The Sacrifice for Love

ALICE STOOD AS still as a statue as she watched Lady Dahlia stripped of all her riches and her wealth. 

Her father had tearfully bade his precious daughter goodbye. She was dressed in scratchy cotton that finally resembled that of commonfolk, her hair loosely plaited down her back. The bag she had in her hands held just a few pieces of garments that she was permitted to bring, nothing more, nothing less. The only piece of jewelry that still remained on Dahlia was a pair of rose quartz earrings.

"Her father fought hard for her to keep that," Spade whispered to her as they watched the heartbreaking exchange between father and daughter. "It was her mother's. Before she passed."

Alice's heart clenched tightly in her chest. No words came to her aid. Instead, she watched, still as ever as Dahlia and her father spoke in hushed whispers. Alice was just out of earshot but she knew that the words exchanged were sincere. Their expressions told her of that, at least.