chapter 33

This is a pig-killing knife.

Just listening to the name, you can probably draw that image in your mind. The thick blade back, flat blade surface, blade edge and its curved curvature, finally converge with the spine to form a less sharp blade tip.

It is this image that gives this knife a stupid, stupid, round and fat feeling. It is not as stubborn and domineering as the Kaifeng knives commonly used by street gangsters, nor as dangerous as the jumping blade dagger, because the pig killing knife has always been like this ... It seems that it can only be used to chop pork on the chopping board, Chop those annoying pig bones ...

Yes, there seems to be only one way to use this kind of knife, that is, "chop", that is, to make full use of it, to smash the blade towards the thing closest to him ... it is so simple.

So old Joey likes this knife very much, so ... he was carrying the knife, chopping the door of the Forgotten Sacrificial Hall, chopping the Hongqiao, and chopping the way from heaven to the earth, And all the nasty guys blocking him on the road.

Speaking of it, you may not believe it. Old Joey is a poor "person", when he is alive, he is still after death ... When he first felt joy after his death, he saw a Guy holding a cigarette.

The guy looked very thin and decadent, with disheveled hair and a pair of heavy dark circles.

That day he stood on the shore of the Blood Sea, the tide washes his trousers ... The man slouched in his pocket and said to himself, "Do you want to escape from here?"

At that time, the old Joey could not speak. He could only follow his will and shook his head ... he could only shake his head. The endless enslavement gave him no idea of ​​"escape".

And the man smiled, he threw his cigarette butt into the sea of ​​blood, the fire reflected the dome of heaven.

In this way, he escaped with himself.

He took himself to a tavern and met a person who called himself a "bartender." He gave himself a body, gave himself a name, and gave himself a cute pig.

Old Joey liked the pig ... so he was very grateful to this guy.

Oh, yes, this guy is called Ziliang.

Of course ... Not long afterwards, old Joey found out with his extremely "smart" brain that this bastard named Ziliang didn't save himself because of kindness, he just wanted to save himself Pull on a thief ship.

But the old Joey did n't care about it. After all, he felt that Ziliang was lazy, smoked, black-mouthed, beating, bad-tempered, bad-tempered, insidious and cunning, and he did n't like to clean up the house. It's pretty good.

So, old Joey would be happy to follow Ziliang, traverse countless planes, and look for the scattered "sin fragments" ... At the same time, it also goes down the road ... it is really just down the road, find something to give Change your own pig feed.

So, in order to find the feed ... oh, no, it was for the strong friendship between old Joey and Ziliang, he took out the knife again at this moment.

Habitually hummed that song again


"My death is approaching.

Spilled barrels of blood from my enemies created an ocean.

I must now cross the sea in a boat made of their bones.

My sail is their skin.

It is their last breath that blows the sail.

I will stare at the sea and tell my story, because I will eventually have mercy and forgiveness.

I waited for my order to be executed, and I did not expect anything.

Until everything is lost.

Until death. "



Old Joey hummed and walked to Arkham Asylum.

Only then did he realize that although it was called a "lunatic asylum", it was not a lunatic asylum at all ... as if the place where he used to stay was called "heaven", but it was not heaven.

There are towering city walls, huge searchlights, a scattered power grid, dense tower whistle, and huge iron gates that are as thick as a bomb shelter.

Since its expansion many years ago, it has become an airtight bastion.

In front of the giant iron gate, old Joey scratched his bare head.

"Zizi--" A burst of electric current sounded from the loudspeaker overhead: "Please show your ID."

The voice of the duty officer came. The surveillance system of the Arkham Asylum was rotated 24 hours, so the old Joey had just been caught in front of the door and was caught by the camera ... However, this duty officer did not Realizing what was about to happen, he just asked lightly, after all, this man had no weapons at a glance ... except the knife.

Therefore, the duty staff is very strange, what is this person doing? What is he doing with his knife?

Of course he would be very strange ... In fact, not far away, the people hiding on the side of the road crowded and looked at this side, they were also very strange, even Parker was very strange.

Tonight, only old Joey knows what will happen ... Of course, this is just a very easy thing for him, although this knife and this world only match for three months, only accumulated A little bit of strength, but it should be enough.

So he raised his knife easily!

Chop it down!

No one knows how much old Joey has chopped. In short, this chopping is extremely natural, calm, skilled, and natural, just like the old Joey standing in the moonlight should chopp something, so that, People who saw this ridiculous scene didn't have a sudden feeling.

Extremely fast. Very stable. The fat on Old Joey's shoulder swayed with this chop very cute ... That knife chop open a night wind that was accidentally blown, chop a few ray of moonlight, chop to there On a huge iron gate a few floors high.

A loud noise blew up! But before waiting for the loud noise to reach the eardrums of the people, a bigger crack began to run from the blade, and it spread frantically towards the upper and lower ends. The strange picture was like an invisible pen, crazy Draw a shocking false pattern on the steel.

However, this crack is not fake ... he is incomparably real. So as people 's consciousness was buzzed by the huge explosion sound coming from behind, the crack began to be torn apart, and an invisible force turned into a momentary evil spirit. Reaching into the cracks, roaring, tearing.

The fragile iron and steel couldn't withstand this kind of torture at all, and made a painful hissing sound, and then cracked apart, even with the high walls on both sides, affected by the remaining power, the steel and concrete collapsed in an instant, and then fell, just It was the children's stacked blocks that were ruthlessly overthrown, the roar lifted the night, and the smoke was all over.

Among the sky-collapse and dust ...

"Haha—Old Joey is here!"