

"Good day, I'd like to speak to Master Hookhawk."

"What's the question?"

"Let him know that Mr. Evans would like to discuss the safety of his savings."

"Follow me, I'll take you to the conference room."

The meeting room was the same style as last time, comfortable and cozy. But knowing what goblins are two-faced scums somehow prevented me from enjoying the interior.

"Mr. Evans!" said Hookhawk entering the room. "I wasn't expecting you so soon. What brings you to Gringotts? Last time I met you, I had the impression you'd solved all your affairs before you were seventeen."

"Master Hookhawk!" I did not wish health and wealth to this bastard, "I was brought to a case which, if completed, will benefit both me and Gringotts."

"And what business could you and Gringotts have?"

"It has come to my attention that a robbery of Gringotts is being prepared. The robbery has every chance of being successful. You judge for yourself the possible business consequences."

"Mr. Evans, my time is precious, so don't distract me with jokes like that."

"I swear by the magic that I am serious about the possible robbery of Gringotts! Lumos!" Finally, I could use a stupid spell!

The goblin has frozen and his face has acquired more evil features of an animal.

"I see, Master Hookhawk, you're not interested? Your time is too precious, isn't it?"

"Mr. Evans, please continue," but the goblin's eyes said I had made an enemy. No, you toothed bastard, you're the one who made an enemy. Soon, in some dead-end, great mushrooms will grow to relieve your parents' stress.

"I'd like to give the details to the bank headmaster in person."

"As a bank employee, I can help you."

"I don't mind you hearing the conversation, Master Hookhawk," or you're going to clamp the information or report on your behalf, "But I'll talk to the headmaster myself," I'll stomp you in the dirt where you belong.

"I'll see if the headmaster can take you in. Wait."

That's a great sofa. When you lean back, you're weightless. You'll have to get one of those like I'm getting a place to live. Yeah. I'm making progress in my negotiating skills!

"Mr. Evans, wake up!"

I opened my eyes. In front of me, in a solid chair, there was a goblin. I knew right away that the Potter agent was a small animal. Now I saw an alien! A real magical creature that cut wizards' throats. These goblins eat wizards for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I had a monster sitting in front of me. His appearance couldn't have fooled me. The goblin looked fat. Must look solid by their standards. There were two low warriors with halberds behind him, who looked like long axes because of their size.

"I am Gringotts Head Goblin Ragnok. I've been informed that you have some important information.

"I know that someone Quirrell, a professor at Hogwarts, is planning a robbery of Gringotts. He is interested in the Philosopher's Stone, or the thing they think is, if I'm not mistaken, vault 713. I know who his patron is, so I would personally take the threat of Quirrell seriously."

"Why are you reporting this to Gringotts Bank?"

"Mr. Quirrell had the misfortune of becoming my enemy. When he tries to rob Gringotts, Gringotts will be his enemy too. I benefit when my enemies have powerful enemies."

"The last phrase can be interpreted in two ways, Mr. Evans."

I don't understand him! But that creepy goblin knows exactly what I mean! While Dark Lord Tiger and Gringotts Lion fight in the woods, wise old monkey Evans will be eating bananas in the tree.

"Happy hunting, Head Goblin Ragnok," I got off the sofa.

"Goodbye, Mr. Evans."

I left the bank building and I couldn't understand. Does negotiating begin with magical creatures and creatures? I think it went quite well for me. Let's continue our attacks!


A quarter to two in the afternoon, the Daily Prophet...


During Tuesday's working day, an owl found Rita Skeeter at work. After checking, the envelope was opened. The most scandalous reporter of our time, no doubt, had a short letter in his clinging hands. For this letter, Mrs. Skeeter was ready to give a baby to the author.


Dear Mrs. Skeeter,

My name is Harry James Potter. I want to tell you how I've lived all these years after a famous event. I hope that your genius reporter and your gift to bring the truth to the public will help illuminate the events of my life hidden from the public.

Right after my parents died, Albus Dumbledore kidnapped me. But he had no right to such a violation of the laws of the magical world. Dumbledore used his position for his vile purposes. This filthy individual prevented me from reading my parents' will. Dumbledore gave me up to the Muggle family of Dursley. These Muggles live at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging. It's my hell address. Dumbledore kidnapped me along with my accomplices. Rubeus Hagrid and Minerva McGonagall were involved in my abduction. All I got at this goddamn address was beatings and harassment and endless work for poor food. I was hungry, they fed me as if I were a cat. That's not all the mockery and violation of my rights as a child wizard! These bastards put me in a closet under the stairs! It was normal for these muggles to lock me in a closet for a few days without food. "Thanks" to these Muggles, I don't look my age. My magical powers are in their most miserable condition! Alas, it's all Dumbledore's fault, Muggles, beatings and hunger strikes. I repeat, the worst thing is that all this happened with the permission and approval of Albus Dumbledore. He followed me through his spy squib, Mrs. Arabella Doreen Figg.

