The Plan

Shen Tianyun calmly listened to everything, he sighed in his heart. Perhaps, Dongfang Mengrou is too confident in herself and overlook these tiny details. To wielding a high authority as secretary-state, Lin Ming isn't simple to begin with. Combine with his deeds in the past, It was clear that he was meticulous and very cautious about every move he did. Although Dongfang Mengrou was the cream of the crop when it comes to management, it doesn't mean that she is good at scheming.

Everyone fell into silence, Ye Qingyi who observing them from distance noticed this strange atmosphere and she is hesitating whether she should serve the dishes or not. However, she saw Shen Tianyun turned to look at her and nodded his head. She quickly put hesitation aside and serves them the dishes.

Dongfang Mengrou let out a long sigh, helplessly, complicated, and despaired appeared in her eyes. Her lips parted gently, "You are right. I have no chance at all. I never thought that I, Dongfang Mengrou was dancing in his palm like an idiot all these years. Haha…what a joke!" She laughing in despair and self-mocking. Her confidence shattered into dust, a life long dream and the only reason to keep her alive is nothing but a mere joke in her enemy's eyes.

Seeing this Shen Tianyun couldn't help but comfort her, "Auntie Dongfang, you don't have to be like this. Everyone could make mistakes one or two, it's normal. Since Xueyue brought this up, she definitely has a plan. You should listen to her first."

"That's right! Auntie Dongfang. We still have a chance." Liu Feiyan added.

Dongfang Mengrou raised her head to looked at her daughter, "R…really?" She said in a weak voice after her confidence had shattered, she didn't dare to hope anymore.

Lin Xueyue calmly says, "Yes, I have a plan but I need you to fully coorporate with us."

Looking at her daughter, a strange feeling welled up in her mind. This is her daughter, Lin Xueyue, yet she could feel a certain distance between them as if Lin Xueyue in front of her is not the same Lin Xueyue that she know before. Thinking for a moment, her gaze becomes resolute, "As long as I can send Lin Ming to hell, I'm willing to do anything." She didn't know if this plan will work, but she wants to gamble on this since her ploys already become useless, why should she refuse this chance?

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly, "Good! Listen carefully… I want you to be Tianyun's girlfriend." Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou were stunned when they heard this, they look at each other in dismay. On the other hand, Liu Feiyan didn't seem to be surprised at all as if she already expected this.

Lin Xueyue didn't give them the chance to say anything, she continues, "Lin Ming is a meticulous man, whenever he wants to do something he will carefully think about it before making a decision. He is very confident in himself and with his intelligence, his schemes in the past rarely fail. It's not that strange for you to be defeated by him. From this, you could see that he is rarely taking any risk. However, there is one time in the past that he took a risk and that is when he eliminated Shen Qingshan. It's because you like Shen Qingshan very much in the past, and he had pursued you for a long time. As we know, you never give him a chance at all. A man will find it hard to endure it when a woman he wants has rejected him and turned to other men, especially a man like Lin Ming, he took this as his greatest failure in his life. Of course, he didn't dare to blame it on you so he diverted all his hatred and resentment to Shen Qingshan, a man that you like the most, a man that took you away from him. That's why when the opportunity arises, he didn't hesitate to get rid of him."

"You could see that the only flaw on him is his jealousy when it comes to you, mom. This is why I want you to be Tianyun's girlfriend. With this, Lin Ming will definitely go crazy and there will be a chance for him to make a mistake. Furthermore, he will do it more openly because he can't wait to tear Tianyun into countless pieces and this is our chance to counterattack. Since the first day I interacted with Tianyun, Lin Ming has already investigated him and aware of his background. As I said before, he is a confident man and that is the reason why he didn't get rid of Tianyun immediately. He thought that Tianyun's life is in his palm if he wants him to die, he can do it anytime. Heh...he probably didn't know that this was the first mistake he made." She said in a languid voice as if it is an insignificant matter. However, everyone could feel an incomparable deep coldness hidden in her voice. A coldness that could make anyone's hearts goes numb.

