chapter 14

On the outskirts of Gotham City, there is a huge manor filled with Gothic style. Although both the scale and the design are extremely gorgeous, but now when you mention it, everyone thinks of it is a dim courtyard, The deep corridor, the dark night accompanied by thunder and thunder, and the dim light and the screams of tricks in the windows.

Here ... is the "Arkham Asylum".

This is an unlucky place, and all Gotham people are convinced of this.

In fact, a long time ago, this place was built as a large general hospital, but before the construction was completed, the chief architect inexplicably went crazy and committed suicide, and before the death he also hacked all the workers here.

After a while, it was bought by a psychiatrist and transformed into a large psychiatric hospital, but soon after, a patient named Martin suddenly went crazy again, killing all the wives and children of this expert. ...

Six months later, Martin 's body was found, and he was electrocuted to death on his hospital bed. At the same time, everyone also found out that the psychiatrist was actually crazy.

Well, in fact, by this time, this psychiatric hospital has been transformed into a prison full of gloom by the expert.

Soon after that, the expert died, and the government simply put it here as an official facility, and named it "Arkham Asylum" with the name of the psychiatrist, and its role, That is, to detain those criminals.

Yes, this is not a hospital, but an authentic prison.



On this day, Arkham Crazy House welcomed another new patient.

Outside the detention area, two uniformed guards pushed a rusty flat bed and walked on a black corridor.

There was a man with messy hair lying on the bed, under 30 years old, with obvious dark circles, his hands and feet were all copied on the bed with a strong steel hoop, his body and even his head were tightly tied by the strap, and his A special mask was buckled under his nose, and his jaw was stuck, causing the man to be unable to open his mouth now.

In fact, for a prisoner who has just been taken into custody, it 's a bit unreasonable not to even let Zhang open his mouth, because it 's not even possible to ask questions, but the Arkham Asylum is really the most concentrated in Gotham City. It is said that a few years ago, there was a prisoner who had just been put in custody. He got his back molar off somehow, and then a "poo" spit into the eyes of a guard with great accuracy. This led to the guard 's immediate retirement and retirement, so since then, masks have also become the standard for Arkham prisoner bondage.


At the end of the black corridor, there is a gate made of steel, covered with steel strips full of thighs. The impression is that if you want to open it, it is not as easy as finding the wall next to it.

But the flatbed did not go directly to the door, but turned into a corner and pushed into a room that looked like an office.

Then the flat car was erected, and Zi Liang saw a work desk directly in front of him, and a middle-aged man sitting behind him. He did not wear the uniform of the prison guard, but a suit and leather shoes, a smile between playfulness and cruelty was revealed at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he was holding a report and reading it casually.

Seeing that the prisoner was pushed in, he randomly threw the report on the table and looked at the other party.

"Hello Ziliang, meet for the first time, I am the warden here, Quincy Sharp." He said with a smile: "I'm sorry I didn't read the information about you carefully, but I can be sure that you can come This shows that you are a brutal, violent, uncomfortable guy who is not worthy of sympathy and has a problem in my mind. I am used to calling you scum ...

He said, stood up, walked towards Ziliang, and you can see that this Quincy Sharp is a very particular and even a bit obsessive-compulsive guy. Although he doesn't have much hair, he is meticulously combed, and the corners of his clothes They were all neatly tucked.

"You should have realized that the door in front is the last door to the prison area, and according to the convention, I need to meet with every new prisoner, and by the way, popularize some little knowledge with them ... .. or how to live here. "

His eyes swept over Ziliang's face, and when he saw his henhouse-like hair, he showed obvious disgust.

"First of all, the first thing I want to tell you is that you are a prisoner of life imprisonment, and most people who can come here are like this ... so as long as you walk into that door, You will no longer be yourself. No matter what you have, you will be away from you. There is no right to parole and no court notice. There are only two ways to get out of this door. First, You are dead, second, you are jailbroken. "

After Quincy Sharpe mentioned the word jailbreak, he suddenly stopped and stared straight at Ziliang ... After a while, he continued.

"Maybe you will be very excited after hearing the jailbreak, even if you have already figured out the way to escape from the prison, but unfortunately, no matter how much you want to hear about the Arkham Asylum Come, go where you want to go, but since I took over as warden, no one here has successfully escaped. "

"Second, after entering that door, you will lose the most basic powers, freedoms, and human rights of all citizens. You must be respected by everyone who is not wearing a prison uniform, because they are your masters. If you do n't follow the rules, we will punish you. If you stare at a prison guard, we will also punish you ... In fact, as long as you turn off the lights, you will make a strange laugh, spit, leftovers, pee The taste is too big, or it looks too ugly, whoever is in a bad mood, we will punish you. The only thing you can do is try to be as good as possible. Oh, yes, a famous prison doctor has a thorough study of 'electrical therapy', but I Guess you do n't want to know him. "

"Third, there is a tradition in the Arkham Asylum. Every newcomer will experience a welcome ceremony. Of course, this welcome ceremony is not prepared for you, but the prisoners inside ... .. I do n't know to what extent they will welcome you, but prison guards generally do n't care, so I give you a suggestion that you want to spend more energy on crying nose after dinner. ..... not for help. This sentence is my last concern for you. "

Quincy Sharp said with a smile.

"Then finally, welcome to Arkham Asylum."