
"Okay, it's your time." Jack said to Will.

Then turned around and whispered to the side Ziliang, "I'm optimistic about him, this is your future work ... Hey, no smoking!"

Zi Liang bored the cigarette case he had just pulled out into his pocket.

By this time, Will had closed his eyes slowly.


Time seemed to start to flow backwards. When he opened his eyes again, the earth that had been turned on the ground began to close slowly. The maggots and debris on the corpses were also cleaned up, as if they had just died. Burial is the same.

Will's eyes lose focus ...

"Liver ... I like the fatty liver, which has a soft texture ... So many corpses, the death time is less than a week, I have to know these people in a short time Address and general information, otherwise I would n't be able to find so many obese targets so quickly ... "Will said blankly, then a little silence for a while:" I am a doctor, I work in a hospital, can be very It is easy to check the cases. The obese patients basically have fatty liver, so I can quickly screen for some livers that contain no disease but contain fat. Go to the hospital where these people have stayed, and go to their attending physician. There are clues. "

Will finished talking, shook his head, and his blank eyes also looked bright again.

"It seems that this is also a guy who eats people. It should be the same as the murderer who cut the human brain the other day, right." Jack asked.

But Will shook his head: "No, it's not the same person. The last murderer was very elegant. He just wanted to eat people, but he didn't want to kill ... But this time the murderer was brutal, I can feel The anger when he killed these people was like venting his anger, and eating them was just a secondary matter. "

Jack frowned. The murderer of the "ogre" type was extremely rare, but two of them appeared at the same time, and the one who fed the pig before made him instantly feel as if the human flesh has become special. Not worth the same.

At the moment, Ziliang, who had been standing by the side, frowned. Of course, he didn't frown because of the trivial matter of "someone is going to do egg yolks and liver", but he was concerned about Will's situation.

Although Jack told himself about Will's "substitute" ability before, he was a little surprised when he saw it with his own eyes. If someone really can put themselves into other people's psychology so easily, then this person is also a personal talent ... Do you want him to join his own small clinic?

Zi Liang opened his notes, but nothing was displayed on the page.

Zi Liang shook his head a little sadly. It seems that this Will is just looking for a clue on the road of sin fragments ... and if it is not the fragments of sin, it cannot be fully integrated with his hospital. , That is to say, he cannot take an ordinary human across the plane. Otherwise, Ziliang really wanted to bring the little bastard named Parker from the last plane. The guy seemed to have the growth that ordinary people can't match.


Well, although Will is just an ordinary person with a little talent, he is still very interesting. In this way, the "sin fragments" of this plane must be more interesting itself ... Thinking of this, Zi Liang is not I smiled consciously ... "Since it's so interesting, then I'll play with it."

He thought, then snapped his note: "But, I have a question ... why are they all male?"

As soon as this question was said, everyone around was stunned.

"Why are all men?" Will repeated, seemingly lost in thought.

He is very confident in his ability to "substitute". Although this sounds very metaphysical, there is hardly much deviation after the crime scene he has written. It is almost certainly used as an ingredient, but why are all men?

Zi Liang watched that both Will and Jack were in deep contemplation and scratched his nose uncontrollably.

"Uh ... I think that since the bodies are all male, it means that the murderer only killed males."

Zi Liang whispered, and what he said ... is the most typical nonsense. This kind of nonsense is usually automatically eliminated by the brain in people's ears and does not attract any attention.

However, this nonsense seems to give Will and Jack a direction to think ...

"Why does the murderer only kill men?" Will pondered: "No, our thinking direction should be changed. This murderer is not sure that they all have a fatty liver, but themselves!"

"What do you mean?" Jack is just a management staff, and he is not very good at this kind of on-site analysis.

"It means that the murderer is to kill a fat man over 60 years old, and the liver is just an incidental loot, or ... the murderer originally did not want to take the liver!"

"Then why ..." Jack asked, and suddenly he seemed to think of something: "Could it be that the murderer is not one ... but two!"

"Yes, that's what it means." Will nodded. "The murderers are two people, but they have a common goal. One of the killers wants to kill obese men over 60 years old, and the other killer just wants the dead. Liver as an ingredient ... "

At this time, Zi Liang interjected lightly.

"I'm a doctor. From my point of view, if I just want to take the liver, are the wounds of these dead people too big? Even if the murderer doesn't know where the liver is, I have to dig it up, but I don't need it. Let's cut the whole belly. "

Will froze.

He seemed to think of something because of this sentence. He quickly leaned down and grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground.

"It's soft and moist ... the murderer cut the dead man's belly apart, not just trying to take out the liver ... the murderer also wanted to make their belly a container."

"Container?" Jack frowned and asked, "What's it for?"

"Of course it is soil!" Will said: "The dead will always rot, and the decayed body will become nourishment, making the soil more fertile and more suitable for the growth of plants ..."

As Will said, he found something like the seed of a plant out of the soil and pinched it in his hand.

"The murderer treated these people ... as farmland for crops."