The Spineless Prince

SPADE WAITED WITH utmost patience for the seconds to pass. One, two, and when the third full second breezed by without a single response uttered, he reveled a little in his mini victory. The smile he wore on his face was nothing short of radiant. In fact, he felt like he was on cloud nine.

Nothing could bring him down now that he had seen the look of utter horror written across Wyatt's quickly paling face, as well as Hartley's, whose expressions caused his own face to grow pinker and pinker until it nearly matched the shade of his hair.

"Excuse me, what?" Hartley all but yelled right as the king and queen clapped a little in joy.

"How wonderful!" the queen chirped, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy.

"It seems like Lady Alice has been brought up well by the Ragan House," the king commented, beaming brightly down at Wyatt, who stiffly bowed in reply.