Exam Result

In the Mercedes-Benz car, Dongfang Mengrou and Lin Xueyue are completely silent. They are thinking about Shen Tianyun's words back then at the restaurant. Of course Lin Xueyue don't know the story of his parents, she could only look at her mother questioningly. As if noticed her daughter's gaze, she smiles warmly at her.

"Mom will tell you a story." Dongfang Mengrou took a deep breath to calm herself down. The complicated and sorrowful could be seen in her eyes.

"Back then when I was studying at Qingbei University, I've met the man and fall in love with him afterward. He was so bright and very handsome, his intelligence was better than anyone. He is the perfect man and a dream of many young girls. Everyone knows him." She paused a moment to organize her thoughts.

"We know each other for 2 years and I don't receive his love because, in his eyes, there was only one person. Lan Qingcheng. She is the most beautiful woman in the university, she is the object of desire to every man at that time. He was also no exception. I can only retreat in a defeat." Lin Xueyue's eyes widened open, she always thinks that her mother is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Who would have thought that she was still lost to that Lan Qingcheng.

"He is the only man I love in my entire life, his name is Shen Qingshan. Shen Tianyun's father." Dongfang Mengrou's expression becomes somewhat gentle yet painful at the same time.

She turned to look at her daughter and asks, "Do you know why I hate your father this much?"

Lin Xueyue shakes her head in replied, She always know that her mother didn't love her father, Lin Ming. She always thought that because of Dongfang Mengrou has been forced to marry her father. She also knows the truth that she was born by the GIFT method, which means that her father never had a deep relationship with her mother. She never mind about being born by medical technique because her mother and father treated her well.

"Besides I always love Shen Qingshan, there was the ugly truth hidden behind your father's upright appearance. Shen Qingshan died at the wedding ceremony between Lan Qingcheng and Zhao Yang. Your father was the one who participated in this matter." Dongfang Mengrou said with a deep hatred.

"Lin Ming abusing the authorities of Lin family to make Shen Qingshan including Shen Tianyun's grandfather, Shen Qinghan's death become justified by flaming them as carried dangerous weapon into the event and aims to kill everyone. So they've been executed on spot as to avoid causality of the innocence " Her voice contained the mocking and disdained towards Lin Xueyue's father, Lin Ming.

"Of course, those weapons coming from their bodyguards. Shen Qingshan and Shen Qinghan didn't bring any weapon into the event at all." Dongfang Mengrou even started laughing when she spoke to this point. On the other hand, Lin Xueyue's face already turned pale, she was completely shocked in both of her heart and soul.

Dongfang Mengrou looking at her daughter and smiles, "The only thing in my life that I regretted the most is I decided to retreat on that day. If I could stay with him until the end, he wouldn't have to die pointless like this… and the most happiness in my life is you, Xueyue. Although you've been born by Lin Ming's seeds but I never hate you, you are the only happiness left in my life." She caressed Lin Xueyue's head gently. Their relationships have always been close to the point that they can talk in every topic without reserve thus, Dongfang Mengrou didn't hide anything from her.

"Remember, if one day you really love Shen Tianyun. Don't let him go, no matter what, don't leave him or else you will regret until the day you die." Dongfang Mengrou's tone was serious. Lin Xueyue subconsciously nodded without thinking much upon seeing her mother's expression.

"Fate is truly amazing, I never thought that his son would have lived in this city and coincidently becomes your friend. However, from my observation, Shen Tianyun definitely take revenge on everyone who participated in that event. He is a shrewd and cautious person. I don't know why but my gut tells me that he will definitely succeed."

Dongfang Mengrou looking at Lin Xueyue deeply, their eyes met each other. "When the time comes, you have to choose between your father and him. I hope that you will choose the right choice." Lin Xueyue's heart shook, her mind was in a mess right now. She doesn't know if that day comes what should she do? Her mother won't never lie to her on this matter, she chooses to believe it.

