Chapter 17: Outnumbered.

The golden Qi rope turned black. Wang Tian was slowly freed from his restrictions. He cautiously looked around and when he saw that the beautiful lady still hasn't returned, he made a run for it. Wang Tian run towards the deeper parts of this underground tunnel. He really didn't have any choice. The beautiful lady

was blocking his way to freedom. Unless he wanted to surrender himself again to that monster, he would find another way to escape no matter what.

Wang Tian is now more then 500meters away from his previous location. Like what he usually does, he infused his feet with the Dark Qi and he exploded with power and speed.

As Wang Tian went deeper into the tunnel, he started to notice that the pressure was getting more and more intense. It was like something much more powerful than that beautiful lady was down there. The beautiful lady was far more powerful than him. He couldn't even resist her powers. He could only look at her with anger as she mercilessly beat him to a pulp. Fortunately for him, he has the mysterious Dark Qi which helped him escape. However, the entity down there was so powerful that even the aura that it unconsciously released was pressuring Wang Tian. Just from this, one could tell that the difference between the cultivation base of the entity down there and the beautiful lady was like that of heaven and earth.

Wang Tian released his Dark Qi to handle the pressure and then continued down. He felt hesitant at first but he had no other choice.


'Huh?' the beautiful lady felt something was wrong.

She spread out her divine sense and in an instant, it reached towards the place where she left Wang Tian. 'The brat is gone?' she thought to herself.

'Impossible! My Qi is something that is far from what a Xiantian lifeform can handle! How could he have possible escaped??' she continued.

She picked up her pace while the elders that she captured floated and followed behind her.

After a few minutes, she arrived at her den.

She didn't find anything unusual other than the fact that Wang Tian was not present.

"Dammit! That insolent brat! How could he have escaped?!" She roared and yelled.

She turned towards the elders to vent her rage towards them and one by one she consumed them. Elder Li was not an exception. They knew that they couldn't escape and could only watch as each of them were devoured. Those elders that were charmed by this beautiful girl died with a smile on their faces. They didn't know that they were being eaten nor did they feel any pain as they were munched down by the beautiful girl.

She was thinking to herself as she ate. 'If the brat isn't here, then where could he have gone? Oh! I see! He must have went deeper towards the Brother third That guy is a bit odd but i doubt he'll let the brat live. I would go there now and it would take me not even a second but I would be scolded at if I neglected my duty. These humans right here are a testimony that there might be others of their kind that might come. Hence, i shall guard here and fulfill my duty as the second guardian. I can always collect his body from Brother third since Brother third doesn't eat them.'


The time it takes an incense stick to burn has passed. Wang Tian was running out of Dark Qi. 'At this rate, I won't have any Qi to defend myself!' He thought gloomily.

He started to slow down the speed at which he infused Dark Qi into his feet. Naturally, his speed also slowed down. In the blink of an eye, the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn has passed. Wang Tian abruptly stopped when he saw a big golem standing firm while holding a sword. It was blocking the way towards deeper parts of this tunnel. 'Why is this golem blocking the way? Is there something located at the deepest parts of the tunnel that's worth protecting? Could there be a treasure? Or legacy?' Wang Tian thought it was odd that he met a very strong expert like the beautiful lady and now this big golem. They all came from this direction. He recalled that in his past life, he has read novels that has similarities to this world that he is in. He remembered that in this part of the story, where the mc gets trapped in an unknown location, there probably is something like a treasure or a legacy of some sorts hidden in this location. 'Could there really be a treasure?' Wang Tian thought to himself and his eyes glittered with expectation.

He walked towards the golem slowly. The golem opened its eyes. The golem was silver in color. The eyes of the golem was gold in color. When it opened, it looked at Wang Tian with an interested gaze.

Wang Tian felt intense pressure when the golem looked at him. It was as if he couldn't hide anything from this golem. He felt like the phrase, "The eyes are the windows to the soul" quite true.

'A Xiantian lifeform child? What is this little one doing here? Furthermore, his left eye... They're of that tribe.' The golem thought to itself.

"Child, I am the third guardian of my master's tomb. You can not pass unless I give you my permission." The golem said. Unlike the sly beautiful lady monster, this golem was quite straightforward.

'Third guardian? Tomb of its master? I've found a jackpot!' Wang Tian realized that his guess was correct! This place really was a location which there were treasures!

Wang Tian raised his head with great difficulty and asked the golem,

"Third guardian? You mean that beautiful lady monster was also a guardian of this place?"

"Beautiful lady monster? Ah yes. Sister Second. Yes, she is also a guardian of this place." The golem furrowed its brows when it heard what Wang Tian called its Sister Second.

