Bone Strengthening Pill

"I never thought that you would interest to join this kind of event." Back to their seats, Shen Tianyun asked.

"You don't want to know about the Zhou family? This is a good chance to observe them." Lin Xueyue replied.

Shen Tianyun rubbing his temples, "I know what you want to do but I just don't want to go. I'm tired of their childish schemes, and this invitation is clearly setting up for me." He said helplessly.

Lin Xueyue looking at him, calmly says, "I know they are just idiots in your eyes and you don't want to bother with them. You also didn't do anything back at them because you never see them in your eyes or rather should I say, you are too kind?"

She let out a soft sigh before continuing, "Maybe this is a good point of you. However, I am not as kind as you." Shen Tianyun shrugged, if he wants to fight back it would be a piece of cake for him but he thought that it was too childish to fight with these kinds of idiots. He would rather fight with the Black Dragon gang or Lin Ming more than fighting in this pointless battle.

Seeing his carefree actions, Lin Xueyue says further, "They are stupid and prone to do something out of impulsion. This is a good chance for us." She didn't explain in detail but Shen Tianyun could already guess her intention and her plans. He didn't stop her and let her do anything as she wants. Since he has Dongfang Xueyue back now, maybe it's time for him to act like he used to be. No need to be passive any longer.

The class goes on until the bell sounds ringing indicated that the school has finished for today. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue walking side by side toward the school gate. They have to go back to their own home, even though they didn't want to separate from each other but to avoid unnecessary problems they decided to wait for the right time.

At this moment, a tall silhouette appeared on their sight. It was Liu Feiyan who standing near the school gate waiting for Shen Tianyun. When she saw both of them coming together, her mouth curving up into a beautiful smile.

"Tianyun! Xueyue!" Liu Feiyan waving her hand cheerfully shouted at them. Her voice was so loud causing everyone to turn their head to look at her. Shen Tianyun was speechless, he knows that she intended to do this.

"Hello, nice to meet you." It was Lin Xueyue who speaks first. Liu Feiyan was confused, she felt something was amiss and didn't quite understand when she heard Lin Xueyue saying this.

"What's wrong little sister Xueyue? I think this is not the first time we met right?" Liu Feiyan blinking her eyes confusingly at Lin Xueyue.

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly, "No, this is the first time we met. My name is Dongfang Xueyue. You can call me Xueyue and I will call you Feiyan." She said nonchalantly. At this moment, Liu Feiyan could feel subtle changes in Lin Xueyue's temperament. Lin Xueyue now is giving off a deep coldness aura more than before as if there was a barrier around her body that keep fencing people off from approaching her.

Seeing this Shen Tianyun quickly explains, "Erm…Yan'er, it's like this. We are now in a relationship and Xueyue will use her mother's surname from now on." Of course, Lin Xueyue didn't tell him about this, he just came up with this by himself to smooth things up.

Liu Feiyan's eyes lit up when she hearing this, she quickly stepped forward and grab Lin Xueyue's hands. "That's great!! We are a real sister now, hehe! Please take care of me from now on, Xueyue." She said excitedly.

Lin Xueyue nodded her head in response without saying anything further. Liu Feiyan grinning at Shen Tianyun before saying, "You bad boy, how did you do it? Hehe, we should go celebrate now what do you think?"

"Sure, what do you think, Xueyue?" He turned to look at Lin Xueyue asking her for opinion. The latter just smiled at him indicated that she is fine with the idea. After that, they are set off toward the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant, it was Lin Xueyue who suggested it. Shen Tianyun knows that she probably has something to talk with Cai Ning.


They arrived at the restaurant and it is not the opening time. However, with Lin Xueyue's relationship with Cai Ning, the latter made an exception for them and quickly welcome them into the restaurant. Shen Tianyun went to greet all the staff he familiar with. When he came back to the table, Liu Feiyan and Lin Xueyue already ordered steaks for him.

