Beehive chapter 49: Ogre

The "criminal psychology" teaching and research section of the University of Rochester.

In order to better see the picture on the projection screen, the whole classroom was not turned on, and only a weak light could be used to see a man in his 30s standing on the podium.

"The human brain can be subdivided into different regions: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, etc., and each part has its own functions, such as the frontal lobe will control our ability to analyze things, or emotional control, The parietal lobe is responsible for people's touch, logic, attention and spatial recognition. "

With his words, a body appeared on the projection screen ...

People who study criminal psychology always have to deal with corpses, but after seeing the picture on the screen, there are still a few unnatural nauseas under the podium.

Not because of how disgusting this corpse is. For these students, they have seen a lot of disgusting corpses. These whispers are because this corpse has a very uncoordinated sense of incompleteness.

This is the body of a fat middle-aged man with bright skin and no plaques or wounds. It can be called intact. As long as you take a glance, you can probably guess that this body will never die more than 12 Hours.

However, this person's skull was missing a piece ... not the kind crushed by a blunt object, but extremely neat, and the entire ring was cut off a centimeter from the eyebrow.

"Name: Andrew Naber, a brain surgeon, whose body was found this morning on the south bank of the Dewey River ..." The man on the podium continued: "No, more accurately, he At the time of discovery, he was in a comatose state, with weak signs of life remaining. At that time, his suit and leather fell to the shore, and his death was due to infection during the transportation and rescue process. "

There was a stir again from the audience.

Lecturer Will didn't ask everyone to be quiet, just switched the picture on the screen, this is a close-up of a head incision: "... The incision of the skull surgery is very flat, there is almost no bleeding, and the main blood vessel is It was tied, other blood vessels were locally anesthetized or closed, and the blood vessels inside the brain were not damaged ... From the amount of blood drying at the edge of the incision, it is speculated that the dead person exposed the brain to more than 6 at least Hour ... the most important thing is ... the brain of the deceased has been extensively lost. "

"Lost?" A student sitting in the front row wondered.

"Yes, lost. The deceased's frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and parietal lobe have lost a small part. This kind of incompleteness is very delicate. The pure brain tissue is extracted, but it avoids all the blood vessels. The damage is even more than that of some brains. Patients with infarction are more mild ... In short, this allows the deceased to continue to live without brain tissue. "

"The murderer must have extremely good surgical skills, which can rule out many search directions." A student said again.

Will nodded: "This is indeed the case, but the deceased himself works in the hospital. There are too many people with this ability in the social circle. Moreover, only the" doctor "circle will have a large blind spot, so the police There is no way to lock a target. "

At this time, another student raised his hand: "Why did the murderer do this?"

Will was silent for a moment ...: "This is what we need to discuss in this class ... Why did the murderer do this? And I think ... the murderer eats the brain tissue of the deceased. Now! "

This time the audience was no longer whispering, but a burst of exclamation.

"And the killer didn't just eat them, he even let the dead eat the brain tissue themselves ..." Will said.

"I know this sounds ridiculous, but it's not random guessing. The murderer is very careful about the cutting order of the brain. He first cut the frontal lobe, so that the cognitive ability of the deceased can be biased. He doesn't feel dangerous, Without self-preservation consciousness, the parietal lobe follows. During this period, he avoided all cortexes that affect swallowing and taste, and tried not to touch the parts of limb movement.

This is because the murderer wants to make the deceased feel the taste, and wants him to eat something ... This is very important for the murderer.

And in the end is a small part of the temporal lobe. This part of the brain tissue manages some language skills. The murderer keeps it until the end ... Does anyone know why? "

"Does he want to listen to this person?" Said one student.

"Yes, the murderer has been talking to the deceased while eating. He probably needs the deceased to comment on his cooking skills, so as to obtain a sense of satisfaction that we cannot understand.

The dress of the deceased was very formal. It was worn when attending important occasions. On his body, the autopsy personnel extracted a small amount of rosin powder. There was a little bit of chestnut shavings left in the teeth, but the mouth was very clean, so I I'm pretty sure that the murderer attaches great importance to "food" and also to etiquette. He sits with the deceased, and even very demanding that the deceased gargle with lemonade after the meal.

After that, the murderer released the deceased and let him leave ... But, at that time, the deceased was already in a state of cerebral palsy, so he opened his brain so in one direction Keep walking, keep walking, walk for a long time, and finally tripped because of a small stone, lying on the bank of the river, mud splashed on his brain tissue, causing a large area of ​​infection ... "

Will said ... It seemed to gradually fall into a kind of sleepwalking state, he seemed to see himself walking aimlessly on the bank of the river ...

"So please ..." A student suddenly interrupted Will's fantasy: "Why didn't the murderer directly kill the dead?"

"Why did he kill the deceased?" Will even asked: "The murderer in this case is not a passionate crime, or a madman who seeks some material benefit. He knows what he is doing, he cut the dead. The head is just because he wants to eat the other person's brain ... Maybe it is because he thinks that the doctor's brain is fuller than other people's brains due to the long operation.

... In short, he was just eating.

He regards these as the necessities of sparse and ordinary life. Rather than slaughtering, he even felt that eating the food himself was a spiritual sublimation for the deceased, so he would let the deceased wear that formality.

... he believes that what he has done is a gift and rescue to the victim.

Yeah, if it weren't for him, how many people in this world can eat their brains? "

Will said ... into some kind of contemplation.

(Do n't be noisy, Grandpa Jigsaw will come out next time. Are you all perverted to fight for a villain? Huh! ~ Proud face ~)