chapter 40

"Uh--uh ah!"

Jim Gordon seemed extremely painful, a memory rushed out of the deepest consciousness.

In sight, everything is gray, her feet are a graceful body, she is flowing with bright red blood, and in this pale world, the bright and creepy, the blood flows to her feet, Shun Spreading his legs up, as if to swallow himself, Gordon shook his body frantically in an attempt to break free of the blood.

Suddenly, he found that he had heavy black gloves on his hands ... Immediately afterwards, he noticed that his body was not the old windbreaker, but a set of strange costumes and lines on his chest Outline a strange bird that spreads its wings ... no ... it's a bat.

"who am I?"

"Why am I wearing Batman's clothes?"

This is Jim Gordon's self-doubt in his heart, but at the same time, the voice in his mind is asking the same question as himself.

Zi Liang looked at the "Secretary Gordon" who was almost speechless on the ground, and slowly walked over.

He took out the note called "Compass" and opened it casually.

"This world is so interesting ... Or, Gotham City is so interesting. I came to this plane for three months, and the compass still couldn't be completely matched with ... .. "Zi Liang said:" But I can still find some seemingly unrelated "branch events". For example ... One day 8 years ago, Jim Gordon attended a funeral, And the deceased was his daughter ... Barbara Gordon. "

"Asshole! Shut up!" Gordon seemed to growl with his last ray of wisdom.

"Shut up? Hahaha-Director Gordon ... Oh, I mean Mr. Wayne, do you know how many negative characters have died on the factor of 'more nonsense?' Nagging: "I can't shut up, because I will give you another chance to kill me ... But obviously, you can't kill me with the current one, so I suggest you listen to you yourself The voice deep inside, the evil spirit, the memory sealed by you ... don't worry, I'll continue chattering here until you fully remember who you really are. "

"So, where did we say? Oh, yes ... Jim Gordon's daughter Barbara is dead, huh, huh, this is just a very small thing because of the character's presence It 's really low. If she died in a car accident or lived in any other event, she would n't even leave any trace in this story, but fortunately ... she was caught in this plane Another huge S-grade sin fragment was killed. "Speaking of which, Ziliang paused for a moment, and inexplicably smiled:" His name is joker! "

"All sins will have a kind of" centripetality ", so anything that is related to joker cannot always be a trivial matter, so I can easily connect it with other major events .. .... So, let 's start with the biggest one ... you said that if Joker killed Barbara, would it cause another S-level sin fragment mutation. "

"Haha-of course it is possible!" Zi Liang continued: "Go along this line of thought ... After Barbara's death, Jim Gordon will definitely be angry, although he has always been a good old man Image, but ... can be a sheriff in Gotham City, and even a candidate for the next director, you told me that he is just a good man with justice ... Ha, fight I do n't believe me, so after the death of his daughter, Gordon is finally no longer silent. He wants to kill this guy named joker.

But it is a pity that he knows that he does not have this ability at all. The entire Gotham, the only person who can have this ability is Batman. "

"Well, this is really a good idea, so, our great and forbearing, and the head of Gordon who was lost in affection and lost his mind thought of a very simple, but effective method ... he designed to make Batman Kill Harry Quinn, because this crazy girl is the only one he can associate with joker! Hahahaha-this is really a genius idea, and he does n't even know how this idea is. Great. Originally, the two pieces of joker and Batman maintained a balance in this city of sin, but Gordon pushed it lightly, and everything collapsed! "

"Just that day, Harry Quinn escaped! Of course, this is Gordon 's move, and of course Batman is also involved, because if there is another person who can find joker in this city, then that person must be Quinn.

In the process, Harry Quinn lost consciousness for some reason, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, died suddenly, and fell off the building. Anyway, Jim Gordon is not a fool. If he wants to create such an illusion, then he has a hundred ways, otherwise he will not be able to release Harry Quinn.

Therefore, our beautiful Miss Harry Quinn successfully "dead" in front of Batman.

And this time, it is the most interesting part of the whole plan.

It may be unbelievable to say that Batman, who is omnipotent in the night, is actually a very fragile guy. He has been afraid of something ... that is himself.

He is afraid that he will fall, will break through the bottom line, will lose his mind and become a lunatic ... Well, in fact this kind of person who supports all his emotions and even life with only one kind of belief is already a lunatic Too.

So, the moment he saw Harry Quinn die, the string that had been tight for decades broke.

Hahaha-But Batman deserves to be the person with the strongest spiritual power in this plane. He is still trying to save himself at the moment when this mansion will fall ... Take it away, use the most powerful technological means to save her last breath, and hypnotize her, freeze ... In short, as long as she has not died or rotted in the true sense, then herself It's not a murder.

Anyway, for this extreme paranoid person, this method of self-deception seems to make sense.

At least ... he thought so at the time.

However, this is obviously not that simple.

In the days that followed, Batman experienced the cruelest torture in his life.

In fact, he knew that Harry Quinn 's death was not his entire responsibility. He also checked the ins and outs of all this almost the same day, and knew what role Jim Gordon played in this incident. ....

However, these things are a torture in themselves. Batman 's thinking has begun to change. He wants to kill people. He wants to kill the criminals who have made this Gotham city black. He wants to kill all the evils. Going back decades ago, killing the criminal who robbed his parents ... And what has he been wandering on the edge of the law for so many years ... Haha, he even wanted to kill Off myself. "

Ziliang said slowly, like telling a little bedtime story to the children by the bed.

At the moment, Director Gordon (Batman) seems to have fallen into a state similar to deep hypnosis. He is crying, laughing, and trembling ... Or, he is unbearably suffering for many years. Come to think about the backlash brought about by imprisonment.