Honeycomb Chapter 51 Pego

Police cars crowded in front of a residential house.

Will and Jack crossed the cordon.

"The time of the crime was probably between 10 o'clock last night and 1 o'clock in the morning. No murderous weapons or bullets were found on the scene." Jack said as usual, because the scene was just discovered, so there are still many clues that have not been obtained.

(I want to say here that this story happened at a time during the end of the last century, when monitors were not yet popularized to the full extent.)

Will nodded and closed his eyes slightly.

The police officers on the scene seemed to know Will, and after seeing him coming, they all stopped their work autonomously, and then stood far away.

This is not only because it is better not to disturb when Will is working, but more ... No one likes to walk too close to such a lonely monster.


When Will opened his eyes again, his eyes had lost focus and it seemed to be in a sleepwalking state.

He looked blankly at the lawn in front of the house, his eyes swept a few fresh footprints.

"I am over 190 cm tall and weigh up to 100 kg. My feet are covered with dirt and I have crushed the dead leaves of many different trees, so I did not drive ... Come and walk towards this house. "

Will's tone became slow and long, like a self-narrative narrator. He lifted his chest and walked forward, his steps seem to be heavy, as if he was already a 200-kilogram tall man at the moment.

He walked up the stairs and came to the door. His finger touched a large hole in the door, and his eyes looked into the porch.

"I stood here for a little while, probably knocking on the door. The owner of the room saw me in the door. He might be scared. He stumbled back a few steps. When he fell, he pulled the hanger beside the porch. Decorate ... "

With that, Will suddenly raised his arm and made a waving motion.

"I hold a sharp blade in my hand, very generous and very sturdy, maybe an axe. I hacked the door of the room, and then opened the large door panel with my bare hands ... I walked in casually. I watched The owner of the room stepped back in panic, picked up everything he could touch and threw it at me, but I was strong and didn't need to dodge at all. At this time ... a baseball bat smashed me .. .... "

Will looked at the messy shoes and ornaments on the ground, and finally stood blankly beside a broken baseball bat.

"The baseball bat hit my back from the back and broke off. The man was very hard and should be a man ... but this one can't cause any harm to me."

Suddenly, Will turned and waved a knife in the direction of the blood on the wall.

"As soon as I turned around, I chopped the man's neck with a sharp blade, and he didn't have time to react, and blood splashed on the roof of the house ... Then, the other person was probably a woman, and she started I screamed and flinched to the corner, but I didn't know any mercy, I smiled honestly ... toward her, leaving a fatal wound on her body, blood like boiling hot water, Instantly stained the carpet and the whole wall ... this wound is very big ... very big ... "

"Cut off your waist ..." Will murmured, and then smiled a simple smile.

But then, he fell into an extremely weird state, like being caught outside a kind of dream door, unable to walk in at all.

"But ... but ... the body?"

He stood in the corner and asked blankly, but he couldn't answer himself ...

Suddenly, he saw something again, Will leaned over, and in the blood that had not dried up completely, he found some trace he had never seen before.

"What's this ..." Will seemed unable to continue the profiling, so he escaped from the "substitute mode" and asked Jack, who had been standing at the door listening in doubt.

"Footprints!" Jack replied.

"Footprints ... How can anyone have such footprints? Is it a torn prosthesis?"

"I didn't say it was human ..." Jack said hesitantly.

Will seemed to shudder violently, remembering the pig hair that Jack handed to himself in his classroom an hour ago ...



At this meeting in the early 21st century, the city of "Rochester" was regarded as the largest metropolis in the United States. The four seasons are distinct and the industry is developed. From any perspective, it is better than "Gotham City". too much.

Especially the criminals here, they are very polite. This is reflected in the fact that they do n't often bomb banks or make corpses in batches. The criminals here are always very clever gun and gun convenience stores, and frighten those with bullet-free pistols The drunkard who does not return home at night, at most, is impulsive to collapse the heads of several people, and is not publicized after the collapse, and will even be troubled by this small matter for several days.

Therefore, Ziliang likes it very much. After all, there are no explosive sounds and no sirens all night. He can sleep more or less.


It has been about two weeks.

This time, the location of "The Coffin of Eternal Life" is very bad. It appeared at the crook of a busy street. The flow of people in this street is very large, so even this room looks very old, even the brand A small hospital that simply says [HOSPITAL] will still welcome several patients every day.

And several of these patients have become "regular customers."

Yes, they are the kind of bastard patients who will have a stomach trouble or a bad sleep after a day or two, and the purpose of their coming here is also very clear ...

"Remember to take your medicine home on time." A soft voice came.

Of course the voice was not from Zi Liang, but Harry Quinn in the nurse's office next door.

After saying goodbye to her cute little pudding, the beautiful girl also seems to gradually recover her original status in the physiotherapy industry. Dealt with.

Of course ... that's why there are always so few patients who don't know whether to live or die.

An office worker uncle who was stripped of his hair by work pressure at a glance walked out of the hospital door with a smile.

"Uh ... where is he uncomfortable today?" Zi Liang asked, holding his notes, spread out in his smoky office.

Harry Quinn twisted his waist and leaned against the door: "I didn't pay attention, it was salt water anyway."

Ziliang nodded his head and counted the frequency of the uncle's visit to the hospital. He felt that if he was staring at Quin's breasts, he shouldn't have been with Pego so soon. meet.

Oh, I forgot to say, "Pego" is a pig.

Old Joey raised ...