Grimmauld Place 12. The morning of August 6, 1991.


I found a canvas with stains of paint and solvent on the site of a Walburga portrait.

"Kreacher!" "Clap" and he appeared next to me.

"Yes, sir!"

"Is there a training hall at Black's house where I can prepare for battles with the enemies of the Black family?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Take me there!"

"Yes, sir!" And he took me up the stairs down to the basement.

The gym was the size of a school gym. Two-thirds of the gym was filled with wooden mannequins four yards apart. The smaller part was a "firing line" with targets. Magicians stand close to the enemy when attacking spells are used.

Nice dojo, but it's a bit grim in here.

"Kreacher, is there a control console or something?"

"Yes, sir! Behind this door, there's a small stone of strength. If you sprinkle blood on it, the ghost of Corvinus Black appears who chose to be the eternal teacher of the Black family himself. Restoration of the hall after training also depends on this stone of strength."

"Excellent, Kreacher, I'm satisfied."

"Happy to serve the heir to the Ancient and Nobleborn of the Black family!

"Go to Gringotts, don't attract visitors, the Black family has many enemies. And tell any goblin cashier that you've come on behalf of the heir of the Black family to the Shnagrog master for emergency portkeys. Wait for Master Shnagrog or his assistant, take the portkeys and put them on the second floor on the living room coffee table."

"Yes, sir!" The elf disappeared instantly and almost silently.

It's interesting. We'll postpone meeting the noble ancestor. I'll have a lot of impressions today. In the meantime, I must practice my sword.

When I left the hall, a bundle of grey paper with four rings and brief instructions was waiting for me on the coffee table:

Key phrase: "Immediate evacuation!"

There's a portable Sneakoscope built into the rings, which activates the portkey in case of deadly danger.

The barrier detector activates the Portkey when the barrier against Apparition and the keys are installed.


Caterham, a quarter to two in the afternoon.

Still, I shouldn't have scolded the local approach to Occlumency. After you put your thoughts on the shelves, you'll sleep just fine. I do not have a manual on the "Sith" method of working with the mind, that is, through emotions and rage. I should first learn the local method, working with the mind is useful and I have ready-made textbooks and manuals. When I master the "Jedi" method of Occlumency, I will be able to switch to the "Sith" method.



"Yes, sir!"

"Carefully remember the people I'm going to meet. When we break up with them, walk them home and remember where they live. Be discreet. The help of these people will lay a brick in the foundation of the rebirth of the Most Ancient and Noble Black."

"Yes, sir!" The elf's eyes sparkled in a special light.

The Grangers, who had learned from experience, did not get out of the car. When I knocked, they unlocked the doors. I got in the car, and I took off the muggle repellent amulet.

"Hello, Joan and Daniel!"

"Hello, Harry!"

"How's Hermione?"

"Rejoicing likes a child, always sitting and reading, stuck in books."

"Did you buy the amulets and portkeys I pointed out at your last meeting?"

"Yes, but they haven't given Hermione yet."

"Okay. As long as we're here, you're going to go to church. I need to get my thoughts together before we talk. You will pray for Hermione's health and happiness and for my plans to protect her to work. I hope that your possible thoughts that I am a messenger of the devil are not confirmed."

The Grangers left the car and went under the arm to the church. I took Joan's hand so they wouldn't lose me to a muggle repellent amulet.

"Harry, why don't you take the disguise off?"

"I can't. If I take off my disguise, I'll have to take off my sword, and without it, I feel unprotected."

"Why do you need it?" wondered Joan.

"What do you think? You see, I kill people who want to kill me with it," I said with the voice of a father explaining to his son where children come from.

"And how much have you killed already?" smacked Daniel.

"Three wizards, one bastard, and an elf. But I only killed one wizard with a sword. I only bought him a week ago. Four other enemies were killed by my allies on my lead. But you don't have to worry about the dead. They were all very bad."

