chapter 4

Parker is not the kind of "pure-blooded" who hasn't even been to school, so he can understand the words on his notebook. Every word is recognized, and the phrases they form are also recognized, but when they are connected together, it suddenly becomes difficult to understand.

In his chaotic consciousness at the moment, he can only force himself to connect these things together.

Probably the process is: just now 30 brothers rushed into this clinic and wanted to get some words from the doctor's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the doctor cut all the people except himself. After that, he kindly invited himself to drink a cup of tea. Finally, because of the two lines of words, he smiled and said to himself, they are just a companion ...

Well ... no matter whether you can accept this process, it should be the case anyway. Of course Parker knew he couldn't understand all this, and now he was full of doubts, but he didn't want to ask at all, because he didn't want to mix up with the full house of brothers like fried peas.

So while holding his urine, he used his full strength to squeeze out the brightest smile in his life.

"Okay ... brother, brother."

The doctor named Ziliang heard such a response, and politely gave a very gentle smile.

"Oh, by the way, you are looking for that name ... um ..." He thought for a while, then turned back and picked up the wanted criminal notice that had been stained with blood: "Oh, I'm looking for Mr. George Parnes, right. Sorry, I did see him the other day, and he broke in that night and pointed a gun at my head ... presumably This is the place. "

Zi Liang said, kicking off his half-arm without knowing who it was, and standing at a place near the door: "I was a little scared at that time, so I took him ..."

"No, it's okay." Parker said quickly, seeming to be apologetic, he didn't want to know what happened to Parnes later.

"Oh, since it's fine." Ziliang nodded: "So, there should be no conflict between you and me from now on, so next, I need to ask a question?"

This sentence made Parker 's heart suddenly mention his throat, because he did n't know what the madman would ask, and in this situation, he automatically filled out countless problems that made him sweat. Just like "Do you want your left eye or right eye?"

"Which gang are you employed by?" Zi Liang asked

Parker breathed a sigh of relief: "We ... we belong to the" Falcone "family."

"Falcone family; Falcone family." Ziliang muttered, and then turned over the little notebook again: "Oh, I found it. The leader is Camain Falcone. A very powerful gang leader in Tan City, nicknamed "Romans", is known for his ruthlessness and expansionism. The first-hand gang system is often called the "Roman Empire". "

Parker froze for a moment. Although these materials are not classified information, the doctor apparently found the information found in his small book ... and just now, he also read the book. Arkham Asylum] [Death Prisoner No. 21] changed his attitude towards himself suddenly after such words.

"So ... what the hell is that book?" Parker thought curiously. Of course, even if he was curious, he couldn't really ask anything. Because he knew that this doctor was a terrible guy, just like those weird people with sacks on their heads, always tossing coins, wearing purple suits, or wearing black capes in the middle of the night.

There are always these weirdos in Gotham City. They are all lunatics, but fortunately, it seems that since one day many years ago, these strange people have become fewer and fewer. Most of them have disappeared, or they have been locked in the Arkham Asylum. The man in the cloak in the night disappeared.

It has to be said that it is precisely because of the disappearance of these people that the current gangs have become more and more confused.

"Um ---" Zi Liang found the introduction about the [Falcone family], and began to pull up a long voice and continued to flip up on the book. After a while, it seemed that nothing was found, just Can be stunned into his pocket: "Well, now I have to ask you to do a favor."

"Ah?" Parker froze.

Zi Liang smiled: "It's no big deal, because I said just now, I want to help you go to prison, so I have to ask you to take me to Mr. Falcone. I think I need to talk to him."

Parker's thoughts of crying are all there. Originally, more than 30 people were minced by a doctor inexplicably. This matter is very difficult to make clear. Now the only one who has survived has to take this doctor to see the boss of the family. , This is not to let yourself die.

But there seems to be no other way, because if you say a word now or show a reluctant expression, it is estimated that you will not be able to leave the whole body in the next second.

So he had to point his head like a woodpecker. Also desperately put on a look of service.

"Thank you so much, I said that the folk customs in this city are very simple. You see, this is not a very good communication." Zi Liang said with care.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and then slapped his head.

"Ah, patronize with pleasure and forget such a big thing." Zi Liang said, quickly took out the phone.

"Hey, Joey, yeah, I have a lot of feed here now, come on, yes, catch a few more cars, otherwise it may not fit."

After saying this, Zi Liang hung up the phone.

Parker stared blankly at the doctor ...

To be honest, he now especially wants to cry, shout, or simply sing two songs. In short, he now needs to vent his feelings ... This feeling is really weird, no It 's just as simple as fear, but it contains more absurdity, ridiculousness, weirdness, madness, hysterics. Looking back now, it seems that since I walked into this small clinic, this feeling has always been with me, just as I am ruthlessly taunting my worldview for so many years,

"I'm so sorry, we can't go to see Mr. Falcone right now, you also saw that these feeds can't just stay here, right." Ziliang lit a cigarette and looked at the body on the ground. They said.

"Yes ... yes." Parker responded mechanically. He now understands the meaning of the "feed" in the mouth of this doctor named Ziliang, so he smiled "hehe", feeling The sound of something cracking seemed to sound in his head.

"Okay, anyway, this world may always be like this, but I haven't found it." Parker can only find such a reason now to ensure that his spirit does not run away on the spot ...

Then, he suddenly found a strange thing he should have discovered long ago.

So many corpses ... It stands to reason that the blood should have been spreading like a broken water pipe, but how can it not seem to accumulate at this moment? Where did all the blood go?

Just thinking about this, Parker saw a small area on the floor with no blood. Right in the middle of the pile of corpses, a blood stain slowly ran through the gap in the floor, and ... was sucked in ...

"Oh, it turned out that the blood was completely drained by this room ... hehe ..." Parker smiled loosely, and took a sip of the cup of tea he had been holding in his hand. At the same time, tell yourself: "Isn't the floor of the room drinking blood, this is normal, right? Hahaha."