New Identity

Shen Tianyun sat on the bed waiting for a doctor. After digested all the memories from the former master of this body, he found out that he was now 17 years old a second-year high school student. He lived with grandmother Su and their living was really poor. Grandmother Su has raised him alone, her husband and son which was a former Shen Tianyun's father and grandfather had died since he was 5 years old. In Shen Tianyun's previous life, he was an orphan and he couldn't find his real parents in the end. He grew up with Shen Xiaohong which he adopted her as his little sister.

Shen Tianyun gradually accepted this identity because he had no choice after all and he looked forward to meeting this grandmother Su. Although he felt a little complicated because he had seized her grandson's body but he also got excited at the same time because this was the first time that he had a blood-related family.

Yesterday, former Shen Tianyun got hit by the basketball on his head and died this morning. Shen Tianyun felt very ridiculous about this but from the memories he was aware that someone had intentionally threw the ball into his head. A former Shen Tianyun always got bullied at the school because he was a desk-mate of the school's number one beauty, Lin Xueyue. The memories made him shocked for a while because of this Lin Xueyue was look-alike Dongfang Xueyue from his previous life as if they were the same person!. He asked the system about it but the system didn't give him the answer, with his intelligence he knew that there was something fishy on this matter.


While Shen Tianyun was pondered, A door opened, a handsome doctor walked in along with an old woman, he knew that this was grandma Su that he waited for. Her hair was completely white and wrinkles on her face made her look very old. She was wearing an old white shirt that already turned to a yellow shirt. Upon he saw her appearance, he subconsciously clenched his fist, he knew that this was not his real grandmother but he still wanted her to have a better life. This was coming from his trait, a kindness.

"Little Yun, how are you? Do you still feel hurt anywhere?" Grandma Su began to touch all over his body, her eyes filled with concerned and worried. This made Shen Tianyun felt warm in his heart.

"I'm fine grandma, I don't feel hurt anymore." He grabbed her hand and replied with a smile.

The doctor walked to his side with a face full of disbelief, he said, "Little Yun, are you sure that you don't feel hurt anymore? H…how is this possible? Last night you were--"

"Last night what? Do you see that my grandson is fine now? Hurry check him out I want to go home with him now!" Grandma Su interrupted a handsome doctor. In his memories he remembered that this doctor's name was Liu Wei, he was the best friend of his father, Shen Qingshan. He also helped both of him and grandma Su several times in the past.

"I'm fine now Uncle Liu. Thank you for taking care of me. I know this private room must cost several hundred RMB right? How much is it?" Shen Tianyun replied politely.

"Ah that's fine, Don't worry uncle already paid for you. It's good that you are fine now. If anything happens to you, I don't know how to face your father anymore." Doctor Liu sighed, he felt pity on grandma Su and Shen Tianyun because his best friend suddenly died and they had to rely on each other.

"Thank you, uncle Liu, I will find a part-time job to do. I will definitely repay this back to you." It was his habit that Shen Tianyun didn't want to owe anyone.

Doctor Liu waved his hand dismissively, "It's fine, you just have to focus on your study. Don't worry about this small matter, if you can admit to a top university, Uncle will find a scholarship for you. Work hard."

"Thank you uncle Liu." Shen Tianyun bowed slightly.

"Alright alright, thank you little Liu. I owe you again next time I will make your favorite dumpling for you." Grandma Su said with a smile.

"Ah? Really? Auntie hehe it's deal!" Doctor Liu was overjoyed, he knew that grandma Su's dumpling was very delicious.

"Alright, you can go home now, if you feel hurt again you have to come to me as soon as possible, you understand?" Doctor Liu said to Shen Tianyun, the latter nodded slightly. Granma Su and Shen Tianyun started to pack up and prepared to go home.


The house was located near the market, it was the cheapest apartment around here in Pearl City it could be said that this was the slum zone and it was really noisy around here. In Shen Tianyun's previous life, he may live in a luxury house but he didn't felt disgust towards this shabby house at all because he also lived in a poor orphanage when he was a child before. The two of them slowly walked into the house. There weren't many types of furniture in the room, no television, only 1 dining table and 3 small chairs in the living room.

"Little Yun, eat some foods before going to school okay? If you don't want to go you can rest at home for today, Grandma will borrow our neighbor's phone to inform your teacher." Grandma Su said while looking at Shen Tianyun lovingly.