When the dishes have been served, they immediately dig in and chatting on various topics. Seeing the red wine that Lin Xueyue has chosen for him, he couldn't help but smile warmly at her. It was 'Shiraz Dry red wine' which is quite expensive, it's around 6,300 RMB per bottle and it only has 2,008 bottles in China. The grapes for brewing the wine are selected from over 30-year old famous wine grape variety called Shiraz in Australia. That's where the name 'Shiraz Dry' came from. Shen Tianyun was very fond of this wine in his previous life. He always drinks it along with the steaks he loved, he was surprised that Lin Xueyue could remember about this.

"Thank you." He said softly to Lin Xueyue, the latter only smiled at him.

"Wow! This wine is really great! I never drink a red wine this delicious before." Liu Feiyan exclaimed, she is not a fan of wine and only drinks it when she went to the party. She never cares about the taste before, this is the first time she drinks a glass of red wine on this level of quality.

"There is more if you want it, you can bring it back…you two can continue, I have something to discuss with Miss Cai. I will be back soon." Lin Xueyue said while standing up and then she walking up to the second floor.

Liu Feiyan staring at her disappearing back, her eyes flickered slightly, "Tell me, why did she seem to be different from before?" She asked Shen Tianyun who still enjoys eating his steaks.

Shen Tianyun sipping the wine to moist his throat before reply, "This is quite complicated, I can't explain to you right now but you don't have to worry about it." It's not that he didn't want to tell her but it was very hard to explain this matter.

"Hmm…then tell me how did you manage to captured her heart?" Liu Feiyan didn't mind about it, she was rather curious about how did Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue become a couple more.

"Actually, we both like each other for a long time, it just that this is the perfect time for me to confessed to her and she accepted it." He explains in a simple manner, and what he said is not wrong. Especially in the first part, they indeed do like each other for a long…long time.

Liu Feiyan covered her mouth giggle, she is truly happy for him. "You have two beauties in your grasp now, tell me, who is your next target?" She teased. Shen Tianyun was speechless when he heard this, this girl loves to tease him. He secretly vowed in his heart that he definitely spank this girl one day. The two continue chatting for a while before Lin Xueyue has come back.

Lin Xueyue sipping water before saying, "I already sold your recipe to her for 15 million, the transfer process will complete in tomorrow. As for Feng Yunxi, she will live in one of Miss Cai's building. I know you want to groom her to be a manager right?. Miss Cai will arrange her to work in this restaurant. " She explains nonchalantly as if it were insignificant matters.

Shen Tianyun's eyebrows perked up slightly. He clearly remembered that he didn't say anything about nurturing Feng Yunxi but Lin Xueyue managed to guess his intention and it's so accurate. If it was someone else they probably start to fear her already, even Shen Tianyun who was familiar with her, still surprised about it.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment, "Thank you, Xueyue." He sincerely said. In the past, he didn't want anyone to interfere with his business at all but somehow he didn't feel any resistance toward Lin Xueyue even the slightest. Perhaps, this is the effect when you accepted someone completely from the bottom of your heart. That's what he thought.

Liu Feiyan who didn't manage to catch in the conversation looked at both of them strangely but she didn't feel that she was an outsider at all. "Wow! Tianyun did you just sold that steamed bun recipe for 15 million!?" She chimed in. She remembered the delicious steamed buns she had eaten in the past. She subconsciously licking her lips and felt a little hungry now even though she just had a meal minute ago.

Shen Tianyun grinned at her, "That's right. I become a little rich papa now, tell me Yan'er what to do want?" He said jokingly and acting like he is a sugar daddy. Liu Feiyan immediately burst into laughter and Lin Xueyue also smiled softly when they saw his actions. The atmosphere was very harmonious, they are chatting for a long moment before they went back to their respective home. Shen Tianyun was reluctant to separate with Lin Xueyue but he has to hold himself back. He was sure that they still have plenty of time together in the future.


When Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan arrived at their home, they went back to their own room. Shen Tianyun had told her that he has something to do tonight so she has to sleep in her own room. He felt apologetic to her but it was necessary for him to raise his cultivation as fast as possible. He took out the [Bone Strengthening Pill (S)] that he got today, placing on his palm, he pondered for a while before walking towards Grandma Su's room. He thought that it would be better to discuss with Grandma Su before using this pill.

"Grandma! I have something to talk with you." He knocking the door lightly, a short moment later, Grandma Su opened the door and smiled warmly at him.

"Come in." She knew that Shen Tianyun probably has something important to talk with her, she immediately locked the door after he walked into the room.

"What is it, little Yun?" She asked the man who sitting opposite her in a calm voice.

Shen Tianyun placing the pill on the table, "Grandma how do I take this pill? This is the bone strengthening pill, I can't tell you where I got it from but it is a real pill." He doesn't want to lie to her, he could only say honestly that he can't tell her about the origin of the pill.

Grandma Su picking up the pill, she staring at it for a while and sniff a little before frowning deeply. "I'm not sure about this but it should be a bone strengthening pill. The herbs that use in this pill definitely the herbs that use to concoct a bone strengthening pill and there should be some herbs that I don't know mixed in it." She calmly said.

She raised her head looked at Shen Tianyun, "I think you can take it." She said. With her experiences, she immediately recognized that this is a real bone strengthening pill but there are some herbs that she didn't recognize it. Her intuition told that it should bring no harm to him if he taking this pill, that's why she suggested him to take it.

After hearing Grandma Su guarantee about it, he asks further, "Grandma, is this pill can increase my cultivation?"

Grandma Su shook her head, "It can only strengthen your bones, your bones will become tougher and hard to break. That's the only benefit from it."

Shen Tianyun was disappointed slightly, he thought that it could increase his cultivation for a bit. "Then isn't it good for you, Grandma? With this pill, you could become stronger and healthier. Why don't you take it? After all, I'm still young. My bones won't break easily." With his shallowed knowledge of the cultivation world, he didn't know the value of this pill in front of him. He thought that it would be good if Grandma Su is the one who takes it. Her bones could become stronger and that's mean she will become healthier as well.

Grandma Su's smile became gentler, "Thank you, I know you have goodwill. However, this pill was no use for me. People could only take this kind of pill only once in their lifetime and Grandma already took it when she was young. After Grandma lose all my cultivation, my bones gradually became more like a normal person. Even I take another one now, it would bring harm to me more than benefit." She said in a soft and languid voice.

Shen Tianyun let out a long sigh, after knowing the fact. He thought in his heart that he definitely find a way to help Grandma Su became healthier or recover her cultivation in the future, right now he didn't have the ability to do so.

"You should take it now, the faster you take the more benefits you could get. It will help you build a solid foundation on your body. When you take it, you will feel incomparably pain all over your body. You have to endure it until the process is done." Grandma Su said further.

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath and nodded his head. He sat crossed legs on the floor looking a pill in his hand for a while before swallowing it. He could feel a cool sensation quickly spreading all over his body. A minute later, his bones started to crack in a loud noise. The pain quickly invades all over his body, he gritted his teeth enduring it.

Grandma Su staring at his body, her eyes grew focused on every movement in his body. She knew about the pain when taking a bone strengthening pill very well, in the past, she almost passes out from the pain of bones started to shatter. Shen Tianyun let out a muffled groans from time to time, although his will was firmed, his body still not mature yet. He is now only 17 years old and his constitution just barely reached rank C. A cracking sounds continued to ring out spreading all over the room. The bodyguards who standing outside the house could hear this sound, they immediately became alerts and started to find the origin of the sound.

15 minutes later, the pain slowly dissipating from Shen Tianyun's body, he could feel the changes in his body. He was stunned by the sensation he felt right now. Slowly clenching his fist, a cracking sound rang out again, he punched fiercely onto the floor. Surprisingly, he didn't get hurt at all! He was astonished by the result of the pill, he raised his head to look at a smiled Grandma Su, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face.