Su Meiyin

In the owner room at the top floor of Tianyun's coffee shop, Shen Tianyun, Lin Xueyue, and the superstar Su Meiyin sat on the comfortable-looking fabric sofa. It was a simple room with a desk, a cabinet, and bookshelf.

Normally, only Liu Feiyan and Feng Yunxi had the right to use this room but they were preferred to work at the restaurant across the street more. It was because the restaurant required more attention to take care of. Thus, this room has been left alone for all this time.

"What would you like to drink, Miss Su? We only have a Blue Mountain coffee here that could live up to your standard." Shen Tianyun asked politely as he looked at the beautiful woman who sat across him. Without her sunglasses and seeing her close up like this, Shen Tianyun had the time to observed her face more carefully and he approved her beauty inwardly.

'As expected from one of the seven maidens. Her appearance is surely top-notch.' He thought.

Su Meiyin's lips curved up, "What's my standard? Look at my clothes, this hoodie is only 200 RMB. Do you think I'm one of those women who preferred luxury goods all the time? I'm fine with anything, you can give me some strong tea, any brand is fine. Also, you can call me Meiyin, I don't like the way you calling me."

Shen Tianyun took a glance at her grey-colored hoodie and recognized it was the H&M brand which quite cheap compared to Su Meiyin's income. He took note in his heart, it seems this superstar wasn't a materialistic woman despite she has reputations and money.

"I see, wait a moment." Shen Tianyun then turned to tell a nervous waitress on the side to get some teas for them.

At first, the waitress was so shocked when she saw the owner appeared in the shop. After that, her shock wasn't stopped right there, she was almost faint from nervous when she saw a beautiful woman took off her sunglasses revealed her beautiful face. She immediately recognized her, she was the current number one superstar Su Meiyin.

Seeing the waitress flinched, Su Meiyin smiled gently at her, "Do you want to take a photo with me?"

The waitress subconsciously nodded her head and shook her head afterward while she peeking at Shen Tianyun as if she feared him.

"It's fine." Shen Tianyun gave her permission. The waitress was overjoyed and proceeded to take a picture then walked out of the room to fetch a refreshment shortly afterward.

"I dare not to call our number one superstar with her name directly. Please, pardon me." Shen Tianyun said calmly. Even though he noticed her friendly attitude, he still refused to call her directly with her name as she said.

Su Meiyin didn't go on this topic further, she directly get into the point, "I heard that you are so busy, that's why you don't want to do a collaboration with me, is that true?"

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yes, I have so many things to take care of."

Su Meiyin didn't seem to be angry as she got rejected by him, "Then, what about we do it here in this city? I'll prepare everything and you can come any time you want. But it would be good if we can finish it before the Autumn festival."

An odd expression appeared on Shen Tianyun's face, "Why me?" He asked interestingly.

"Of course, I fancied your talents. I never seen anyone who could play the piano so perfectly like you before. Also, I've listened to the song that you had re-arranged for Ling Chen. I must say, that's so impressive." Su Meiyin replied. Her voice sounds genuinely.

Shen Tianyun let out a chuckle, "You aren't being honest at all." Even she had told him this, he didn't believe it at all.

"Aren't you also the same?" Su Meiyin answered with a playful smile.

Both of them stared at each other for a while before started to laugh at the same time.

After a round of laughter, Shen Tianyun sighed helplessly before he said, "Fine, you can send me the detail about it."

"What's with that sigh? Is it that really bad to work with me ah?" Su Meiyin pouted angrily.

Shen Tianyun just laughed it off and refused to give her any reply. A short moment later, the waitress had walked into the room and left after she put all the teacups on the table.

This moment, Lin Xueyue who was silent all this time, opened her small mouth gently as she spoke, "I don't think Miss Su would come all the way to this city just for this matter, am I correct?" Her voice was still the usual ice cold.

Su Meiyin put down her teacup and smiled brightly, "Yes, as I said before, I have something very important to talk with Tianyun." She seemed to intentionally call Shen Tianyun by name directly.

"May I know what is it?" Lin Xueyue asked further.

Su Meiyin didn't answer right away, she took a folded paper out of her pocket and spread it on the table. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue started to frown when they saw the detail on it.

