Grimmo 12, basement, Shacklebolt lock-up.

Around 7:00 a.m.


Shacklebolt turned out to be a tough guy. Big man in the Aurorat. He was dropping the Imperius. Calmly put up with my lazy kicks on his wounded leg. And for real torture, I'm not morally mature yet. He'd spit on all the questions and scold the Eaters. In short, twenty minutes later, the defense of the house became twenty percent stronger. After today's interrogation, I went to the second floor to write a letter. It's time to legalize. If it's possible for Dumbledore to declare himself my guardian, there's nothing stopping me from making a statement that will cool many hot heads. It's time for the old homemade stuff.


Hogwarts, Great Hall

Lunch break on September 9, 1991.


Minerva McGonagall observed an unusual phenomenon. Owls delivered the Daily Prophet during lunch, not properly, in the morning. Filius, who was sitting to her left, turned the newspaper around with interest and an extra sheet fell out. He fell so that she had no trouble reading the headline. Under the full page width headline is not a magic picture of the boy. The boy was sitting at the desk in a black jacket and a dark shirt. He was looking straight into the lens through round cycling glasses. His chin was propped up by the hands crossed by the house. Minerva's hands grabbed the pad itself and showed it to the eye.


Harry Potter's open letter to the Daily Prophet.

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to thank the Daily Prophet newspaper and pay tribute to Mrs. Skeeter's talent for the true press coverage of my letters.


That's where Minerva stopped and inhaled. Skeeter and the truthful lighting next to her. Yes, Hagrid's biggest favorite clearly died in the woods. Okay, what's next?


Thanks to Ms. Skeeter, the public knows what role Albus Dumbledore has played in my life. Just in case, I will list the achievements of this old Spider.

He victimized my parents with the help of his pocket-sized Death Eater Severus Snape.

He tricked my father into taking away our family relic, the invisible mantle so my father or mother couldn't escape from a mad killer, and to this day, the thief is still holding my family artifact.

He took advantage of his position to sabotage the entry into force of my parents' will.

He kidnapped me and gave me the Muggles, who treated me worse than a slave.

He stole money from me, from an orphan.

Using his official position and corrupt connections, he declared himself my guardian without any grounds. Although he had never visited me in ten years, he knew what personal hell he had put me in. All he did was steal my money. [Potter's account statement, certified by Gringotts, attached after article].

Readers! I recently learned of a conspiracy to the Aurorat to arrest me and deliver me to Dumbledore under fictitious pretext. Obviously, for subsequent brainwashing and total theft of all my funds.

So I'm entitled to make a statement.

One. I declare that Albus Dumbledore is not my guardian, and I have nothing to do with this selected scum.

Two. I've lived for ten years without the help of a guardian, and now I'm solving all my affairs in person. I declare by right of force that I am an adult and independent, and I do not need any guardian.

Three. Anyone who objects to my first two statements, or otherwise misleads me, will be regarded by me solely as an accomplice to the aforementioned scum. Dumbledore's accomplice is the enemy of the Potter family, and I have a short conversation with the enemies of the Potter family.

Thank you for your attention.

I'd like to emphasize once again my special thanks to Mrs. Skeeter. In the past month, she has been the target of an assassination attempt. I express my admiration for Miss Skeeter, who brought the truth to the public at risk to her life.


Harry Potter.


Minerva looked at the picture again. It's a boy. Two gray strands. The boy has the look of a killer who promises the same "short conversation" of the two words "Avada Kedavra" to the enemies of the Potter family. She remembers an article about a criminal engagement organized by Albus between a young Potter and a traitor of Weasley's blood. She remembered Weasley's fate. She remembered Alastor's fate and Albus' delusional statements about an eater attack. She remembered the Order of the Phoenix meeting and Shacklebolt's plan to arrest Potter. Given that Potter knows about the plan, Kingsley's already on his way to Alastor. On his way to the grave. She looked into Potter's promising look again. There were tears in her eyes. Tears for Potter's ruined childhood, and her criminal acquiescence to Albus. Tears for Weasley's children and tears of fear for her own life. She felt pride in James' son. A boy who's grown up to be a real man. Her girlfriend at the Canadian College of Magic is just retiring and looking for a replacement.

After lunch, Minerva canceled her lessons. She quickly packed her bags and filed for dismissal. She didn't wait for dinner and left Hogwarts. She didn't know what had affected her anymore. Or shocking revelations about Albus or a promise in Potter's eyes. Probably both.


Grimmo 12, Lupin holding cell.

9th of September, midday is here, but you can't feel it in the dungeon, right?


"Kreacher, I need a bucket of water. Get some cold water with ice."

