chapter 24

In a certain plane, there is such a sentence.

"People who fight against evil dragons should be careful not to become evil dragons. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

This passage sounds very mysterious, cool, magnificent, and vague at the same time. People just read these words together, but they rarely understand this sentence.

Millions of different doubts can be replaced by the same sentence pattern.

What is naive and mature?

Is there a difference between the two parties who abused each other?

In the eyes of beasts, are humans also beasts?

What is the difference between using violence to punish criminals?


Well, these problems are too deep, so let 's return our eyes to Gotham, back to the night of this evil capital, and back to many years ago, a person who was also named the "weird" Guy ... Batman.


Everyone knows that Batman will not kill.

He may smash your limbs, may beat you into dementia, may throw you into a black gate prison that can be disabled by a living , may cause you to suffer from a lifelong disability ... but he does not kill.

Of course, you can also understand him with a simpler idea, because not killing ... is his bottom line. Because he wanted to save the city ... Although this place has been filled with sin, he always believed that as long as there is another person who can stick to the so-called justice, then the city will still be saved.

Well, in fact, from a certain perspective, this is a very distorted psychology, because the so-called justice is basically a fictional illusion, but it is this psychology that makes him a body of sin "Hero".

Yes, the sin is full, as I said before, Gotham is an abandoned city, there is only sin ... everyone here is a sinner. Batman naturally too. He is an extrajudicial sanctioner with no police officer certificate and no arrest warrant. He showed violence in the dark, and everything he did was not allowed by law. Like all those weirdos, he wore strange clothes and painted makeup that could not be seen. Even he was even more strange than those weirdos because His costume is much cooler than any super criminal. With that said, apart from not killing or robbing ... he seems to be no different from the criminal he is fighting. And he didn't rob because he didn't need to rob. So if you don't kill someone, it seems to be the only kite string that can pull him from falling.

Yes, he can indeed kill people, and he even wants to shoot the group of criminals every second.

But ... after?

Kill the next one?

Next one?

Here is Gotham. If you want to get rid of the evil, then there is only one way to blow up the whole Gotham ... No one is left.

That is not salvation, but slaughter.

So as long as Batman kills people, then he is no longer Batman, but a murderer with no bottom line, he is more terrible than any criminal ...

So that night ... All the super criminals in Gotham were dumbfounded.

They saw that the girl named Harry Quinn was lying in a pool of blood, and his graceful figure could make any physiologically normal man swallow.

And beside her, stood a monster, a monster in a black cloak, almost to be integrated with the night.

... Batman!

At that moment, accumulating a whole life of sin, began to drag this self-proclaimed justice person into depravity, resentment, hatred, madness, and thousands of emotions engulfed him at the moment when the kite line was disconnected.

A devil was born ...

At that moment, all the super criminals realized that Batman must be killed, there is no other choice!

But ... how to kill?

He disappeared into the night again, and no one knew where Batman was. Usually, he always appeared in the dark, and then broke someone 's bones and sent him to prison, but from this moment, no one knows whether he will tear someone 's throat directly after his next appearance. .

The entire Gotham city fell into the most terrifying panic ever. All the super criminals hid, some disappeared, some left Gotham directly, and they were more prepared to surrender and avoid Batman in prison.



The penguin people sat in front of Ziliang and talked about these things.

"So ... that's why you criminals suddenly disappeared eight years ago?" Zi Liang frowned. "No, if that's the case, then Gotham shouldn't be what he is now."

The Penguin nodded: "Of course it's not just that simple, because there is not only Batman in Gotham, but another person ... joker!" He said, and then seemed to be caught in another memory.

After that night, Batman has not appeared for a long time, but everyone knows that it is because he has too many sins, the birth of a hero is extremely difficult, and the birth of a demon naturally takes time.

At this time, the clown appeared.

No one knows what he thinks. In short, he did not hide like other super criminals ... but appeared at the main entrance of the Wayne Building with great fanfare ...

It was noon, he frantically fired at the crowd at the door of Wayne Building, no one had ever seen such a clown, he was not laughing, but angry, screaming, he was madly swearing, calling Batman a coward !

That day, he put bombs in the city. No one knows how much he put, but it is certain that the clown in that day was in a bad mood, and a clown in a bad mood was enough to blow up the entire Gotham.

The way to stop the explosion is very simple, because the clown has a device to detonate, just a light press.

But ... the lunatic swallowed the lifting device in front of everyone.

At that time, people finally realized that he was leading Batman out ... and was tempting Batman to kill himself.

"After that?" Zi Liang seemed to have finally raised some interest. His eyes flicked quickly over the note. It was hard to think how fast his reading speed was. In short, he seemed to be very happy, and his sleepy eyes were completely Opened, breathing tightly, and there was a flush of excitement on his face.

"Then ..." The Penguin continued: "Then Batman appeared, and he walked out of the Wayne Building ... It was under the sun during the day .... .. but he was not wearing that outfit, nor was he wearing a mask ... I was also present at that time, maybe ordinary citizens and policemen did not understand what this meant, but at that time, I already knew, Bruce Wayne is Batman. "