12 Grimmauld Place 12


Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were arrogant and beautiful. I gladly looked at a woman. I could use her, but I have to destroy our slippery friend.

We talked about the weather and I got down to business.

"Are you aware of the immortality mechanism of Mr. Tom Riddle, half-breed, son of a muggle?" I can see that you're not. These are the so-called Horcruxes, anchors for the soul.

When you were young, there was a surprisingly useful coincidence for Dumbledore, fighting against the old families. The older Potters and Malfoys died out at once. Then there was an equally useful coincidence. "Magic war", when anyone could be killed and robbed under the guise of "eater attack." Well, it was Riddle and Dumbledore who took care of the younger generation to survive.

Well, you can argue with that. Dumbledore was giving everyone a second chance. Except he needs your second chance for his second game, for the final exaltation of himself, his beloved.

Everyone with a mark is in danger.

The only way to save them is to break Sweet Couple's plans. I don't care if Spider controls Riddle directly or plays the dark, it doesn't make any difference.

I know the location of all but one of Riddle's Horcruxes. All the Horcruxes available to me I've destroyed or will destroy shortly. If Riddle is reborn now, it will be just an aggressive animal. Evil, poisonous, aggressive, but almost not dangerous because it has no brains. Every rebirth costs Horcrux. I'll try to destroy a reborn Riddle in the first minute of his "new" existence. That'll push the issue forward for another decade. Just enough time for me to destroy all the Horcruxes.

Eventually, Dumbledore won't get his favorite scary, and I'll finish him off. Riddle will go into oblivion."

"For what purpose do you open your plans?" asked Lucius.

"Your wife is the daughter of the Black family. I can't live in total isolation from society. But I like the demands of my family. I could use your support at the right time. I destroy your unpleasant responsibilities. You help me."

We have a deal. I saw Lucius Malfoy for the first time, and I realized I didn't like him. Draco is young and stupid, he can be a great head of the family. Mom can help him.


Two days later, I ferried the Grangers to France, portkey has given to Delacour. Hermione was all waiting for the new school. The senior Grangers were more adequate, realizing that in their new place they would have a lot of work to do without the usual comfort in their home, which they had long perceived as routine.

In those two days, I've been in contact with Gringotts to find out some unpleasant news. I'm the only one claiming to inherit Bella, and I won't be able to own it until I've joined the Black legacy.

It turns out that for the next six years, the Horcrux in the bowl is unavailable to me. On the other hand, it's also inaccessible to Voldemort's rebirth. Reincarnation technology through Horcruxes isn't as convenient as it seems. Either you have to move into a person and walk an obsessed zombie, by analogy with Quirrell. Or you have to perform a body acquisition ritual. It requires dedicated servants and other conditions. It's not without reason that Voldemort's canon tortured him for thirteen years until his resurrection. His faithful servants have substantially reduced the number. Obsession is not an option. With reincarnation, Tommy will have a well-deserved problem. Though what am I saying? Dumbledore would gladly provide the necessary, foreign hands, of course. My thoughts are flowing smoothly towards the natural gas explosion. It is not a fact, of course, that the ritual of resurrection will be performed in the cemetery.

But it wouldn't stop me from burying some methane-propane-butane tanks there. Anything I can buy will do.

Nasty, greedy goblins. It'll be a while before I get to them, but it's too soon. Ergo, we must destroy all the "easy to access" Horcruxes. And this is the ring and the diadem. It'll be time to get to the diadem, but the ring can and must be destroyed now. That's why I've set up a meeting for Creighton and Senior Calhoun at the pub, at 9 pm.


Pub in the village, second floor.

9 p.m. November 7, 1991.

"Good evening, gentlemen," I addressed Creighton and Senior Calhoun.

"Hello, sir," as Senior, Calhoun responded.

"How's your operation going in Lambeth County?"

The brothers, with my approval, were planning to repeat the Brixton Operation with their neighbors. The budget needs to be replenished, and we don't have a charity.

"Will enter phase two in ten days."

I leaned back in my chair and knocked my fingers on a rough oak table.

"That's good, but I have one more assignment for you."

I loaded the paper on the table, where roughly a drawing of the Gont hut was drawn, showing the location.

"Remember the address and the schematic, and then destroy the paper, that's an order!"

The contract signed won't let them bypass a direct order unless it violates other clauses of the contract. I made sure of that.

"In this house is an artifact in the form of a ring, which is of value to my enemies. There must be a lot of curses on the house and the artifact. Your job is to work out a plan to destroy the artifact. I give you an introduction. An artifact can be destroyed by a Fiendfyre or a basilisk poison. Creighton! Can you burn this cabin to the ground with Fiendfyre, a yard deep?"

"No, sir, I don't have the strength. But I can contract out mercenaries who can."


"About 2,000 galleons, sir. Perhaps we can fit in a thousand."