Dongfang Mengrou shifting her gaze to the outside of the car, "Lan Qingcheng oh Lan Qingcheng, you probably never thought that your son would call you a stupid woman right? Hahaha, and Lin Ming the end of your life is near now even he didn't succeed to take you down, I will personally do it by myself." She then laughing in a deep voice, her laughing was like an incantation of the demon that comes from the deep abyss of hell. Lin Xueyue and the driver could feel a chill running down to their spines.


The time had quickly passed, today is Monday, Shen Tianyun did his job perfectly on the weekend and he manage to obtained more than 300 Fame points. He is so happy right now. After finished his morning exercise routine and bit farewell to grandma Su, Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan quickly set off to the school. The exam result will be announced today, he was anticipated on this with a high expectation. This is his debut in the school and he will definitely gain more Fame points.

Arrived at the school, Shen Tianyun didn't find anything out of place, he also don't know why Zhou Xiaolong didn't come to find him trouble on these days. He refuses to believe that he would scare by Lin Xueyue on that day, the only possibility left is Zhou Xiaolong definitely brewing his scheme and this time it definitely is more terrifying than before.

"Big Sis Yan, don't let your guard down even the slightest okay? If anyone wants you to go somewhere, don't believe in them. I have a premonition that something big will happen soon." Shen Tianyun said to Liu Feiyan with a serious expression.

Liu Feiyan subconscious nodded her head, "Hm! Don't worry, I'm not 3 years old kid. I know what to do."

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, he knows that she definitely underestimate Zhou Xiaolong for sure. He could only try his best to increase the Constitution attributes. At the same time he also did some experiments on the tracking function from Divine SmartPhone X. He found out that this function is too convenient to use, he could find the location of any person from their mobile phone. This function will help him greatly when people around him get kidnap or fall into a dangerous situation.

After separated from Liu Feiyan, Shen Tianyun headed towards his classroom. Surprisingly he saw Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng along the way but they only stared at him for a while before turned to look at other directions. Their action could be confirmed Shen Tianyun's suspicious, they definitely up to something.

He walked into the room and saw Lin Xueyue already sitting on her seat, he walked over and sit besides her. "Morning Xueyue." He casually greeting her.

Lin Xueyue turned her head to looked at him and nodded her head in replied without saying anything further. Shen Tianyun was puzzled, he was sure that he didn't offend her recently then why did she gave him a cold shoulder like this. He scratching his head in confusion but he didn't ask anything.

The noise in the room gradually died down when a beautiful teacher Li Qing walking into the room. Shen Tianyun discovered that she was in a good mood, there was even a bright smile hung around her corner lips which contrast to her usual cold demeanor. She putting the stack of papers on the podium and looking around the room with a delightful expression.

"Good morning everyone, today I have a piece of good news to tell you." Li Qing said slowly while everyone in the room anticipating this good news.

"First of all, the average scores in our classroom were increased by 30 points. This means that everyone had working hard on this exam. As a class teacher, I am very proud of you." When she finished her sentence, everyone in the room immediately cheering out loud.

Li Qing raised her hand to make them silent and continues, "The second one is that students from our classroom were in both first and second place!." Some were shocked and some were excited, they started to discuss among themselves. They try to figure out who are the first and second.

"The first place must be princess Lin for sure but the second place? I don't know who could manage to get it." One of the female students said.

"That's right! Is it young master Huang?"

"It could be him, last time he got 12th place. Maybe he used his true strength this time!"

Li Qing didn't wait for too long, she quickly announces, "The first place, congratulation! Student Shen Tianyun managed to scores 885 points and the second place was student Lin Xueyue who had 855 points."

Li Qing's announcement was like a bomb dropping from the sky. Everyone's mind went blank upon hearing her words, they've thought that the first place is Lin Xueyue but the reality was she lose to Shen Tianyun. The room fell into silence.


Huang Zheng slammed his palm on the table, he stood up from the chair and pointing his finger at Shen Tianyun. "Impossible! He must be cheating!! How could he manage to get first place!?" Some students subconsciously nodded their heads in agreement. They didn't believe that Shen Tianyun could get the first place. The only possibility is that he must be cheating!

