Life 001

"Haha, what a loser. You shouldn't be here at all."

That is the word that i always hear, when i was in school. No, not only from the bully, even my friend..

My name is Raysen Hollin, my friends called my Ray. I was born at New York, 23 May 2003. I don't have a girlfriend, and sibling. I like to drawing and watching a movie. I like to study too, my grades are good. I always top 3 at my class since i was at elementary school. But i do not have a good  relationship with my parents, because they always busy with their job. Speaking of my parents....

My parents, they threw me out from house. I don't know what they think of me. They raise me since i was a baby, they feed me, they make me smile. But now they just look at me as a failure.

"You're really are a useless kid, it's been a mistake raising you."

Even my father said so. How sad, even my beloved father said like that. My mother kick me from the house and didn't even say a word. I really hate my life right now. I don't have money, friends, place to live, even a family. I've been wondering why i've been born at the first place.

From i was a kid, i often went to church and never skip it. My grade was good at school in academic and non academic too. I do donate my money to charity too. I help my friend alot, even waste my time just for them.

Why God? Why? Just why this happens?

I've been wondering all this time. Because just a single mistake that i accidentaly made. I mean, thats not even a big mistake. Cmon, i just don't want to give my friend my answer.

Just like that, they spread a very bad rumour about me blackmailing him even me forcing girl to do something that they shouldn't do. But, they all believe the rumour....

I hate my life, i really hate my life right now.

"God, if you give me one more chance to live peacefully, will my destiny is the same like this?"

I always think like that. Im scared to live and dead, i don't know what im going to do. I think that if i had a chance to live in another world, things would have been better right?

One day, i walked to find a new place to live. It's already been 10 days since i left my old live. I left my house, my school, my friend, my family, everything i have in my old life. I know what i had to do, find a work get some

money and live like an adult.

"Ah, this store i remember this store is cheaper than the others."

I enter the store with relief. Atleast i found a cheap store. I try to find a cheap food no matter what it is.

"Ah, a nice warm bread. How much is it?"

"49 cent, sir."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome."

Cheap, that's the first thing that i find. Next is im going to find an alley, because these few days i live in a small alley. I know it's not a good place to live but  what else i can do with my money.

"Eh, let me check my wallet. Hmm 47$ left. Damn it i really need to get work. But im not even graduated high school yet, and im not even 17. Well let's just find an alley first."

I walked, walked, and walked. One hour passed, still didn't find an alley yet. But i wont give up, i don't want to waste my money on hotel. Because if i do go to hotel, i don't have money to buy a food.

I keep walking and walking until i found an alley.


When im going in to the alley. I bumped into a girl, a beautiful girl.

"Ouch, sorry sir my bad."

"Uhm, it's okay miss.."

"Oh, my name is Renlia, you can call me Lia. And im sorry that i bumped to you."

"Oh it's okay Lia. My name is Raysen, you can call me Ray. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Ray."

She smelled something bad from Rey

"Um, can i ask something, Ray?"

"Sure, what happened?"

"Why did you smell so bad?"

"Ah, im sorry i haven't take a bath like ten days already."

"Really? Why? Did you escape from your house?"

"Uhm actually not like that. I uh.. kicked from my house."


"Well it's a long story. Okay miss, sorry for that. Im going to there okay."

"Um, if you don't mind, you can take a bath at my place."


"Yeah, and you don't have place to stay right? You can stay in my place for now. I mean i have two apartment room, unfortunate if not used."

"Really? Thanks Lia, your my savior."

"Your welcome."

Atleast someone nice to me. She even give me place to live. Is this a dream? Well now i just need to believe this is not a dream, but a reality.

Then she took me to her apartment. Without thinking twice i accept her kindness and follow her to the apartment.

I found myself in a big apartment room with expensive stuffs there. Even the living room itself cost more than everything i have in my old house.

"Uhm, Lia isn't this too much?"

"What? i mean this is the cheapest room you know? My room is even better than this."

Holy shit what is this. That's what i've been thinking this whole time. How this girl even get two expensive room alone. Maybe i should ask? No no no no that's not polite.

"If you need anything just call me okay?"