I accidentally found out I was a wizard. Now I'm trying to figure out my story. It turned out that Albus Dumbledore was to blame for stealing from an orphan! That bastard stole my safe, taking out the maximum amount every year. Remember, Dumbledore is the bastard who kidnapped me, concealed my parents' will, and made me a slave at the Muggles. That's the unsightly true face of the Light Wizard. He kidnaps kids to give to Muggle sadists and steals from orphans.

I wrote all this only for you! I know of your gift to bring pure truth to honest wizards. I can swear on magic, my accusations are truth and truth. I want the whole country to know how and why I hate Dumbledore and his supporters of Rubeus Hagrid and Minerva McGonagall. I ask you to write my words in the paper! "Harry Potter hates the scum of Dumbledore and his supporters of Rubeus Hagrid and Minerva McGonagall."

It's my birthday tomorrow. Good sorceress, please delight the orphan who grew up hungry in the Muggle world. Give me a present, please!

I'm sure I'll enjoy your article in "The Prophet". Mrs. Skeeter, I'll send you some more letters with important information. Believe me, you'll probably like them even more than this letter.

Yours truly, Harry James Potter.


It was like Bombarda Maximus, performed by Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Miss Skeeter's emotions were so strong that she managed to have a sticky nonverbal "Accio Quick-Quotes Quill". But that moment was left unnoticed. The world of magic hadn't noticed the coming of funny days of change and terrible ugly things.

An hour later, the head of DMP received the following letter. The letter was written in brown handwriting, printed letters, with a bunch of mistakes. So here is a partially edited version:


Madame Amelia Susan Bones,

Ten years ago, I was Death Eater. It was my mistake to be young and stupid. When Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord, I sighed with relief. I could have given up this nasty business. I'm dying. I'm going to tell you something.

The last night of the Dark Lord, I saw him leave with another Eater. I know exactly about the other Eater. He's Animagus, his animal form is a rat! No one's seen this Eater since. But the other day I learned the terrible truth. The Eater is hiding in his Animagus shape as the pet of one of the sons in Arthur Weasley's house. I'm worried about this family. They have many children. Please make sure they don't get hurt.

Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, help bring justice and fairness.



Hotel on Clapham Road, tonight.


I chose a new base for the next few days. Tomorrow, Dumbledore will know about my escape. Dursley could have hidden my act. That Harry was often locked in his closet with pitiful crumbs of food. The old squib wasn't able to get anything to Dumbledore. The Muggles are to blame. Their guilt is clear. They didn't give their son good parenting! The little piggy used to beat up Harry a lot. The Muggles quickly understood the connection between a hard childhood half-blind freak and the peace of mind in his home. Potter the freak is a hungry slave and does not cause trouble. I'm ready to swear by the magic that Harry had a creepy, unhappy childhood. The information bomb will explode with a noise.

Let's get to the bottom of this.

We couldn't get Longbottom on Crouch Junior. On the other hand, I still have three years to deal with him. Crouch is as big a fanatic as Bella. He's a very competent fanatic. Crouch Sr. benefits me like an idea fighter with Voldemort. So in the kidnapping of an eater's son, you have to plan a mission to carefully kidnap the prisoner. Preferably mercenaries, controlled by my loyal employee.

Hermione's going to Hogwarts, it's an unfortunate and disturbing development. But there's a trap on Quirrell. It's a good, quality trap. I saw the Head of the Goblins. Now I know they are dangerous and powerful enemies. It would be a shame if Quirrell changed his mind about storming Gringotts. Then my reputation with goblins will fall below the mud. But now I'm sure of my policy towards goblins. It'll be time to deal with them. I can't have anything to do with them. From the plan with the professor robber, I expect 80% success. On the one hand, parasitism on loser Quirrell is an ass for Tommy himself.

Voldemort can be reborn into anyone, but it's unlikely he'll end up in a bigger dummy than he is now. Not a fact, though, no, not a fact at all. You have to be a complete degenerate to let Voldemort in, like Hagrid. Only Hermione above all, let the girl have a "quiet year."

Rita Skeeter won't miss hers. I know that for a fact. The other question is if censoring her article will miss. "The Prophet" has always been a tribune for the Ministry of Magic. The article has a great perspective to see the light.

But pitting Bones on a Pettigrew rat can be a problem. She may not believe the anonymous snitch. These idiots of a magician can present the Order of Merlin to Peter, who has suddenly risen. Let's test the sanity and idiocy of the world of magic.

It's too early to deal with the corridor at Hogwarts and the Philosopher's Stone.

It'd be nice to recruit McGonagall on a wave of her remorse for Harry's poor child. But that's unrealistic. Dumbledore's around. She's long under his beard. She was his apprentice. It's a very strong connection in the world of magic.

This article in the paper could play a plus in the future if I met McGonagall in person. I'll have something to put pressure on her. Now, let that cat eat her shitty conscience if she has one.

There are a few more masterpieces for the boulevard press, but we have to wait for Skeeter's move.

It's not too late. Why not look for the nearest shooting gallery? I need to train my shooting skills. I need to work on my art of negotiation.