September 4th. Grimmo 12.


I need a month of information warfare and putting dirt on the enemy. Another month of dirty articles, and then the people won't care how Dumbledore justifies himself. He only has one method. He can provide a living Voldemort scarecrow. That's why Dumbledore cast a Morsmordre spell over Bagshot's house. He believes that by providing Voldemort, he will clear his name once. "The great triumph of good over evil" will put the killing of his comrades-in-arms and the abuse of the orphan among the necessary sacrifices. But he's miscalculated. First, the tactics of providing the living Voldemort in the canon worked after a clash at the Ministry of Magic. I mean, it won't work for at least a few more years. The director will face strong opposition from the Ministry. And I understand the government. Nobody wants a riot. Second, after I walk through Tommy and his Eaters in the papers, the public will reasonably consider them shit. Nothing is clear to me with the war. But I think the number of wizards is already too small! Intrigues and murder cases are normal methods. Dumbledore had to make too big a leap to the heights of power! So he started a war that was too big.

Third, I will destroy several of Tommy's available Horcruxes. Then Voldemort's soul will be left with pitiful shreds. The diary, medallion, tiara and ring are quite accessible to me. Bottom line, either I kill Tommy three times or he dies of idiocy. Who's scared one-eighth of Voldemort?

It's not scary, alas! The only question is whether Dumbledore will figure it out or not. It's typical for him to get some schizophrenic nonsense into his head once and then follow it for decades. My theory of the power of Horcruxes is based on fact. I have the last of Tommy's Horcruxes. I'm a very weak wizard. I'm a perfectly normal little wizard who grew up without support or care. But Harry Potter was awesome! I checked my Stupefy. It's a miserable sight.

I wrote a letter to Rita, which is good, of course. Except it's worth taking on the Living Gossip Writer resource. For that, I need a woman, something between an archivist and a press secretary. For this role, I planned Andromeda, she could carefully promote my ideas in society. But she turned down my offer. Well, the fool missed her happiness, won't get a reinstatement now! In her fear of Dumbledore, she didn't know which fish was the most dangerous in this lake. We'll have to use the hired staff. Old lady Longbottom! She could have been the strongest figure in my camp. Ancient family, neutral, many friends. But I screwed it up.


Dear master Shnagrog,

I have one more task for you: I need an employee to perform secretarial and analytical duties. He will prepare reports and write analytical articles according to the data I have specified. In addition to that, the employee must have a good command of English history from the last century, and be aware of the political situation.

Please specify the amount of your reward for the service of searching for this employee, and after I agree with the amount, proceed to the task.

Sincerely yours.

Harry Potter


"Kreacher! Take these two letters to the post office and send them through the standard procedure."

My life is getting better. I need five tens of thousands of galleons, and now the contours of the organization are being drawn. Department Z is me, Kreacher and Shnagrog. The Intelligence Department requires agents at the Ministry. Combat Operations is the Calhoun brothers, Andrew Creighton. Propaganda Division, this is Skeeter.

Ideally, I need agents for peaceful combat and espionage and a couple of 2 × (4 shooters + magician) strike groups in the Force Operations Department. And that's only for fighting the forces of the "Greatest Mages." To take power in this country in hand, very large forces are needed.

Which of these conclusions? For life to continue to get better, it takes more galleons. I mean, pounds, for starters. And the operation to get money from good muggles needs to be prepared. It's time to send Kreacher to Shnagrog for a portkey and order some more look-altering amulets. And that's where I should stop for now, because there are five thousand galleons left on the balance sheet.


Brixton. The garage where Alex was bringing Fred for questioning

4 nights on September 4, 1991.


The plan was simple and brilliant. Repeat taking money from the Businessman. However, the further it went, the worse it went. Universal justice decided to prove to me that a joke repeated twice was no longer so good. First, another person was sitting in the "office" part of the building in the Businessman's office. It looked like a typical torpedo gangster. I interviewed him with Imperius, and I found out the "businessman" had escaped. He "grabbed the cash drawer." Fry's in charge, which is not enough money in the safe. But Fry can't open the safe because he has a key, but there's no code. So, with simple organizational measures, the local mafia has secured itself from the boy who owns the Imperius. It's still in a separate garage. Besides, a few thousand pounds in a safe wouldn't have much impact on my financial situation. A strong desire to shake Malfoy was still a desire. Without serious training, it's too early to think about it. I'm sure Malfoy doesn't walk around without safety artifacts and an emergency key. So as long as my ceiling of the nerve is Muggle crime.

I had to start on the other side. I went back to Johnny's former spot on Spencer Road, interviewed his "replacement" on how to contact the bosses. Then I went to the Prince Regent Pub on Dulwich Road and Regent Road. And nothing. The pub's like a pub. I walked through the kitchen and the utility rooms and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Where are the naughty good Muggles? Okay, not today, so I'll deal with it tomorrow. It's still taking the time. And it doesn't end at Brixton London either. I could rob another gang.


Grimmo 12, living room, evening.


I leafed through a book on rituals published at the beginning of the century. What do we have here? We could have made Barty a zombie. Only why would I want a zombie? You could have left Senior Barty as a gift. Sorry, it's late. But Senior Barty hasn't worked out his debt to the Black family yet... I understand that Dumbledore was pushing Crouch. But Crouch is from ancient families! Sirius could have been dealt with by law! It's a pity about the poor dog. He was a good man to play with. I found the rituals of tying a gun. Also not too valuable. To tie a gun properly, you must make a few innocent sacrifices. That's at odds with my morals. You can't touch innocents! I have too many people to blame for the Black family. I don't understand the point of tying a gun to victims. It doesn't make sense. My idea is to put a piece of your soul into the weapon, but not tear your soul apart. It has nothing to do with Horcrux because the goal is not to anchor in this world but to animate the object. The idea is that there should be enough blood and desire from the owner of the weapon. We should consult with the goblins. If anyone understands weapons and blood rituals, it's this little toothed scum.

At this time, Kreacher brought me a letter with the Gringotts coat of arms. I put on a reading set, went for it. You can hardly expect anything harmful from goblins, but it's better to bring up a habit.


Dear heir to the Black family,

I'm in a hurry to inform you that I've found a real estate offer that formally meets your requirements. These and your other tasks I would like to discuss with you on September 5, afternoon.

Trustee of the Black family.

Shnagrog manager


Ha! All roads lead to Gringotts.


Grimmo 12, dojo.

Around quarter past twelve on September 5, 1991.


After training and water procedures, I changed into my daily clothes and found that one of the contact sheets was warm. It was a Granger sheet.

"Harry, come in, it's Daniel and Joan."

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

"Harry, what are the means of communication with Hermione?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think to buy you and Hermione contact sheets at all. I'll send them to her tomorrow. Hermione can also send you letters with her owl mail."

"Any other means of communication?"

"Alas, Hogwarts is a closed boarding school."

"Thank you, Harry."

Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

"How many times can I say it again, Daniel and Joan, Harry."

"All right, all right."

Only the problems with the Grangers! They'll draw attention to their daughter. Hermione shouldn't stand out, and then she can learn in peace. On the other hand, it's good for me to do some good deeds.