Chapter 23: Cultivating Day and Night

A thick light blue lightning struck towards the earth and then the whole sky shook. In an instant, the void was ripped apart by a powerful force.

A thunderous roar shook the whole earth and sky as Senior Dragon and Wang Tian appeared.

Wang Tian looked at the surroundings and his eyes shone. This place was filled with countless trees that reach up to a thousand feet and more! These trees were so big that his Senior Dragon looked like an ant!

"Senior Dragon, Senior Tang created all of this?" Wang Tian asked his Senior Dragon in amazement.

"Yes, and he was also dying when he made this place..." Senior Dragon said with a hint of reminiscence.

Wang Tian nodded when he heard Senior Dragon's answer. He couldn't help but marvel at the prowess of his predecessor. How amazing! Who in this world can single handedly create a place like this? And he was dying too!

Wang Tian's eyes shone with yearning. 'Will I be able to become such a powerhouse??' Wang Tian sighed.

'Well, creating something as marvelous as this is too far out of reach for me in my present taste.' Wang Tian thought to himself.

Countless geniuses have died in the road towards the pinnacle. It is hard to say whether or not Wang Tian will be able to grow and become someone as powerful as Tang Jixian.

Senior Dragon roared to make his presence known in this place and then he flew towards the ground.

In the blink of an eye, they were now both on the ground. Wang Tian jumped down from Senior Dragon's head. He observed the surroundings and couldn't help but gasp again. This place was truly amazing!

The trees were so tall but what was strange was that the grass were color violet and the dirt was blood red!

"Did you ever wonder why the trees are so tall?" Senior Dragon said, pulling Wang Tian out of his marvelling state.

Wang Tian looked at Senior Dragon. He didn't reply but Senior Dragon understood that this Young Master of his wanted to know.

"Those trees are called,"

"The Towering Sky Trees" Senior Dragon said.

"Towering Sky Trees?" Wang Tian asked.

"Yes, since you have Master's knowledge, I assume that you know what type of tree it is." Senior Dragon said.

Wang Tian looked at him and he decided to rack his brains to find information about this Towering Sky Trees. However, just when he was about to enter the state of contemplation, Senior Dragon interrupted him.

"The Towering Sky Trees are trees from Master's hometown. As you should already know, Master came from Planet Nova. State of Zhao is the name of his hometown. The place where he grew up in contained all of his treasured memories. When master was around 4-14 years old and he hadn't started cultivating, he and his Uncle would gaze at the stars at night in the treehouse that they built in. His Uncle was a Wanxiang Adept back then so climbing a thousand feet tree is no big deal. He carried Master with him and they created this vast treehouse. His Uncle, Tang Yunfeng was his only family. He was the one who took care of Tang Jixian starting when he was still a baby. Tang Yunfeng treated Master like his own son since he didn't have any descendants. Master's parents died when he was born because they were attacked by bandits when they were returning to the state of zhao. Master's father carried his son towards Tang Yunfeng's door and then entrusted Master to Tang Yunfeng. These trees were put here so that Master could remember the days where he was just a mortal. The days were his Uncle was still alive." Senior Dragon said with great detail.

Wang Tian's eyes flashed with understanding. Earlier when they were at that tomb, Wang Tian didn't think much about his predecessor's background. But now that Senior Dragon has mentioned it and told him, he understood now and he became much more interested towards his Senior Tang's origins.

"Unfortunately, Tang Yunfeng died protecting Master when Master was 16 years old. Tang Yunfeng battled four Wanxiang Adepths back then. Master was just a measly Xiantian expert at that time." Senior Dragon said with not a change of expression.

Wang Tian looked towards the sky and sighed. 'Only the strong has the right to say something yes?' Wang Tian thought.

"Do you see those grass?" Senior Dragon changed the topic and then pointed towards the grass. Wang Tian looked at the grass. He racked through his brain and asked, "Are these grasses called Violet Emperor Grass?"

Senior Dragon nodded and said, "Yes, these grasses are called Violet Emperor Grass. They are the most valuable type of grass in the whole Planet Nova. Just like the reason of putting the Towering Sky Trees, Master put them here so that he can feel at home. Even the dirt here is from Master's home.

Violet Emperor Grass are not just for style but they are also used to create some pills and equipment. Violet Emperor Grass is a rare material. You don't expect that the number one grass in the whole Planet Nova would just be found everywhere right?"

After introducing Wang Tian to the surroundings, Senior Dragon told him about the creatures that his Master put here. Senior Dragon said that there were more than a million creatures here and they were all very powerful.