"It's okay grandma, I will go to school today. It is almost a midterm exam. I can't absent for too long." Shen Tianyun replied with a smile, he remembered that tomorrow he had a midterm exam. After he learned about the system, he found out that he needed [50 Fame points] to draw 1 lottery, and this [Fame points] were coming from his fame. The more people admired, liked, and knew about him in a positive way, the more points he could get. He could earn [1 Fame points] per people and he could only earn once from each people thus, he needed to show off his ability in front of people more.

He decided to make his debut on this midterm exam. Although he may be forgotten some of a high school-level knowledge but he was still confident that he could effortlessly get into a top 3. If he could do it, his fame could shot into the sky in one go. Fortunately, a former Shen Tianyun had slightly above average scores so if he could get into a top 3, people would still surprised about it and it could make a huge impact all over the school. This scenario couldn't possibly happen if a former Shen Tianyun was a top student.

"Alright, you can go get change, grandma will make some dishes for you." With that, grandma Su vanished into the kitchen. Shen Tianyun walked towards his own room and looked around. There was 1 small bed, 1 table, and a shabby closet. He opened a closet and took out a school uniform. After finished changing, he looked at a small mirror and adjusted his hairstyle a little.

"Well, at least I'm still handsome like before but my body is really weak. Look at this skinny body and this shitty hairstyle, I guess I have to do something about it." Shen Tianyun looked around the room and found a small scissor, he then walked into a toilet and began to trim his hair. In the past, he had been working at a salon before thus, trimmed his hair by himself was not a problem.

"Mhm… this should be okay now." He looked at his hairstyle that had perfectly trimmed. He had sword-like eyebrows, deep clear black eyes that sparkling like a star in the starry night. His straight nose was perfectly compatible with his mouth and eyes. Only if he was healthier than this, it could be said he was a top-quality handsome man just like his previous life. In the past, countless young maidens had always fallen for him just by his outer appearance. However, when he glanced at his crotch, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

"System, how can I increase my little brother size?" He asked with a little embarrassment.

『 The host needs to increase a constitution attribute. The host can increase it by taking a pill, exercise, cultivate, and complete a quest. 』

"Oh that's great then I thought that I have to live with this little worm for the rest of my life." Shen Tianyun heaved a sigh of relief as he glanced at the constitution attributes which he had 49 points now, and it was rank F, the lowest rank. He decided that from now on he needed to exercise and cultivated every day. If he couldn't regain his glory little brother back, in this life he could forget about having an affair with a woman forever.

"Come little Yun, grandma has made a soup dumpling for you." As he walked into the living room, his nose was immediately assailed by a soup dumpling on the table. This was a famous grandma Su's dumpling. All of the incomes in this family mainly came from grandma Su had been selling this dumpling in the market every day.

Shen Tianyun sat down and started eating, he was so surprised that this soup dumpling was really delicious. Although it was not a super delicious, it surely worth more than the 5 RMB price that she had sold.

"It's really delicious grandma!" He exclaimed out loud.

"Hehe this boy, you have eaten several times already, you still flatter grandma." Grandma Su shook her head smiling.

"Ah I just missing this, yesterday I am unconscious all the time. I am so hungry now." Shen Tianyun wolfed down all of it at the fastest speed.

『 The quest has been created. The system had created the tutorial quest for the host to experienced the quest system. 』

『 Tutorial Quest : Helping grandmother wash the dish.

Reward : Constitution +2 』

Suddenly the system's voice rang in his mind, he was surprised slightly and quickly swept through a detail.

"So this is a quest." He mumbled in a low voice.

"What are you talking about?" Grandma Su asked as if she heard something.

Shen Tianyun stood up and picked up the bowl, "Nothing grandma, I will wash this bowl and go to school after this."

He then started to wash a bowl in the kitchen. Grandma Su secretly looked at him with tenderness eyes.

『 Host has completed the quest, You have earned 2 Constitution attributes. 』

『 Host Constitution attributes is now rank E. 』

Shen Tianyun looked at his attribute status and he felt a slight change in his body as if he became a little stronger than before. He smiled and bid farewell to grandma Su then walked out of the house with his shabby schoolbag.

The Pearl city's weather was quite hot on this month. After he transmigrated here, he had confirmed that today was 25 August 2015 which was 3 months before in his previous life. He had asked the system and found out that the time in this world was behind his previous world roughly 3 months.