Dan realized it was a bad joke, so he shut up. We were just approaching the church, so the conversation ended without continuing. Sitting on the back of the benches, we were silent. The Grangers were supposed to be praying, and I was putting my thoughts on the shelves according to the Occlumency brochure. I was preparing a virtual "locker," which I would use during the upcoming conversation. About twenty minutes later, we left the church and, until we got in the car, everyone was quiet.

"I want you to have a conversation with Hermione. You're her parents, she'll listen to you first. You must prepare for the conversation yourself. Take two or three days to prepare. You have to explain to her that she's already an adult because she'll live independently of you most of the time. But as an adult, she has to be aware of the risks that adults face. Tell her about the dangers. First of all, getting into a cult. Second, sexual harassment,"

The Grangers made big surprised eyes.

"No, no," I wave my hands, "this is unlikely to happen. Only it would be suspicious if you warned her about a cult, but not about sexual harassment. So, let's continue. The third danger is mental penetration into the brain."

I pulled the same two books I first bought from the deceased traitor and handed them over to Joan. Thanks to the last commercial operation, I have a lot of this literature now, I can open a bookstore myself.

"Tell her that you bought one of the amulets as a defense against brain penetration, but let her train to protect her mind from these books. Tell her also that these exercises strengthen her memory. It'll be easier for her to learn and assimilate the material, so it's useful from all sides. Have you given Hermione the contact parchment yet?"

"Not yet, Harry."

"Do it in the second half of August. I repeat the legend. I'm Daniel's former colleague. I learned that Hermione is a magician. I want to give her some advice on how to get settled in magical society."

"Harry, last time you told us you'd tell us the result of your actions," said Dan carefully.

"Daniel, Joan! The terrorist who was responsible for the events of October 31st is dead."

The Grangers' eyes bursting with joy. I liked their reaction.

"But the leaders of both terrorist groups are not yet within my reach. As long as I'm strong, it may be a few years. But until then, I can work on the Chief Enemy's handlers and servants. The portkey you bought for Hermione will now be a reserve. Here's a replacement," I gave them three handkerchief wrapped rings. "These are also emergency portkeys, but they are more powerful and much safer than your home. My new safe plaсe has only been available since yesterday."

"Where exactly?"

"To my home where there's a very strong magical protection. There are three rings, for the whole family. When you wear the rings, they'll fit and be invisible to everyone but you. They'll work if there's a danger to life, or if you say the words, "Immediate evacuation." When you tell Hermione the secret phrase, be sure to make sure all your rings are off, or they will work for nothing."

"Thank you, Harry, thank you!" Joan was touched. "You care so much for Hermione and us."

"Hermione is the most important person in this world to me, even though I've never met her. And you are the family of the most important person to me. So, in a way, you and I are almost the family."

"We'd like to invite you to a family dinner or a picnic," said Dan.

"Someday it'll come true. In the meantime, the last one. I can't give you conscious amulets. They only work if the wizard wears them. So when you're around wizards, occupy your brain with "trash" memories. For example, imagine how you drill the teeth, how you explain to your colleagues how to drill the teeth, how you attend a conference that explains how to drill the teeth. Train each other to talk and keep your work in your thoughts. I am sure this can scare away some thought readers. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Harry," Dan gave me his right hand for a handshake.

"Come back, Harry!" Joan leaned between the seats, pulled me towards her and kissed me on the forehead.

I left the car and put on an amulet. How would the Grangers feel about me if they knew what happen to the Dursleys after my provocation? What would they think of me if they guessed how I planned to finally solve Weasley's problem. And not just those redheaded enemies? On the other hand, what they don't know wouldn't hurt them. In this life, I've been stuck to a wall by bad bastards who don't understand the polite "please leave me alone." Bastards will only accept my way of life if they rip off their balls. Why not?

All guys are divided into two types. Guys "why?" And guys "why not?" Well, I'm not a category one mumble.