In London, I got on the first bus in the backseat. On the bus, I started working on Muggle Confundus. It's unlikely my spell would have had a strong effect on a wizard. But I knew I had to start training with Muggle exercises. I carefully read the explanations and studied the wand movement pattern. I bought some good books. The drawing was like a reflection of a question mark with no dot. These charms were the basis for any magician. No violence against the will of the muggle! Just a little temporary obscuration in other people's brains. All to ensure the comfort and safety of the magical world. No color effect, completely invisible effect of the spell. After I managed to throw Confundus three times and then convince the passenger that he had to leave at this stop, I stopped trying and went out to catch the black cab. In the taxi, I pointed out "the nearest cheap hotel", dumped Confundus: "Don't you think I have a great wife and daughter? We're from India." At the check-in, I introduced myself as "Mr. Johnson, the lawyer, with his son" and rented a double room for three days. Sleep!


London, the cheapest hotel in the area (there will be many more). 9:00 a.m. July 26, 1991.


For breakfast, I went out to the nearest cafe. At the hotel entrance, I asked the receptionist for paper and a pencil. For the next two days I'll be eating and sleeping, but maybe doing morning and evening exercises. Apart from these, no doubt, important things, I should spend some time planning. I have decided to divide the planning into the short-term and long-term. The goals of short-term planning will be the items, resources or skills that I lack for a comfortable life right now.

I need them soon:

1. Fucking training on fucking negotiations. I'm really ashamed, seriously!

2. Base, ideally not alone. Organization of stashes.

3. House elf. Galleons!

4. A place for magical training.

5. Sports sections for physical training. Pounds!

6. Gentlemen's weapon set.

Besides, soon I can play Lara Croft on the graves of Tommy's family in Little Hangleton. Every fool knows that this guy's skeletons should be replaced by anyone's skeletons. Everyone makes a replacement because they're corrupt. I'm willing to plant monkey skeletons on Tommy. If it comes to Voldemort's resurrection, he'll enjoy it. From Hong Kong with love! Counterfeit. It'll make your life pleasant and almost not burdensome to spend.

Luckily, I've managed to accomplish immediate tasks with time limits. I left the abode of evil, I got an amulet blocking the search, a wand, books, and I warned Hermione's parents.

I had some bad luck with the Grangers, I even thought a little bit about it. Why do I care about some fake Hermione? But I found the answer quickly. I spilled the first blood easily and easily. A magician is no ordinary man. Harry's not a normal boy. For a normal person, all magicians are crazy, and they're crazy to death. Magic puts pressure on your brain! You can't do it without it. But that's why there's got to be a little piece of light in my life. Worthless care for Hermione's welfare is good. It'll help me think straight. And for my good, it's not a bright thing to worry about, it's just a simple colorless thing. For my own needs, I will have to do many dark things. I will never be a Jedi! Forgive me, Yoda and Dumbledore. This is not the Potter you're looking for.

It's complicated with long-term planning.

Although, in general, I only have one way. Dumbledore and Voldemort are not strong opponents in themselves. They're heads of organizations. Therefore, to fight them I will have to assemble my organization and carefully destroy other people's organizations. Any organization needs money for its work! That's a lot of money. When we say "money", we think "Sirius". I can have one or two accidents on my own. The effect of surprise will allow it. It is possible to think over and destroy not just a weak cripple of Crouch Jr., his daddy keeps half a dead man. It is possible even to organize an assassination attempt on a monster like Lucius. But it's not serious, because a good team can put the work of destroying enemies on the assembly line. And there aren't that many "native" Eaters. Take out a dozen and a half magicians, and now Tommy has no one to work with after the resurrection. And there's a limited team on Dumbledore's side, too.

Long-term planning requires an organization.

1. Propaganda department. He'll live on Sirius' money. There are no more obvious candidates for sponsorship until my majority. There's figure number one in the magical world, the talented and corrupt Rita! I love the Beatles, I love beetles. Rita Skeeter, dirty and full of sensations, will serve me well.

2. Intelligence department. They're paid informants, for a start. They don't have to know who they work for.

3. Fighting department. It's a mixture of mercenaries and "idea" fighters as group curators. Sirius is not to be allowed in there. He's more of a comedy character, a very funny clown. Whom everyone loves. But no one would trust a clown with anything but a comedian. That toilet-type joker couldn't even destroy the Rat! This isn't a joke! A magician in an impulse of emotional shock is a terrible power. And what did Sirius do when he saw his most important enemy in life? Let us not remember, laughter and tears. He leaked the fight to the canonical Bella! The aunt after Azkaban twisted him in her clitoris as she wished. But there's family stuff, it's complicated, maybe they can't kill each other. Sirius is a good, kind, stupid clown. Let him sit at home, make heirs, a dog. Only Crouch Sr., Frau Longbottom, and completely insane Mad-Eye are suitable as possible candidates for the role of ideological fighters for justice. Making Crouch and Longbottom work together is a true masterpiece of manipulation. But it's none of my business. I'm capable of failing negotiations with Hagrid! It's not for me and mine to dream about this level of intrigue.

