chapter 1

Every city has so few streets that people don't usually walk.

Just like this one now.

It is next to No. 22 Street, there were no road signs, no lights, no name, and there was n't even a sewer at the entrance. It was like a wall built from two ends, but there was no brick when it was about to merge Simply leaving such a gap, as small as you sneeze may miss it.

Similarly, the facilities on this street are very suitable for it.

There is a street lamp that has n't been repaired for 10 years, two trash cans piled up all year round, several wild cats frequented, flies that never die, and a small private hospital.

In fact, this small building is not a hospital at all, not even a clinic. It only has two floors, it looks more like a gothic photo studio left over decades ago, or Something like a pawn shop, but I do n't know who bought it, and then hung a sign that says [HOSPITAL].


Three o'clock in the morning.

Dr. Zi Liang stood in front of the sink and rinsed his hands with cold water.

He hates all festivals. He does n't understand why people have to pick out a few days each year to do some silly things, and they have to pretend to have a special meaning.

For example, this Halloween, everyone is wearing a skull, carrying a pumpkin lantern, wandering on the street, cheering with fundamentally unknown meaning. Those teenagers also covered their mother's foundation with their faces, and desperately smashed the door of the neighbor's house. The reason was that they wanted a few pieces of sugar. Everyone knows that they don't eat a few pieces of sugar all year round. Go smoking marijuana.

Thankfully, they didn't knock on the door of this hospital, or Ziliang wasn't sure if he would poke a needle into their eyes.

Turning off the faucet, Ziliang scrubbed his hand on the white coat and wiped off the water stains on it. He raised his head, and a thin face appeared in the mirror in front of him.

His messy hair and pale skin. Although he was only in his 20s, his unshaven beard made him look more like a person in his early 30s, as well as a pair of dark circles that became more serious due to chronic insomnia. ...

Yeah ... insomnia again.

The bastards outside were still going to sleep until midnight, and just after half an hour, the annoying alarm bells began to appear on the street, and they were getting more and more dense. stop.

Don't think about it, it is certain that a certain criminal escaped from prison. It is estimated that the man felt that even if he was standing on the street wearing a prison uniform today, no one would feel that he was wrong.

A series of vehicles drove past, the police lights shone into this little doctor's office, and a few red and blue lights flashed on the walls.

Zi Liang came to the window and took out a cigarette quietly.

I don't know why, he didn't turn on the light, so a bright scarlet lighted up in the dark. The smog smeared his face, and Ziliang found out helplessly that it should be dawn in a few hours.

Simply, he just stood in the dark, smoking lightly, listening to the cry of the wild cat, and looking at the police car flashing out of the window from time to time.

"Go fucking Halloween."

"Go fuck the police car."

"Fuck Gotham ..."



The long night finally passed. On the first day of November, God gave a heavy downpour on the face. The sound of the impact of the rain on the glass and the tumultuous noises passed through the window and reached Ziliang's ears.

The streets of this city are like a blood vessel leading to the dying heart, which is still in the state of arteriosclerosis. But this is also good, because in this weather, no one should come to visit this humble hospital ...

So Ziliang leaned back on his sofa and tried to find some sleepiness in the noise.

But then, a push of the door completely broke his plan.

"Hey, it must be those young people who get up early in the morning and find their lower body pain." Zi Liang thought.

According to an incredible statistic, before and after any festival, gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS are highly contagious time zones, just as young people now feel that a shot at a festival will appear more than usual Even more sacred, they did not even let go of the Ching Ming Festival.

But ... to Ziliang's surprise, the person who walked into his office turned out to be a policeman, and it didn't look like he was going to see a doctor.

"Hello?" Zi Liang asked.

"Hello." The policeman responded, hesitating for a moment, then turned to point out the door: "Uh ... maybe you didn't find out, the bags of garbage you piled at the door are a bit smelly . "

"Ah?" Zi Liang gave such a questioning tone with his booed eyes, because he didn't think the man came in under the rain just to tell himself to throw garbage.

The police officer shrugged his shoulders ...

"Well, I just remind you by the way." He said, and then handed over a chapter of paper with portraits: "Actually, I came to inform you that a criminal escaped from Arkham Asylum yesterday night, You have to be careful. "

Zi Liang took the notice and looked at it. There was a greasy guy on his neck. The neck was like a thyroid problem. The thick and the cheeks were integrated into one. Of course, it was not swollen, but full of muscles. Wearing a prison uniform, a shocking scar was slung diagonally from the forehead to the chin. At first glance, the stitching method was not very good. The trace of the needle thread made it look like a big centipede crawling under the skin.

"Oh, thank you." Zi Liang mumbled and put the notice aside.

"Hi, I said to the doctor, don't care, this man is not a normal prisoner, but a lunatic ..."

"Crazy?" Zi Liang asked lightly.

"Yeah, it's the kind of murderous man who saws people with a chainsaw everywhere." The police officer said, and also made a gesture of waving the chainsaw up and down: "A lunatic, there is no humanity, so hope You will be closed before 3 pm within this week, which is not a joke. "

Zi Liang frowned: "How terrible is what you said."

The officer froze: "What do you mean?"

"I mean when I saw him last night, I thought he was pretty cute." Zi Liang mumbled, then lit a cigarette, and took a weak breath.