There you are werewolf Lupin. In the movie, you looked like another Weasley. Some kind of creased and redheaded. I always wanted to punch you in the face just by looking at that redhead. On the altar at once? What are you talking to him for? I'm getting aggressive. And Shacklebolt is sticking out like a nail in my memory. He was a real man. Alastor in captivity, too, could have been a tough and tough bastard. Although Shacklebolt was a bastard who got what he deserved, he even got off softly. He knew that his "intrigue" would make me a brainless disabled man. And they'd also rob me just in case. If you live with wolves, learn to cry like a wolf. Here's a natural wolf in front of me, even the last name hints. Hair is gray, skinny, and wiry. How are you supposed to handle an animal? Red flags, cardboard with a double snap, foot in a trap. A foot in a trap will come in handy in the future.

"Pour water on the werewolf," I ordered the elf.

Kreacher didn't keep me waiting.

"Morgana is a virgin," Lupin said, waking up from Kreacher's wake.

His body wasn't even scared by the striking elements, and the chopped wire itself was on the floor. The wounds had magically grown. And why in the canon did he complain so much about werewolf? To enter into negotiations or immediately on his altar? I don't think he knows anything Fletcher didn't tell me. And the canon made it look like Dumbledore was sending him on murder missions all the time. But Lupin didn't appreciate that kind of attention from the brightest magician and couldn't die.

"Hey, what are you doing in my house? Your group of light magic anonymous admirers decided to improve their financial situation?"

"Eating bastard got to the Black's secrets. it is okay, Dumbledore's going to revenge me," quietly but firmly and clearly, Lupin growled.

I couldn't stand it and laugh. A naive Scottish werewolf.

"You must have been hit hard in the brain with a grenade. Dumbledore only took revenge on his comrades-in-arms all the time, not enough revenge on his enemies. At the trial after Voldemort's crash, he organized an excuse "they're under Imperius, they're innocent." And you were kicked out by Dumbledore after the victory like a dog starving to death. If you had brains in your woolen head, you'd know that he sent you here too for "no-lose" reasons. If you die that's fine, you don't die and you come back with your prey, that's fine too. Well, tell me, am I wrong?"

"I will gladly die fighting you bastards!"

Wow, he's a sly one; he must be hoping to piss me off and die of Avada without waiting for torture.

"All your guys from Spider Society are great masochists, I know that already. Potters died because the old man planned to take the trap bait on Voldemort. The old man put the innocent Sirius Black in Azkaban because he was interfering with the plan to raise a suicide terrorist from Junior Potter. And he must just hate you because there's no great purpose to justify your slaughter here."

"You don't care, breed Black. All your words are false, and Sirius Black betrayed the nearest man. You don't embarrass me!"

Yeah, you can't be lured to the dark side of power. I'm the only one who's got cookies. I got the wand.

"I swear to the magic that Sirius Black did not betray the Potters to Voldemort or be his servant at all. Lumos!"

I've got all the good magic I can do to prove myself right like this. Meanwhile, the distrust did not leave Lupin's eyes.

"And you tell me that he's innocent man was put in Azkaban? I'm sure that dark bastard was guilty, but it wasn't for nothing that Dumbledore put him in prison."

Dumbledore fixed the brain of that werewolf. The suspicions before this conversation were correct. I suddenly understood why I started the conversation! I'm curious to know this world. The wolf, dog and deer with the rat were jokers and friends. People grow up and different things happen to them. But the wolf was a normal man. It's in the books. And this werewolf is completely sick! Sirius was a fool, but he was a funny fool. And he was a fool of the Black family. I won't let you insult the boy's memory.

"Kreacher! How strong is the defense?"

"Three fifths, sir!"

"Remember that bastard carefully, Kreacher! I swore to him by the magic that Sirius Black's innocent man was put in Azkaban and he started gloating over a man from the Black family with a miserable fate. And the stupid Sirius thought the creature was his close friend. This tramp is undoubtedly the enemy of the Black family. Soon he will find his place on the altar. Keep an eye on him!"

I don't understand the werewolf. For he realizes he's a slave or a servant to Dumbledore. The whole service proves that Spider appreciates him less than a chess pawn. So where does he come up with this "dark" hate rave? He's a dark creature himself. After Dumbledore's brains have been combed, all that's left to do is throw them in the garbage. Servants are dumb! They don't get into their brains any more than a couple or three thoughts. But we can use this freak as an assault zombie. A werewolf is a regeneration and strength. Zombies are an interesting magical dark practice. Wait a minute; I'm starving for something to eat. I'm not turning zombies on people. I could use a guard. Yeah, now I feel better. Where's my sweet tea cupcake?