The Cedar Tree

SHE HAD NEVER encountered a situation like that before. Cedar's legs were as frail and thin as twigs, his muscles deteriorated beyond belief. To say that they were legs even felt like an exaggeration. If anything, it looked more like there was a layer of discolored skin that clung onto some bare bones.

It had to be the result of being bedridden, Alice deduced. After all, there was no other plausible explanation she could come up with for why his muscles could turn out like that.

Alice couldn't contain herself and had let slip a sharp intake of breath, the sound crisp. She finally understood why Rose Whitaker was so determined to rise to power so quickly. This world, Alice had come to realize, wasn't alike the 21st century. While Gladiolum was far behind her world in the aspect of science and medicine, there was something they had here that the 21st century didn't― magic.