Operation "Revenge for those who like to eat all sorts of crap." Two miles north-east of Loch Sarklet.

Halfway through the third night of November 4, 1991.


The elf was the first to spot an intruder in Azkaban's airspace and provide direction finding to Edward. With the infrared binoculars, Edward received visual contact with the "broom pilot". Six and a half minutes later, a mobile team arrived with me. Kreacher returned to the base.

"Mr. and Mr. Calhounes!"

"Yes, sir!"

"The invisible pilot is very likely enemy agent number one, to be captured with maximum priority. Runaways from Azkaban are second priority."

We spent the next half hour looking into the dark sky. In a few days I was just getting used to seeing the magic through the eyes of the dragon, and now I was looking at Azkaban with interest. Against the background of the sky, the castle that absorbed the magic looked like the negative of photography. On the other hand, this is good, because on this blackness any manifestation of magic will look like a bright flash.

A quarter of an hour later, a boat was seen. It was a wooden boat. The boat was moving incredibly slowly, with the speed of a cheerful crawling man. We were able to move to the proposed landing site and walk three hundred yards from the border of the anti-apparation shield to the surf. I put my bipods on the lower rail of the M16 and took up position, the brothers followed my example. At the surf in a small "bay", Ocean and Creighton would turn an inflatable boat out of a dimensionless sack and put an outboard engine on it. It was just a matter of waiting.

We waited for an hour and a quarter.

Rowing six, three other eaters just sat there. There was no point in picking up targets, the angle was wrong.


Six seconds later, we stopped firing because there were no targets left overboard. Ocean and Creighton started the engine as soon as they opened fire and rushed to tow the boat. When the boat was pulled to shore, it settled on a third of the board because of the holes. The Calhoun's and I went down the cliff to meet her. Seven bodies, two wounded, and one unconscious body was found in the boat.

It was a surprise, Bella! Two wands were found in the bodies, probably taken from the guards when they escaped.

On my orders, the bodies were laid out in a row in the sand. That includes Bella. All eaters were rolled up the left sleeves of funny prison robes. We took some flash photos for Rita. After this, each eater received two control shots. We could have captured Bella, but she's a total fanatic. Why would a family want such sick girls? It's easier for me to get Narci. Bella's inheritance goes to me or Narcissa, so I get the bowl.

Once we've finished with the fugitives, we've joined forces to pack the boat and evacuate with the keys to the base.

Before everyone split up, I gave a speech.

"Gentlemen! Today we struck a blow to one of the enemy organizations, after which it will no longer be the same. I had plans to attack Azkaban to eliminate these terrorists. But I had no idea that we could achieve such a result at such a low cost. In this regard, Mr. Edward Calhoun has a salary and a half bonus. The rest is a salary bonus. Two days' rest, everybody. Dismissed."

Negative pictures I sent to the Skeeter P.O. Box. She also received a description of how the brave SWAT team Aurorat prevented the escape of extremely dangerous, life sentence prisoners. Now the most important thing is to push the Spider out of the Headmaster chair. Since it was not possible to make a scarecrow out of Eaters, no one needs the Spider as a great defender of the whole enlightened world. Plus, I wrote Rita to play on the contrast. The Aurorat was able to protect society from killer maniacs. The ministry responded instantly to the threat and Dumbledore, meanwhile, has trolls in the toilet. A signal was sent to Rita's bracelet receiver.


Meanwhile, at Hogwarts at Dumbledore's office.


The greatest wizard since Merlin's time sipped tea and ate marmalade in his office. By the way, the burned phoenix forced him to fly a broom! Does this flammable singer even know what it's like to fly a broom in old age? Ravenclaw's diadem was lying on the table, and it was suggestive. Peter was supposed to be the resurrector. But after the Aurors found out that he was responsible for the death of the Potters, and also let Sirius be arrested, the boy was killed "in an attempt to escape". So, he was just kicked to death in a pre-trial cell by Aurorat old men who remembered what happened ten years ago. Okay, you don't have to stress yourself out at night with those little things. One of the fugitives will revive Tom. Bella will certainly help, all you have to do is give her a hint.


12 Grimmauld Place, small dining room

It's lunchtime.


By breakfast, I got a response from Delacour with an appointment in two days. The Daily Prophet wasn't delivered by breakfast. I told Kreacher to check the P.O. Box for lunch, and here I have it.

Rita's article would've been harmless, the prisoners escaped, killed them trying to escape if it weren't for the names of those fugitives. The names are too serious to ignore this incident. It would have been better for Spider if the aristocrats had escaped and tortured the people for years. Except now they have come close to the category of "martyrs" or "innocently murdered". Well, what was it worth taking them, prisoner? They're not simple, but hereditary aristocrats. After all, people with two wands, weakened by long imprisonment, couldn't offer serious resistance. Then Rita Skeeter's crying for the innocent killed was repeated.

In short, the eaters didn't come out of the same scarecrow that Spider needed so badly. And he no longer has time to prepare a new scary one. The bearded one's been swinging for too long. But it's time to wait for the killers. Hired assassins are cheap and angry, and there's no time to plan. Dumbledore himself, with his selfless visit to Azkaban, has exhausted his courage and bravery ten years in advance.

For the reception, the Aurorat has already prepared a plan of events, which is known to the "old men", and Ocean learns his role. But I don't have anything as good against hired assassins. And it's unpleasant. At this point, the most likely assassination attempt is an intercept from Gringotts. Yes, Gringotts. What did the Ragnok say? Everybody needs to be able to benefit from it. It's time to prepare a new hit on the Spider.




soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards

"Hello," Draco said and continued softly as if he was doing a favor to his interlocutor and was not interested in his answer at all. "Going to Hogwarts, too?"

"Hogwarts is a pigsty for beggars and petty aristocrats. The rich nobodies who've bought their title for generations of ancestors in the past," Potter graciously snorted.

Malfoy grabbed out his eyes. That's not the turn he expected in the conversation. Harry Potter looked at him with his blue eyes, a cold as ice look of indifference. Then the hero of magical Britain said with pride in his voice:

"I'm going to study at Avalon. The oldest school of magic. For true wizards. There's no place for the miserable. You'll finish your Hogwarts, and you'll wipe your pants at the Ministry. Or you're bribing all kinds of lowborn dummies. That's your fate.

"The Malfoys always get the best! Daddy didn't tell me about Avalon," and the boy's light-blue eyes were staring at the interlocutor.

The answer threw him into an even greater abyss of confusion.

"Are you Malfoy? People like you don't even get into Konoha Academy. And you have no place in Avalon. Lots of gold, no honor. To grow to a respectable place. Say hi to Daddy, I'll need his services. Potter. Harry Potter. Winner of the dark lord, former master of your father."

And Harry Potter smiled the cold blue eyes right in the pale boy's face:

"By the ancient law of power and magic, the winner gets everything! Your father was a servant of a lord. After the Lord's death, your father belongs to me."

And this vile Potter twisted his right fingers and stretched it out to Malfoy's face.

Draco recoiled from his sizzling and gloating voice, from the cold, sparkling steel, blue of his evil eyes, from this hand that reached out to his face. He recoiled and pressed himself against the wall. There's nowhere to run! It was Potter! He met the famous Boy-who-lived! Why didn't Daddy tell him anything?

"You can't do that. It can't be like this. Daddy's not like that," Malfoy mumbled.

"Your father has the mark of a slave on his hand! You'll be mine too, son of my servant. I will find you all a place on the farm. You'll all get plenty. There will be enough places for everyone in the rice plantations," Potter ended his conversation in a gloomy quiet tone and added the main thing. "Draco, you'll never be a shinobi!"