Opponents are strong. But my strength is that I know who my enemies are.

The Eaters Organization, the staff of the inner circle will be destroyed. There aren't many of them, but there are only a few magicians important to magic Britain. Rookwood of the Department of Mysteries is the only wizard that inspires respect. I just don't know what this Department is. But this scientist and specialist have a right to life. It's easier with Voldemort. I have a suspicion that it is not necessary to break all the Horcruxes to prevent his resurrection. Because the Horcruxes have pieces of his soul. If you destroy the most available, all that remains is a snake and a cup. The snake is a weak Horcrux, and the cup was not the first, and perhaps not the second. Instead of strong Tommy, his pale, mentally ill shadow will be reborn. His slaves may lock him up without looking at the mark. As for the Horcrux in my head, that's nothing to worry about. Considering how many times this idiot shared his soul, it's not even a percentage in my forehead - a part of the percentage of Voldemort's soul. I'm going to eat it and I'm not going to wince. Harry had a childhood after which he grew up a slow, naive and kind boy. Then Snape's "lessons of occlumency" allowed Voldemort to influence Harry's brain in some way. I'm sure a bastard and a sly creature like me can't get a hold of a pathetic stump.

It's much worse with the Dumbledore organization. The staff isn't important. Dumbledore is willing to trade them all in for a temporary tactical advantage. You destroy some, he'll recruit others. And so let the people from the Order live for now. But then, in Dumbledore's troubled hour, we must destroy the entire Order of the Phoenix at once and abruptly. Dumbledore will be left without helpers for a while, he will lose the fullness of his vision of the picture. Then we'll offer him victory with one blow, a cheese he can't give up. The trap for the bearded master of intrigue must be thought out perfectly.

I smiled. The planning is done, my targets are reviewed and approved. In the meantime, rest.


London, same cheap hotel, evening of July 26, 1991.


It's time to master the wand properly. Since the Confundus came out quickly and clearly, I did not expect any pitfalls. I decided to start with the canonical Lumos. And who would have thought - I did not succeed! There is no shining bastard. Well, I guess I've thoroughly blackened the karma. How so? I've got to run outside right away, move grandmothers across the street, serve alms, heal beggars and scratch dogs behind ears. Let's go in on the other side then, let's have Leviosa. The canonical Harry and Hermione were picking up feathers. But I'm an original hero, I'll have a toothpick.


An hour later.


Oh, it's too bad no one's around. You could have pushed him with your elbow and yelled, "You saw it, it moved!" Yeah, the toothpick did move in response to my attempts, no doubt about it. The spell is useful, the trolls with the clubs confirm. And the color of karma should not affect the performance of Leviosa. To test my hypothesis, I cracked the toothpick into a few chips and used Leviosa on the thinnest of them. I did it! There was confidence, and the chip slipped cheerfully above the table, but it quickly became tired.

It occurred to me that if the Lumos was light and it didn't work, then Nox was dark, and so it would work perfectly. No, it's not. I've repeated Lumos/Nox in turns a hundred times, but apart from the fact that it gets darker after ox, nothing happened.

It's a good thing at least Confundus is coming out, or I'd still be sleeping in the woods.

And how am I going to move on with my life with such unrealistic magical powers? In a month, all the babies of the magical world will go to Hogwarts. I'm not sorry. Let them make the world happy with their academic success. But it's going to be hard for me to pretend to be a student at Diagon Alley. Pupils don't leave Hogwarts at all for a long time. And my amulet hiding its appearance has already been illuminated in front of the people of the Alley. I could be caught underneath that face right in the Cauldron.

I need to buy a house-elf as soon as possible. It will allow me to shop, send mail, and even teleport, not to mention amenities. Laundry, cleaning, cooking at the hotel right now isn't relevant, but I'll need it soon. You can buy an elf at Knockturn Alley. But there are only two cartridges left in the revolver cylinder. I may not have enough of these cute little useful items for an important purchase. It's not a problem to resupply ammunition, I'm used to the world of Muggles and simple. What will be my main weapon? Last time the revolver was in my left hand and the Cutthroat in my right hand, but is that right? I need to train myself to work with both hands, ideally, I need the Glock 17 sleeves up. I'll wear knives on my belt or jacket. What should I do with a wand? With my only spell, it has no combat value. But it's only a matter of time before I use the wand. Where did all my thoughts begin? That's right! By buying a house elf.