"Okay, thanks Lia. She's gone now. Better to take a bath i think."

I go to the bathroom and open the door.

"Holy shit, is this a bathroom?"

The bathroom has a big pool in it. With a big bathtube and lots of soap you can choose.

"How rich she is?"

Then i remove my clothes and jumped to the pool. "Yahooo , so relaxing." I can't think anything besides that.

After 10 days of dumped by my family, atleast i found a home for now only. I don't want to bother Lia, she is too kind for a stranger. Maybe tomorrow i will go again finding a job. For now let's just eeeenjoy this pool.

It's been awhile since i get this warm feeling. I've been thinking that i will never get this warm feeling again because now i lost my way in life. I don't know what i want to do anymore. It's all broken, no more hope, no more anything, because i got nothing left in my live except my body. But still it's worthless.

"But after all, i might think that my life is not that bad."

18 January 2019

I got invited to my best friend's party to celebrate his 18 birthday. Her name is Rin, she always in the same school with me since kindergarten. She is pretty, smart, and all i can say is that she is perfect in everything, except communication. Yeah, because she only invited 2 people. And that is me and Jill. We are being friend since elementary school.

"Welcome guys, and thanks for coming to my party."

"No, we are the one who should say thanks. By the way, sorry we're late because of traffic jam."

"No worry guys, let's enjoy this party."


The party have started, there's only three of us. But she reserved the whole restaurant, well she is super rich what else we can do. She also order lots of high class food, probably one plate cost 50$.

"Uhm Rin, isn't this too much?? I mean we are only three people."

"Don't worry, i told you right? just enjoy my party."

"Yeah.. but you shouldn't waste your money for two of us."

"Cmon we are best friend right? it's not wrong if i treat you guys like this."

"Well... by the way Jill, how is your mother? I heard that your mother is sick."

"Ah, you're right Ray. How is your mother? is she fine? should we visit her too?"

"Ah thanks for worrying guys, no problem she is fine, just fine."

"Okay then."

We're talking and laughing together for almost 3 hours now. Clock shows that now is 11 p.m. We still talking and eating even though it's pretty late for three of us. We're talking about our past and homework and other stuff.

"Ahhh, it's 11 already. Shouldn't we go home?"

"Yeah you're right Jill. Thanks for the party Rin. See you tomorrow, take care."

"Ah yes, thanks for coming guys."

I walked to the downtown, looking for a taxi to go home. I can't ride a bike or car that's why i always take taxi for a long trip or going home. Of course im not a rich person, so i sometimes ask my friend to drive me home. My parents never give me more than 50$. That's why i am working, actually part time working, teaching a middle school kid. I got a pretty good money too from there, and its a legit one 8$/hour. Where can i even get that money for a high school student.

In my way to the downtown, i see a girl being chased by a mysterious man to the tunnel. So i followed them and find out that he bring a gun. I tried to call the police, but the i realised that i left my phone at the restaurant.

Shit!!! im doomed

"Hey girl, why don't you just followed me so that i don't need to shoot you huh. Isn't that a good offer?"

"Fuck you, stay away from me or .."

"Or what? What can you do? There's no one here, no one can help you girl. You are mine now, MINE! Don't you get it?"

Im scared, i can't do anything to help the girl. If i rushed, he probably gonna shoot me and im in trouble. But if i run, i don't know if i make it in time to get some help. It's already midnight, and this road is so quite.

dammit i'll go


I run to him and push him to the ground and take his pistol and throw it.

I did it, he doesn't have any more weapon

That's what im thinking, but he pushed me and bring out his pocket knife.

"Oh kiddo, you're messing with wrong guy. Die!"

He aimed his knife at me and slice my leg. Luckily, he didn't slice my stomach.

"Fuck, i missed. But this time i will make it!" He scream and rushed towards me.

He tries to stab me again, but the girl push him away from me. The mysterious man is in anger because of that.

"You little bitch, you will die first then."

He run towards her and stabbed her in the chest. The girl can't even evade because she is too scare.

"I released your poor soul, little girl. Rest in peace."

He remove his knife in her chest and her chest is bleeding. And then he face to me and pointing his finger to me.

"You're next kid. Prepare to get your soul peace."