"That's right!! He must be cheating for sure! Teacher Li you have to investigate in this matter!!" One of Huang Zheng's lackeys shouted out loud.

"Yes! He definitely cheating!"

The room fell into clamor, several people shouting and cursing at Shen Tianyun. The latter just smiled faintly as if he don't care about the surrounding at all. The situation was out of control, Li Qing tries to calm everyone down but it futile. She never expected that the situation will be turned out to this chaos, she was aware that Shen Tianyun always been a target for them to bully. In the past she submitted this matter to the dean but the dean also couldn't do anything about it.


Suddenly, Lin Xueyue slammed her hand on the table. The clamor immediately stopped, everyone looking at Lin Xueyue with their eyes widened open. Shen Tianyun also no exception, he was shocked by her sudden action. Lin Xueyue looking around the room, her gaze was like a snake staring at a frog. Their body quivered every time her gaze passing by them.

"I can attest that he definitely didn't cheat. If you want to complain about this matter, you can send the complaint letter to the dean." Her deep cold voice ringing in their ears and keep replaying in their mind. No one dare to let out any sound.

Lin Xueyue turned to look at Huang Zheng, his body shivering when she staring at him. "Huang Zheng, I had endured about this matter for a long time. Now I can't endure anymore. You are members of Huang family but your actions are pathetic and lowly, even the street gangsters couldn't carry your shoes!."

"You only know how to bully the weak and fears the strong. Not only your actions are insulting Tianyun, but you also insulting the teachers! Do you think that teachers are blind? Or do you think that they are so stupid that didn't even know who is cheating or not." Her voice was not too loud but contained a very deep cold, everyone in the room feels suffocating just from listening to her.

"Let me tell you, without your family background. You are nothing! Listen carefully! You are no better than a lowly creature life form!! And please stop those your underhand methods. Don't think that I don't know what you did to Tianyun in these years. I know all of it! " Shen Tianyun's mouth widened open, he was truly shocked. Why did she become so fierce all of sudden and her words were really vicious! The more he looked at her, the more he saw the shadow of Dongfang Xueyue overlapping her. Lin Xueyue right now was exactly the same as Dongfang Xueyue from his previous life. The cold, fierce and ruthless towards the enemy, all of these were her famous traits that everyone knew about it.

Lin Xueyue slowly sitting down after finished her sentence. The room fell into complete silence, everyone has the same expressions that were mouth widened open, eyes full of shocked and disbelief. Huang Zheng's body trembling, his face keeps alternated between green and red. He never thought that the high and noble fairy in his heart, Lin Xueyue, could spit out all of these vicious words and it was for him! Everyone started to look at him with sympathy. Huang Zheng felt humiliated that he never felt before.

He was so angry, why did Lin Xueyue has to protect that bastard Shen Tianyun!? How could she say something like that to him!? Several questions appearing in his mind. Of course he didn't dare to retort back at her, the only thing he could do is blame all of this to Shen Tianyun! That's right! he was the one that make him become like this! He must get revenge! Huang Zheng glaring venomously at Shen Tianyun as if he wants to eat him alive.

Li Qing also gasped in shock as well, in her eyes, Lin Xueyue always been a good student that never complain anything let alone cursing like this. Came back to her sense, she tries to ease the situation. "Calm down everyone, I can confirm that student Shen Tianyun didn't cheat in this exam. I have been consulting with every teacher, they also have the same conclusion as mine. If you still feel that he is cheating, you can submit the letter to the dean directly."

No one wants to participate in this matter anymore. Although deep down they still didn't believe that Shen Tianyun could get the first place on his own but they have no choice because they also don't have any evidence to point out Shen Tianyun is cheating.

Everyone in the room discussing in a low voice. However, right now Lin Xueyue's mind was completely in a mess, in fact, she also doesn't know why she suddenly becomes so angry. She felt that she couldn't let anyone bad talk to Shen Tianyun. It was coming from the deepest part of her soul and she couldn't resist it. Shen Tianyun also fell in deep thought, the memory of Dongfang Xueyue keeps replaying in his mind.