
Baltimore Mental Crime Reception Center.

I'm sorry that our eyes returned to this place again, because even the beautiful building can't conceal the fact that it is a gloomy place. After all, no one likes mental illness, and no one likes criminals, and no one likes a place full of mentally ill criminals.

Um ... this sentence is a bit absolute, because some people still like this kind of place.

Just like our caregiver Barney.

Barney is a good boy, really good boy.

He is 38 years old this year. Like everyone here, he has no car, room or girlfriend, but unlike some of you, he is very strong, polite, serious at work, strong in character, sincere to others, and never Saying bad things about others behind his back ... In fact, he never said before people.

Because he is a dumb man.

Anyway, he has many advantages, so now let's pick a simple one ... such as "strong character". It's easy to see ... after all, he is still alive.

Yes, he did not commit suicide, which is enough to prove his strength.

Because in the past thirty years or so, his experience has been extremely exciting. After he was born, the first interaction he enjoyed from his family was domestic violence. His father was a dismissed worker who was drunk all day long, just drink Barney was hit when he was drunk, and when he was awake, just because Barney was an innate dumb.

Then when he was 10 years old, his mother finally found courage and divorced his father. The court kindly awarded Barney 's custody to his mother, and when he was 10 years and 3 months old, his mother died In a car accident, Barney spent almost all of his next 20 years with his father.

He suffered from bullying on campus when he went to school. He dropped out early to find a job. Being beaten at home was like eating three meals a day. He lived to the age of 20. When his father finally beat him, he wanted to To work harder to repay his gambling debts, and when he was 35 years old, his gambling debts were finally paid off, and his father suffered a disease due to obesity.

And because his father had never worked from any time in the past few decades, and did not have any behavior such as paying taxes, so when a dying old man was lying in the hospital, the law again smashed the high medical expenses in Barney's head.

Fortunately, at this time, Barney got a job as a carer at the Baltimore Psychological Crime Reception Center, so he is grateful here, after all, this job can make him barely continue to live.

Anyway, his father weighing 200 pounds happily lay on the hospital bed for three years, and finally swallowed under the attention of the pretty nurse.

See, if you think your life is very unsatisfactory, then Barney is your role model. He has been working for a man who tortured him throughout his life. Until the end, he has not scolded, even refuted the man once, and these tragic He has no way to talk to people about his experience, who makes him a dumb man.

Therefore, you can only keep pressing on your heart until it breaks out or dies.

Oh, yes, Barney is not a name. Who would call such a strange name?

[Barney] is just a code of good faith, because he ca n't speak, so he can only whine a simple pronunciation like "bar" or "ne", so other colleagues here are also used to calling it Barney directly. .

And his real name is ...

[Michael Lemo]


After dinner, the Baltimore Containment Center was silent and gloomy as usual.

But I don't know what happened recently. In short, everyone can see that Barney has been in a good mood these days. With a faint smile on his face, he nodded and greeted every colleague passing by. Even sometimes, when passing by his lounge, people could hear his self-speaking hum.

It was as if he was gradually changing from a cold dull gourd to a warm and polite gentleman.

After work, everyone left, leaving only some doctors and guards on duty.

Barney had no home, and his home had already been mortgaged by his father as a bet, so he lived in the lounge of the reception center all year round, and the warden also liked that he could stay at work for 24 hours. Employees.

In the darkness, a flash of light.

The lights of the kitchen after the canteen were turned on ...

Barney's breath crossed his incomplete vocal cords, humming an unpleasant tone, echoed in the empty prison kitchen.

I saw him coming to a corner of the freezer, his thick arm rummaging between the cold ingredients, and finally he turned over a piece of liver.

The liver didn't seem to be refrigerated for long, and there was only a thin layer of cream on the plastic bag.

Barney was very satisfied. He took the liver out, washed away the residual blood water carefully, and put it on the chopping board, carefully cut into small pieces ...

His skill is very skilled, it is difficult to imagine a man with five big and three thick, will have such a delicate knife, those soft fats become less fragile because of cold storage, when the blade is crossed, the subtle texture can pass from the handle Palm ...

Barney seemed to enjoy this feeling very much, he happily increased the volume of humming.

Yes, the liver must have thick fat, so that after high temperature, the expanded surface layer can absorb more spices, which can be egg yolk or some flour mixed with lemonade. In short, only this can cover The slight bitterness in the internal organs. Then watch them gradually become crispy in butter, but the inside is still soft, and then garnished with some celery and degreased green beans ... it is best to add a glass of naturally fermented white wine.

Unfortunately, white wine is not found in the prison kitchen ... but this liver is still perfect.

So Barney satisfactorily laid out the dish and then ... buckled it with an aluminum lid.

He did not eat by himself, but pushed the dining car, in the dark, empty corridor,

Accompanied by the creaking noise of the wheel bearing

Disappeared in the darkness.