He needed around 15 minutes to walked to the school as he didn't have enough money to take a bus. He has gradually reached the school gate and it was almost 8 A.M. Which was he almost came late. Shen Tianyun was panted slightly, it made him felt that he had to urgently increase his constitution.

Huayun High School was the number one school in Pearl city where were countless wealthy family descendants study in and Shen Tianyun was really lucky to get in with uncle Liu's influence, he was also the alumni of the school. This was also one of the reasons why Shen Tianyun got bullied because he has relied on uncle Liu and they were looked down on him.

The school gate was really majestically big and the 'Huayun High School' board also had a good design, he looked at the environment and nostalgically thinking about when he was young and went to school, playing with his friend, walking back to the orphanage with Xiaohong. A faint smile appeared on his face without him knowing.

"What are you smiling student Shen Tianyun!, hurry come in!" A loud voice rang into his ears and woke him up from his thoughts, he turned to look at the sound directions. He saw a beautiful tall figure stood at the school gate and glared at him. A pair of long legs were the first features that he has noticed, she has a delicate beautiful face and her red lips were very alluring. From the memories, he recognized that she was his classroom teacher, Li Qing.

"Ah good morning teacher Li!" Shen Tianyun walked towards her and greeted her with a smile. Teacher Li was surprised slightly as she remembered that this Shen Tianyun always been timid and didn't interact with anyone even a teacher like herself. What's going on? Is his personality change because of yesterday accident? She thought.

"Good morning, are you okay now?" She asked him in a concerned voice.

"I'm fine now teacher, thank you for your concern."

"Oh okay, hurry go to your class. I will follow you after a while." Teacher Li smiled slightly she didn't know why this student suddenly very pleased in her eyes. Shen Tianyun smiled back and walked towards the building.

As he walked into the classroom, everyone immediately looked at him, some were started whispering, some were looked at him with disgust and contempt. Shen Tianyun didn't mind them as his mind was already matured, he felt that their actions were very ridiculous and funny.

'Stupid second generation, without your parent's money what can you do?' He thought.

Shen Tianyun sat down on his seat and shook his head slightly. He then pulled out several books from the schoolbag and started reading. He didn't notice that at this moment, a beautiful figure slowly sat beside him.

"Student Shen Tianyun, did you finish yesterday English homework?" A cold voice rang into his ears, the voice that he was familiar with. He slowly turned to look at her direction. He was stunned on spotted.

She has a pair of indescribably magnificent eyes as if the world's essence laid deep within. Her two tranquil pupils, clear like crystals, were like the radiance of a flowing dream, her two black thin and curvy eyebrows, similar to a pair of crescent moons. Her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white jade, high and proud with an innate nobility. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders. She wears no makeup, but it doesn't matter, for the heaven itself seems to have done everything in its power to sculpt her countenance to perfection.

Her figure was delicate to the extreme. She radiated an incomparable, soul-shaking charm. She gave off the ice-cold aura, untainted fairy, the beauty that made people discourage to go near her in fear that they will contaminate her. She was Lin Xueyue, exactly the same as Dongfang Xueyue from his previous life but quite younger.

Came back to his sense, Shen Tianyun smiled, "Sorry class monitor Lin, yesterday I was unconscious until this morning so I didn't finish the homework, could you give me 5 minutes? Oh also what is the topic of the essay, I forgot about it."

Lin Xueyue saw the deep admiration and longing in his eyes, she was confused and surprised. They are desk mate for almost 2 years from the first year until now, she never saw this expression and his smile before. She didn't know why, was it the heaven fate? they always became a deskmate for 2 years in a row and that was allocated by a random. However, she never bothered about it, compared to those annoying lustful men that kept pestering her, she preferred this Shen Tianyun more.

"Oh, I forgot about that, Mhm, the topic is 'the future you', you don't have to be rush, I will talk to teacher Li about it if you couldn't finish in time." She replied with her ice-cold expression. Shen Tianyun didn't mind about it, he nodded slightly and took out the paper then began to write the essay.

He was written so smoothly as if he has written in his own native language and he never paused to think about it even a second. His actions made Lin Xueyue who was observing him, stunned on spot. She kept peeking at his paper from time to time and she was so shocked in her heart.

'I… I didn't know that he is so proficient in English.' She thought.

3 minute has passed by, Shen Tianyun sent his paper to Lin Xueyue with a smile, "I've finished it, thank you for reminding me." He then continued to read the books and took a note then and there as if his earlier actions were nothing significant.