"Do it. According to my data, the enemy does not know the location of the artifact. You have a couple of weeks. I want to be present at the destruction."

"Roger, sir."

After that, we discussed the terms of recruiting Muggle employees from the Calhoun family, and we split up.


Gont house

November 16, 1991.

A week later, Creighton and Calhoun invited me to destroy the ring at the Gont house. Two European mercenaries arrived. Then one three hours set up protective barriers. He painted runes, gutted black roosters, laid out homemade pieces on parchment in the neighborhood. The Wizard made very powerful sorcery so that the Aurorat wouldn't spoil our fun. After that, the second one left a smoky funnel on the place of the house in two minutes. Somewhere in the first minute, I felt a pain in my forehead. That was the end of it. The mercenaries left us richer by 1,500 galleons. The rest of the $2,000 I gave to Calhoun and Creighton as a prize. I said the operation was extremely important, seriously hitting the enemy, and I'm satisfied. I bet I wasn't happy! Now Riddle's going to revive half of it at best, though what am I saying? Half of it was a diary.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore was working too. There were two anti-Potter articles in a week.

One article, in the Daily Prophet, was written at Dumbledore's dictation. Potter stepped on the dark side of power. Potter is evil, and all that paid shit.

Once again, we talked to Delacour about Operation Sudden Strike. And once again we concluded that so far everything's uncertain and shaky. The date was the only one that hadn't changed. It was on December 16th. Time is running out!

To warm up before "Sudden Strike", it was decided to conduct an operation that will strengthen our position. If we hit it, we'll hit it with all our might.

One evening I walked along Knockturn Alley in the company of Creighton and Ocean to assess the size of the pitfalls that can be attacked. The average shop had protection only on the cash register, sometimes on the door, cabinets. The sellers were funny, as soon as I looked at them with the fire of my hooded eyes. I was curious to talk to the owner of a nasty shop.

"Are you in the service business?"

"Do you have a reference from our customers?"

"I have many references," I threw a sack of galleons on the counter.

The salesman looked skeptically at it, but he didn't take it.

"Sir, this is a private club, member-only services. You can only join the club on the recommendation of current members."

"Wouldn't a private donation help the club?"

"It can be arranged for only five thousand galleons."

Yes, they got drunk and chewed up! This is a slave trade, not an elite Dumbledore whorehouse.

"In that case, it's more profitable for me to use the services of another establishment," I pulled out a wand.

The salesman was a bit tense, but he didn't do anything, at least it wasn't visible on the top half of the counter.

"Accio recommendation. Have a good evening!"

After that, I went out, and after me, a little slowed down so as not to leave the enemy unattended, the agents left one by one. We walked down the street so I could look at the end of the building and used the portkey.




Soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards


Naruto was a very bad student of Shinobi Academy. But he was very good at running away and hiding from the police from the Uchiha clan. The policemen from the Uchiha clan were good masters of their work.

The boy was very good at Kakuremino no Jutsu. This invisible cloak technique often helped him out. Now the blond man stood there listening and remembering.

He failed the exam. Mizuki teacher tricked him. Naruto successfully stole a scroll with secret techniques. He even learned one technique! Teacher Iruka and traitor Mizuki found him. Mizuki told some terrible nasty things about Naruto. Inside him was a Demon Fox! Mizuki traitor shouted "Die, Naruto!" He threw a big shuriken at Naruto. But his teacher Iruka shielded him from death. Shuriken pierced Iruka's body through. And then teacher Iruka fell on Naruto and the end of the sharpening hit the boy in the chest! Naruto died.

But now he was standing alive in an unknown place. That's not Konoha. Naruto tilted his head and looked at his chest. The jumpsuit was cut on his chest. But the boy did not feel any pain. And he also felt great. He felt like some weight had disappeared from his stomach. And his head was clearer and more pleasant. And unpleasant from understanding his stupidity.

Naruto remembered with shame how bad he was. He was a bad student. He did not understand the Will of Fire! And now he found himself in a strange place.

This is not the Land of Fire. This is a city of robbers and bastards! Several men have already approached the body of the murdered thief. They've come to grab things off the corpse and run away quickly! Naruto frowned his eyebrows. He didn't pass the last exam, he made bad jokes, and he didn't study well at school. But he'll become a worthy shinobi!

The squat, bandy-legged man with long, straggly, ginger hair approached the undressed corpse.

"Heh heh, sorry, Snotty Jones, but now I won't pay you back," he laughed.

Suddenly he heard the quiet sound of lip-smacking. Shorty turned and saw a naked Blondie who smiled at him and attracted him to her.

"Of course, beautiful, old Mundungus Fletcher will help you," he smiled with yellow teeth.

The Wizard came up to the girl and stretched out his hand to her. At that moment she disappeared into the haze, and Fletcher lost consciousness.