On the paper, it was the DNA test of both Shen Tianyun and Grandma Su. The result stated that Shen Tianyun and Grandma Su has 99% when compared with the primary subject which had 'Su Guiren' name on it.

This name hadn't ring a bell for Shen Tianyun but it was opposite for Lin Xueyue. It was because she knew the identity of the owner of this name, Su Guiren, he was the current Su family's patriarch.

Lin Xueyue raised her head slightly and stared straight into Su Meiyin's eyes, "What do you want from doing this?" Her voice seemed to be colder than the earlier.

Hearing this Shen Tianyun came to a realization, he immediately figured out the identity of this Su Guiren and also the woman in front of him, Su Meiyin. He sighed in a self-deprecating manner inwardly. He started to miss his previous life where he had a strong intelligence network in his hand. It was so hard for the current him to gain pieces of information whenever he wanted. That was why he didn't even know that Su Meiyin was coming from the Su family, his grandparent family.

In the past, Grandma Su never mentioned anyone from the Su family at all. Even when she mentioned Su family, she always used the title's name to call someone from this family. Shen Tianyun thought that she probably didn't want to associate with Su family anymore, that was why he never asked her anything about it up until now.

Another matter that made him want to sigh was this Su Meiyin happened to be one of the seven maidens. Wasn't that meant he had to marry his own cousin? Even though Shen Tianyun wasn't her real cousin in the soul aspect but he can't deny that this body has Su family's blood circulating. Of course, he didn't care about moral much but what about other peoples?

Facing Lin Xueyue's icy gaze, Su Meiyin was unperturbed and even smiled playfully "Ah, you are so lucky, Tianyun. I never thought Princess Lin would have a deep affection for you like this. Look at her, so scary." She paused for a moment, the smile vanished instantly as she continued, "Don't misunderstand me, I have no ill intention towards my cousin. It was my Grandfather's instruction. Well, he is your Granduncle, Tianyun… He wanted me to convince you and Grandma Su to go back to our family."

Shen Tianyun's brows twitched, "Want us to go back? You should know about the past incident, right? We aren't the part of your Su family anymore."

Su Meiyin nodded, "Of course, I know about it but the one who decided it at that time was our Great Grandfather and he was already passed away. Right now, Grandpa is a family's patriarch, no one can defy his order. That's why he wants to bring both of you back." She said seriously contrasted to her previous playful style.

A mocking smile appeared on Shen Tianyun's face, "Why now? Where are you guys when my father and my grandfather met their tragic end? You guys did nothing and watch Grandma Su suffering all this time. Now, you still have the gut to say all of this? Want us to go back? Haha." His voice was filled with contempt and ridicule.

As if she had already expected this, Su Meiyin said further, "The situation at that time was far more complicated than you think. Although I don't know about it much, I can tell you that it was Zhao and Lan family who stand in our way. At that time, Great Grandfather was still alive, out of guilty towards Grandma Su, he spent everything he had to get both you and Grandma Su back but it was futile in the end."

"That's one of the reasons why our Su family started to decline. We lost so many people on that incident, including Great Grandfather… In these past years, Grandpa tried his best to find both of you. You may think it's very ridiculous, a dignified Su family can't find your whereabouts even after a decade." Su Meiyin laughed slightly in a self-deprecating manner.

"Yeah, even I myself also find it ridiculous. However, that is the truth. You probably never know the information of you and Grandma Su has been concealed very tightly. Not many people would know about it. If you don't believe me you can ask Princess Lin about it. I bet that even Dongfang family don't know about it." Hearing Su Meiyin's words, Shen Tianyun turned to Lin Xueyue for a confirmation. The latter nodded her head slightly.

If Shen Tianyun were to know how much fortunes did Zhou Feilong spend for his information. He probably convinced by Su Meiyin's words by now.

Su Meiyin said further, "It was until you started to gain reputation did our family know your whereabouts… Hah, thanks to technology, I guess? Zhao and Lan family probably never thought you would start to shine. And let me guess, Princess Lin's father, Mister Lin Ming, probably started to find you a trouble by now, am I correct?"