Wang Tian contemplated for a bit. 'if that beautiful lady monster was the second guardian, who's the first? Well, that's not important right now.'

'A being as powerful as the beautiful lady monster and this golem was tasked to guard this place. How powerful would that someone have to be to be able to convince these entities to be a guard?!'

"Your master is the owner of this place?" Wang Tian asked the golem.

The golem looked deep into Wang Tian. Wang Tian felt aching all over his body.

"Yes, my master is the owner of this place. It has been almost ten thousand years since he made this place and since then, countless cultivators much more powerful than you have entered this place. In hopes of getting my master's possessions." The golem said with a hint of sorrow in his tone. He deeply missed his master but more so the freedom that he had when his master was alive and in his prime. He and his master along with all of the other guardians roamed the universe unobstructed! His master was an existence that was not to be trifled with!

Authors note: let's change "It" to "He". The golem is a male now.

"Ten thousand years?!" Wang Tian exclaimed in shock. This golem has been here for almost ten thousand years?!

The golem didn't reply and just looked at him. After a few moments, Wang Tian regained his composure.

"How can I gain your permission?" Wang Tian asked the golem. He had no other choice. Either to do what the golem says or get eaten by that beautiful lady monster.

The golem didn't reply. He waved his hands and in an instant, a golem that looked exactly like Wang Tian rose from the ground. Wang Tian felt surprised when he saw this. The golem Wang Tian charged towards him full power. Wang Tian flicked his sleeve and then the calcite sword that his father gave him appeared in his hands.

He brandished his sword and then sliced his opponent into two. However, his sword was repelled. It was as if he hit something as hard as rock. Oh wait, his opponent really was a rock! Wang Tian didn't get discouraged when he saw that the golem wasn't the least bit damaged by his strikes. He followed up with a dozen more slashes and then finally, the golem Wang Tian crumbled. Just as Wang Tian was about to heave a sigh of relief, two more arose from the ground.

'These golems are pretty tough but they don't have my invincibility' Wang Tian thought to himself with a smile.

He continued slashing apart his golem counterparts. Oftentimes, Wang Tian was hit by his opponent's fist. However, the pain that his opponents inflicted to him wasn't comparable to the pain that that beautiful lady monster caused him! In fact, it was dishonorable to mention the two in the same sentence! That's why Wang Tian didn't cease to hack his opponents.

After two whole hours, there were now 256 of his golem counterparts!

The Golem Guardian looked at Wang Tian with surprise in his eyes. 'This little kid could withstand the blows of his golem counterparts and has managed to put up for two whole hours??! Furthermore, his body doesn't look injured! There are no bruises, no broken bones and there wasn't even any blood spilled! Those experts that came here before him couldn't even survive one tenth the amount that he has battled. Could he be the person that will become my new master?'

Wang Tian's body was now very fatigued. He has constantly circulated his Dark Qi slowly as he fought to lessen the pain and fatigue that he felt. Right now, his Dark Qi was about to run out.

'Shit! What am I supposed to do now! My Qi is running out!' Wang Tian thought to himself. He broke into cold sweat at the thought of him experiencing another beating. And this time, there were 256 golems that were ready to beat him into a pulp!

"That's enough. You have proven yourself worthy of gaining my permission to pass." The voice of the Golem Guardian reverberated across the tunnel. He waved his palm and in an instant, the 256 golem Wang Tians crumbled.

Wang Tian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. His body collapsed in an instant. Wang Tian fainted from the fatigue.


In the blink of an eye, two days have passed. Wang Tian was asleep during this period. It seems that he was really really exhausted when his fight with the golems ended.

Wang Tian slowly opened his eyes and then groaned in pain. His body was aching all over. He slowly got up and then looked towards his surroundings.

"So you're awake now" the Guardian Golem said.

Wang Tian nodded and then he looked towards his father's sword. His heart ached when he saw the appearance of the sword. It had chips all over its body. It no longer had the same elegance and oppressing aura that it used to have. It was in a very sorry shape.

"Father, Tian'er is a bad boy. He has ruined your sword" he exclaimed with a hint of longing in his voice. He missed his father so badly. Even though Wang Gui really wasn't his father, the warmth that Wang Gui made him feel, made Wang Tian see him as his father. He never had a father that cared for him in his past life.

Wang Tian chuckled bitterly and then stored the sword back into his bag of holding. Wang Tian looked at the golem and said, "Am I qualified to pass through now?".

"You are. Go ahead." The Golem Guardian looked at him. The Golem Guardian opened the way and looked at Wang Tian with expectation in his eyes.

Wang Tian nodded towards the Golem Guardian and then continued his journey. Now that he only had a tiny bit of Qi left, he can only resign himself to fate and walk.