The two settled in and then they started to train. Day and night Wang Tian was being trained by Senior Dragon. Senior Dragon was using a method called, "Scare and Awaken Method.". It is actually the method used in the test of bloodlines. Senior Dragon would capture some beasts and Wang Tian would try to stimulate his bloodline beast to appear again and scare the hell out of the beasts. Unfortunately for him, even after countless tries, his bloodline beast didn't appear again. But he still didn't give up and continued to use the Scare and Awaken Method. Other than stimulating his bloodline, Wang Tian would also ask for the assistance of Senior Dragon to help kill beasts so that he could cultivate. Before entering the tomb of his senior, Wang Tian could circulate his Qi for only 40 times. For him to break through to level 4, he needed to circulate his Qi for about 69 times. Wang Tian needed to kill in order to do so. He explained his situation to Senior Dragon. Senior Dragon understood easily. Back when they were at the tomb, he saw Wang Tian absorb some kind of Qi that came from the liquid paste Liu Hao. He didn't know what it was back then. But now he understood. Senior Dragon helped him capture creatures and kill. Having someone as powerful as Senior Dragon help you was really a wonderful feeling, that is why his cultivation base progressed very smoothly. During this time, Wang Tian also did not forget to train his Stone Technique. He did not forget how useful this technique was in hiding his invincibility that is why he constantly trained this technique.

In the blink of an eye, 7 years has passed.

Hiding behind a tree, a figure could be seen preying on a beast. This figure was very handsome. His skin was white and his hair was colored black. His body was as fit as one could be. This figure's right arm had scales and the scales were colored black. His left eye was pitch black and emanated a very arrogant aura as if this figure looked down on every creature in the whole world. Yes! This was Wang Tian! He was now 17 years old! A teenager about to become a young adult. He was preying on a bear that was at the least, a mid stage Zifu Realm beast who had 4-5 crystals. Much more powerful than any other person or beast that Wang Tian has ever encountered. Except for the guardians of his Senior Tang's tomb of course.

Wang Tian was holding a weapon that was very appealing to the eyes. He was holding a scythe! This scythe was pure black in color. It is called the "Soul Reaping Scythe". It was a scythe that he fortunately unlocked inside his Senior Tang's storage ring four years ago. He broke through to level 4 of Xiantian lifeform. The weapon that Liu Hao gave him didn't really suit him well. That's why he decided to look for a new weapon. He wanted to pick a sword but decided against it. He recalled that in his past life, the figure called "Death" held a scythe in his hands and plagued the world with death. He figured that he should use a scythe too since not too long ago, he met a figure who called himself Death. The Soul Reaping Scythe was a weapon that was a peak sky weapon. It is called the Soul Reaping Scythe because whenever Wang Tian killed, the soul of the victim was confined in the scythe. Further increasing the power of the weapon. The more Wang Tian killed, the more powerful it became and the more flashier its appearance was. Right now, due to Wang Tian killing an exaggerated amount of beasts, it had skulls of beasts as a design. Its handles were made out of bones of a Wanxiang Adept beast that he and his Senior Dragon killed from a while back.

Luck was on his side at that time since he acquired this weapon. It was buried under a pile of spirit stones. Fortunately for him, this weapon was accessible to him. He didn't see this weapon back then since he was persistent on finding a sword. Although he had the knowledge of his predecessor, he still didn't know the exact locations of the treasures inside the storage ring. Since his predecessor thought little of a sky weapon.

Wang Tian brandished the Soul Reaping Scythe. He crawled up the tree and then he pounced towards the bear! He raised his scythe and then decapitated the bear in one strike! Clearly, Wang Tian had major improvements! The bear's head rolled on the ground and blood covered the dirt. Of course, the dirt didn't look that bloodied since it was already blood red in color. The expression of the bear was that of vigilance. How sad. It didn't even know that it had died. Wang Tian's strike was so fast and powerful that the bear didn't even notice.

Wang Tian absorbed the Dark Qi while his weapon absorbed the soul of the bear.

After 7 years, Wang Tian is now at the level 6 of the Xiantian lifeform realm. He progressed very smoothly with no bottlenecks. His stone technique was at level 5. He could now turn his skin into diamond. In the past 7 years, Wang Tian alternated between cultivating the Death Technique, cultivating the Stone Technique, stimulating his bloodline, and then sometimes reading the books about alchemy. Wang Tian also sometimes sparred with his Senior Dragon but the outcome was more or less expected.

During the past 7 years, Wang Tian did many extreme things. Day and night he trained until he couldn't move. But Senior Dragon kept encouraging him to get up and train. About 2 - 3 years ago, Wang Tian eventually successfully stimulated his bloodline. Increasing his battle prowess by more than a hundred percent. His body also became much more flexible than before. He could stick to walls and trees without using his Qi. Due to his bloodline being stimulated, Wang Tian's right arm had scale and those scales were pitch black. Wang Tian asked Senior Dragon about this. Senior Dragon told him that his true form was showing itself. He was undergoing transformation. This is quite normal for half-breeds like him. Half-breed is a term used when the mother and father are of different races. He didn't know which among his mother or father was of the Arachnid tribe but he was sure that it was one of them. He doesn't know much about his mother. That's why he really anticipated the day that he could see his father again and ask him about his mother.