Shen Tianyun pretty much agreed with Lin Xueyue's analysis, but there is one thing that he couldn't help but look at her questioningly. She didn't mention letting Dongfang Mengrou 'acting' or 'pretend' to be his girlfriend at all. She only said that she wants her to be his girlfriend. This is clearly a hidden agenda. Thinking about what Lin Xueyue said yesterday, he sighed helplessly in his heart. Perhaps, she is very serious when she wants to help him get Dongfang Mengrou.

Listened to all of this, Dongfang Mengrou was amazed by her daughter's analysis. She never knows before that Lin Xueyue could understand Lin Ming to this extent. It was because she rarely let Lin Xueyue go to Lin Ming's side since she was born, and it becomes natural that Lin Xueyue didn't interact with Lin Ming much. Then how could she know all of this? She has a doubt in her heart but she couldn't come up with any explanations. She could only put this aside first.

"Then what about my previous ploys? Should I stop it?" She asked. Actually, she wants to say that she couldn't be Shen Tianyun's girlfriend even though it just an act, she still couldn't bring herself to do it. It's not because she didn't like Shen Tianyun, rather it was because he is a son of a man that she loves. How could she do it?.

Lin Xueyue's lips curving up into a devilish grin, "Why should we stop it? Since he knows about it, it would be better to let him think that you still dancing in his palm. We will use this to our advantage later. As for your bodyguard, Ling Wufeng. You can let him continue his duty but you have to occasionally talk about Tianyun from times to times when he is near. The more you act like you're very infatuated on Tianyun, the more infuriated Lin Ming could become. At that time, I certainly have my way to send him to hell." A dangerous aura emitted from her body causing Dongfang Mengrou and Liu Feiyan shivering. Shen Tianyun is the one who didn't get affect by her because he was used to it. In fact, Dongfang Xueyue in the past is more dangerous than this.

Dongfang Mengrou took a deep breath to calm herself, "Alright, I will do as you said." Saying this, she subconsciously peeking at Shen Tianyun's face. At this moment, he has a calm expression, she could feel a mature aura coming off from him. It is a woman instinct, they love to compare a man in their heart to another man. Dongfang Mengrou is no exception, she compared Shen Tianyun and his father, Shen Qingshan, in her mind. Even though Shen Tianyun is only 17 years old, but his gestures and personality have exceeded his age by large margins. She could see that Shen Tianyun definitely become a brilliant man that surpasses his father in the future. A trace of envy blooming in her heart, although she knows that this man belonged to her daughter and she shouldn't envy her but she couldn't control it.

"Good, remember that don't do anything different from you used to do. If something is a bit out of your usual routine, they will immediately report to Lin Ming and he will become alert. It will lower our chance of success." Lin Xueyue reminds her mother again.

Dongfang Mengrou nodded her head firmly, her eyes filled with determination. Shen Tianyun doesn't want to make her feels pressured any longer, he quickly says, "Alright, let's eat first. We can continue later." He picked up utensils and started to eat his pasta. The girls looking at each other and let out a soft chuckled before started to eat their foods.

The tense atmosphere gradually dissipating, replaced with a warm harmony among them. They would occasionally talk on various topics, Dongfang Mengrou is more relaxed than before after getting hit by a tidal wave of despair in earlier. With Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan setting up, Shen Tianyun and her slowly become familiar with each other. Of course, Shen Tianyun knows about this but he doesn't have a reason to refuse it. Over the previous conversation, he had made up his mind. Since his two girlfriends want him to be with Dongfang Mengrou, he would just accept it. After all, adding another one into his harem has brought no harm, especially, a beautiful woman as Dongfang Mengrou, then why not?. The only problem is that Dongfang Mengrou has a deep feeling for Shen Qingshan, and it will take more effort to solve this.

"Mom, why don't you go date with Tianyun this Sunday? You didn't have a chance to relax for several years now." After finished their meals, Lin Xueyue suddenly said.

Hearing this, Dongfang Mengrou is hesitating, she has to date with her daughter's boyfriend, this is too embarrassing. She thought.