Without waiting for Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue to reply, Su Meiyin continued, "That is because he had no choice but to kill you as soon as possible. Of course, I think the reason behind it, has nothing to do with you having a close relationship with his daughter. It more like because he doesn't want a certain family to know about your existence."

Both Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue started to frown. Shen Tianyun asked confusingly, "A certain family?" In his heart, he thought of Yang family and Dongfang family but still, he couldn't find a reason for them to care about him and Grandma Su that much. In fact, it was because Shen Tianyun didn't have crucial information about the past, that was why he couldn't come up with any reason.

"It is the Yang family." Su Meiyin replied, "I am also like you, I don't know much about the past incident between the great 9 martial families but one thing I'm certain of, the previous patriarch of Yang family had a deep relationship with your Great Grandfather Shen. It was to the point that they could die for each other. There is a rumor that before he died in that incident, he told his descendants to do everything to protect a descendant of Shen family. It was said that this became the iron rule of the Yang family."

Su Meiyin gazed on Shen Tianyun deeply, "This rumor has been confirmed by my Grandpa a long time ago. As for how, I don't know about it… You may find my words are not reliable, it is understandable. Because if it was me, I would find it hard to believe as well. So you can go back and discuss with Grandma Su about it."

"Everything I said, It is my Grandpa's desire. As for me, whether both of you come back to our family or not, it has nothing to do with me." She said nonchalantly.

A silence descended, both Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue fell into deep thought. Right now, Shen Tianyun had no way to confirm whether the information from Su Meiyin was true or false, this made him quite infuriated about it.

Shen Tianyun raised his head to look at the calm Su Meiyin who leisurely sipped her tea, "What do you know about the demise of Shen family? From what I know, your Su family didn't send anyone to help Shen family at all. Don't you think it is a bit ungrateful act from your family after receiving all the help from Shen family?" He asked coldly.

A rare frown appeared on Su Meiyin's face as if she was dissatisfied with Shen Tianyun's words, "As I said before, I don't know about the incident in the past much. If you wanted to know, come to our Su family on this Autumn festival. You can ask my Grandpa by yourself."

Following that, Su Meiyin stood up and prepared to leave, her gaze kept switching between Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue for a while before she said, "I don't know much about your relationship but are you sure? She won't betray you? Don't be blind by her appearance, who knows maybe one day you will suffer from her." She shrugged her shoulders slightly and immediately walked out of the room without waiting for Shen Tianyun's answer. Her attitude at the end was completely different from the first time they had met. It was as if she was an entirely different person.

Before Su Meiyin left, Shen Tianyun had spent 500 Fame points to see her impression points. He wasn't surprise about it when he saw 『Su Meiyin: 4 「Acquaintance」 』 above her head.

"What do you think?" Lin Xueyue asked.

Shen Tianyun let out a long sigh, "I don't know. But we can definitely exploit something from this situation."

"Is it about Grandma Su?" Knowing him for a very long time, Lin Xueyue could see what was disturbed Shen Tianyun at this moment.

Shen Tianyun gave her a small nod in reply without saying anything. Lin Xueyue could understand him, as an orphan who yearned for a familial bond. Shen Tianyun right now was entangled in the complicated emotion, he didn't know whether he should do something on Su family or send Grandma Su back to her family.

A short moment later, Shen Tianyun shook his head to shake all the complicated feelings off, he turned to Lin Xueyue, "Anyway, this Su Meiyin is one of the seven maidens."

Lin Xueyue's eyes widened slightly, "Goddess Xi Yao probably has her reason to choose her."

Shen Tianyun shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care about it even though technically, she is my cousin. The problem is probably the Su family and Grandma Su." He said casually. He genuinely meant what he said, Shen Tianyun didn't care about moral much at this point since he knew he wasn't the former Shen Tianyun.

Lin Xueyue smiled gently, "I think what you have to worry right now is probably finding a way to woo her. From her attitude, it's not an easy task at all." She said with a hint of amusement as if she wanted to see Shen Tianyun suffer a bit.

Shen Tianyun massaged his temples as he leaned back against the sofa. He appeared to be very tired at this moment.