon's hair was slicked back and gelled up neatly, Daryl's hair was more unkempt. His hair was wavy, some curling at the ends more so than other strands and it certainly didn't help whenever he ran his fingers through those curls. It only got them even messier than before.

Nevertheless, the handsome man managed to pull the look off, looking more like a rugged daredevil than an untidy man.

When he walked closer, Alice could make out his features better. Just like she had predicted, Daryl was a perfect copy of Deacon. However, one difference between the two men was that while Deacon had light fawn eyes, Daryl's eyes were emerald.

Although plentiful in similarities, a short few seconds was enough for Alice to sift out the contrasts between the two. Deacon's smile was bright, bubbly, and it reminded Alice of child-like wonder. Daryl, on the other hand, had a devil-may-care smile that could charm the pants off of men and women alike.

"Twins?" Alice spoke up, whispering his question to Spade.

The latter nodded, fondly watching his two friends bicker.

"I met these two when I first snuck out. They think I'm a mere noble and they aren't aware of my real identity," Spade purred right by her ear, his voice secretive. "For now, whenever we're out of the palace, please just call me Johann."

Alice nodded. "I understand. It's for your safety, isn't it?"

Spade didn't tear his eyes away from the two brothers that were still arguing and play-fighting. A look of longing flashed in his eyes, his smile drooping into a melancholic one.

"I guess you can say that," he cryptically said, refusing to explain any further.

"Ah! Get your hands off of me, Deacon."

Slapping his brother's hands away, Daryl sauntered over. He seemed to have prepared himself to greet his friend when his eyes suddenly darted over to the girl that hid behind Spade, his eyes glimmering with newfound light.

"Blimey!" He exclaimed before sliding into the seat right next to Alice. Leaning his elbow on the bar counter, he rested his chin on the back of his hand, gazing lovingly at Alice as if bewitched. "And who is the lovely lady, Jo?"

"Ah yes." Walking over, Deacon propped his elbow on Daryl's shoulder, leaning his body weight on the latter. "I believe we've yet to be introduced. Johann, since when did you fetch yourself a lovely bride?"

"B-B-Bride?" Alice echoed in shock, stuttering. She immediately shook her head and both hands, prepared to deny vehemently. "You've got it all wrong! I'm not Sp— I mean, I'm not Johann's b—"

"Alas, she hasn't agreed to my proposal yet," Spade sighed, cutting in smoothly. Placing his hand on top of Alice's he entwined their fingers together, holding her close with his other hand that had snaked around her waist. "But I have full intention of courting her, for your information, Daryl."

"Pah!" Sneering, Daryl huffed. "You're no fun."

"I'm Deacon Tewalt," the man introduced, beaming. Then, the smile dropped as he gestured at his brother. "This is my younger twin brother, Daryl."

"My name is Alice," she introduced, stifling her laughter when she watched Daryl smack the back of Deacon's head, thus messing up the latter's perfectly styled hair. "It's very nice to meet you."

"So, Alice," crooning, Daryl sidled up closer, to which Spade responded by pulling Alice closer towards his body. "Will you be joining us for dinner? I'm good friends with the tavern's owner and we can get cheap discounts on the food here."

Before Alice could reply, Spade responded for her. She didn't mind that he kept cutting into her sentences. In fact, she was grateful for him rescuing her from the rather difficult conversation. She didn't know what she should answer. After all, she had been invited by the prince to have dinner with him. Making other plans without his prior consent or knowledge might seem rude.

"We came over just to say hi," Spade said. "We'll be having dinner. Alone. Undisturbed."

"Such a spoilsport," Daryl muttered under his breath.

"We have to be going soon anyway." Checking his watch, Deacon grabbed his coat from the clothes rack he had hung it on, slipping his arms through. "One of our business partners is arriving soon and we have to be there to fetch them. Daryl, let's go."

"Until we meet again, then." Winking, Daryl stood to his feet. "We have a store down on the main street. If you have time, you can stop by anytime. I'll give you a discount. Jo can bring you there, won't you, Jo?"

Spade made a sound of agreement under his breath, still warily watching as his friends bade their farewells and disappeared out of the shop. They were left alone at the bar counter with Deacon's empty glass and a couple of fleuron and flois coins, most likely left there by Deacon himself as payment for the drink.

"My apologies for that." Spade's grip on Alice's hand and waist loosened, taking a step back to give her some space again. "Daryl will flirt with anyone and anything that has two legs. He would've been more brazen otherwise." He rubbed the back of his neck. Under the dim yellow light, Alice noticed the creep of red that tainted his cheeks.

Alice hadn't even realized how it was supposedly inappropriate for the prince to have held her close like that out of nowhere. For a moment, she had forgotten that he was a prince of a kingdom and they were in a world that was still backward in time compared to where she hailed from. Personally, she hadn't minded it as much but now that she was reminded about how they should've kept some distance, as well as the fact that he was royalty, Alice flushed, her cheeks a little pinker.

"It's alright." Waving it off, Alice pretended to be nonchalant. In her mind, she thought, 'As long as you don't cut my head off for that.'

"Let's get a seat near the back. It's easier to talk there. Much quieter," he suggested.

They quickly found an empty table in a hidden corner of the tavern, snug enough to fit two people and not a single more. Spade, a perfect gentleman, helped Alice into her seat before sitting down on his own. Passing a menu over to her, he grinned, watching fixatedly as she glanced over the contents of the menu.

"If you want, I can make some recommendations as well?" Spade offered after seeing how Alice hadn't made a decision even after a few minutes had passed. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, chewing on her bottom lip as if caught in a dilemma. At Spade's offer, she nearly jumped in relief.

"That will be wonderful. Please do."

Satisfied by her response, Spade turned his attention back to the floor of the tavern. He raised a hand, his eyes scouring the crowd for the familiar waitress before calling out for her.

"Lily!" He yelled, immediately turning a few heads, thankfully including the waitress. "We would like to place an order!"

The woman, with a smile large and bright like the blazing sun, held up a thumbs up. She rushed through the next few tables with her trays, quickly passing out food and drinks before she eventually made her way over to where Spade and Alice sat. A notebook in hand, she grinned from ear to ear, the corner of her eyes crinkling as she did so.

"Well lookie here. Didn't think you would bring anyone over to visit, Johann," she remarked. "And such a looker too. What can I get you two?"

Spade quickly placed an order, listing more food than Alice could keep up with. He finished off the list with two mugs of the tavern's specialty ale. As he spoke, the waitress, Lily, kept her pen writing at the speed of light. She scribbled down Spade's order as soon as it left his lips, not missing a single beat. At the end of it, she repeated everything back to him to confirm without leaving even a single item out.

"Food will be ready in twenty," she said, shoving the notebook and pen into her pockets. "I'll get your drinks over first." With that, she sauntered off to another table.

From the day she had arrived, Alice had been kept cooped up in the upper circles of Gladiolum's society. Expensive dresses, luxurious jewelry, and extravagant meals had all become a part of her everyday life without needing her to spare a single bit of effort for it.

While it was a dream come true, a part of her still missed the casual lifestyle of the world outside the rich and mighty. She hadn't expected a prince of all people to have brought a piece of home back to her.

Under the dim lights, the noisy chatter, and the enticing scent of savory foods, Alice sighed out loud. She was content with how the day turned out.

The grass had always been greener on the other side. When she was still in Riverside Creek, she wished for a life that was different from her current reality. Now that she had achieved that, she hoped to have a taste of home. In a single day, she had experienced both. Even a greedy person like Alice had to be satiated.

After all, she had attained the best of both worlds.