As if see through her mind, Lin Xueyue has a faint smile on her face, "Don't worry about it, I and sister Feiyan won't get jealous on this. This is also a good start for you. The faster you can get used to it, the faster we could start our plan." She said in a relaxed voice.

"That's right, Auntie Dongfang. Eh…? Should we start to call you Elder sister Mengrou now?" Liu Feiyan said in amusement.

Dongfang Mengrou blushed slightly, never did she ever think that one day she will be teased by a little girl who has similar age as her daughter. "Hmph! It seems like Elder Sis Yulan didn't teach you a manner when talking with an older generation." She snorted trying to cover her embarrassment. Liu Feiyan covered her mouth giggles when she saw Dongfang Mengrou's expression.

"Then let's do this, you two will go dating on this Sunday. Tianyun, you are a man, you should be the one who chooses a place." Lin Xueyue concluded, her words made Shen Tianyun speechless.

Shen Tianyun thinking for a while before saying, "How about an amusement park? I heard that a Happy Land amusement park is quite popular. That should be a good place to relax." He just remembered the ads he saw on the internet while ago. Although it is not a place for adults like both of them, especially Dongfang Mengrou, she is already 39 this year. Shen Tianyun thinks otherwise, rather than going to a restaurant or watching a movie. Amusement parks would be a better choice to go and relax.

"This…" Dongfang Mengrou becomes hesitant again, she never goes to an amusement park before in her life. In her heart, she wants to try as well but thinking about her age, she thought that it would be inappropriate to go.

Liu Feiyan chimed in, "Wow! That's a good place. I started to jealous you now, Elder Sis Mengrou." She giggles and still called Dongfang Mengrou as 'Elder Sis Mengrou'.

Dongfang Mengrou glared at her angrily, Lin Xueyue smiled at her, "What is it? I remembered that you nagging me to go to an amusement park countless time in the past, why did you hesitating now?" She said.

Dongfang Mengrou sighed in defeat, "Alright, alright. Let's do it." Although her voice sounds helpless, in her heart, there is a hint of excitement blooming. She started looking forward to that day.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly, "It's deal then…alright, I will go preparing to do a part-time job now. You can go back first if you want. You don't have to wait for me." He looked at the time and saw it's almost the time for his part-time job now. He immediately stood up and walk towards the staffroom.

Dongfang Mengrou staring at Shen Tianyun's back in dazed, she didn't notice that Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan grinning at each other on the side. Today is a crazy day for her, at first, she felt as if she has fallen into the bottom of the abyss and then she got pulled up into the light again. From being in despair to regain hope, it could be said that her moods have turned 180 degrees consecutively.

"What is it, Elder Sis Mengrou? He has gone already and you still staring in dazed. Hehehe, don't tell me you already fall for Tianyun now?" Liu Feiyan didn't let this chance go, she began to tease her again.

Came back to her sense, Dongfang Mengrou snorted and calling the waitress to order some desserts. She didn't dare to look at the two little girls beside her anymore. Lin Xueyue let out a soft chuckle and ordering the dessert too. The 3 beautiful women started to chat on various topics again.


Shen Tianyun arrived at the home around 9.30 P.M. He went to take a bath before calmly sitting on the chair. He pondering about today's incident and Lin Xueyue's plans. It could be said that from today onward, his peaceful life will come to an end. He has to start these wars against Lin Ming, Zhou family, and The Black Dragon gang. It wasn't a matter of choice anymore, it is how to fight with them in the near future because he couldn't keep avoiding any longer.

He picked up his phone and checking his balance account, right now he has around 15 million RMB in his hand. He wants to start some business in the outer city area as the plan but he first needs to choose a product and services before doing anything further. Hotel and Casino, these two he could cut it out of his idea because it's very hard to control with current resources in his hand. The restaurant is a good choice and he could corporate with Cai Ning to sell the steamed buns as Lin Xueyue's plan.

However, he still needs one or two more services if he wants to fight with the Black Dragon gang. He couldn't come up with anything right now, perhaps, he needs to roam around the outer city again to gain an idea. Casting everything aside, he went to the bed and calmly sitting crossed legs on it. He then starts to cultivating.