68 second meeting

Will's workload at this time is indeed a bit heavy, so Jack immediately let him go home to rest, as for the matter of catching the murderer, he was naturally handled by his men.

Ziliang and Will walked out of Jack's office, but when the door was closed, Will immediately changed his expression. He straightened his waist and lowered his hands. There was a little uncomfortable posture.

Faced with this sudden change, Zi Liang was not surprised at all. He had long known that Will was just looking for a reason to get rid of Jack, and Zi Liang also knew what he would do next, because Will thought of a piece with himself went.

Sure enough, Will immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hi ... Rochester Daily," Criminal Records "column, I need to find an article written by a reporter named [Ferma Bloom]. It should be within two months. Only the title is required .. .... Thank you. "Will said quickly, listening to the tone, it should be the person who helped Zi Liangcha [Lemo] last time.

Putting down the phone, the two quickly walked out of the investigation bureau. Before waiting for Will to speak, Ziliang naturally stopped a taxi.

"We are going to the Baltimore Mental Crime Reception Center." Zi Liang said.

Will followed him into the car: "Oh, how do you know where I am going?"

Zi Liang also yawned without falling asleep: "Actually, you suspect Hannibal long ago, right, but there is no evidence at all. Of course, you never care about any evidence."

Will smiled: "Yeah, I felt it when I wrote the first corpse from the side. The reason why they took out the organs of the deceased did not want to eat it by themselves, but took these things as one. Rewards, or sacrifices, and dedication to someone, it feels ... as if people in ancient times would sacrifice their loot to a god they believed in to show their piety. "

"Then why didn't you say it early?" Zi Liang asked against the seat.

"Just a conjecture, what if I say it? Let Jack ignore the evidence and rush into the jail to grab Hannibal again? From cell 1 to cell 2? Besides, Hannibal has nothing at all. No, he just talked to those people from beginning to end, chatting. "

Zi Liang shrugged indifferently: "Why do you want to go now?"

"Because I feel that Hannibal will not stop here. He is a demon in human skin. Even if he is imprisoned in the cell, he can still make psychological hints through brief communication with other people. This kind of hint is It 's like a drug addiction, which can let you fall into his control a little bit, just like me once. If we do n't do something, more people will die. "

"So what do you want to do?"

Will was silent for a while: "He is going to be sentenced next month, and now the homicides are concentrated again. I do n't think this is a coincidence. He may be planning something more terrible ... So, I must He had to figure out his thoughts before the big event broke out. "

Zi Liangming's sleepy eyes became a little more energetic, and he glanced lightly at Will next to him: "Could it be ..."

"Yes." Will said. "I want to profile Hannibal."

At this moment, I don't know why, Zi Liang's mouth twitched secretly ... He seemed to be laughing.



Going to check the newspaper headlines for two months, this thing is very simple, so after a while, Will received the result.

Sure enough, such an article was published in a newspaper a month and a half ago.

"Recipe of Professor of Psychology and His Business Card"

Well, it might be that if the title is too straightforward, it will be refused to be published, so this topic is very obscure, and it looks like a report of a late night food program. But placing it under the column of "Criminal Records" is enough to attract attention.

So obviously, this reporter also visited Hannibal.

Can a person be brainwashed to such a degree through only a few meetings? Zi Liang couldn't help but sigh, if this guy had been born for more than a hundred years, those religious leaders might all be unemployed.

With little gossip, soon, the taxi came to the gate of the Baltimore mental crime reception center. It is estimated that the driver heard a strange conversation between these two older otakus in the back row, and he was a bit dazed The accelerator stepped on extraordinarily.

As soon as the two got out of the car, the driver disappeared into sight.

Zi Liang and Will didn't even bother to save money for this car. They quickly walked into the prison gate and went straight to the warden's office.

"We want to check all the people who have been in contact with Hannibal in the past six months!" Will said straight away.

The Chilton Warden was stunned. He did n't know why Will made such a request, but Jack had specifically asked Will 's request to be satisfied as much as possible, so he did n't ask too much and kept all visits All the records were taken out.

Sure enough, Hannibal's kind of psychopaths who are alive and able to communicate normally are rare, so a lot of psychologists or tabloid reporters have swarmed in, and the warden has always been like The same as receiving tickets, we used our Mr. Hannibal to make a fortune.

The one-page visitor list almost completely coincided with the name on Ziliang 's compass ... Of course, it also included [Jack Crawford]

It seems that the first person to think of using Hannibal's psychological analysis to find the murderer is not Will.

Well, there is no time to care about this kind of thing now. If so many visitors are brainwashed by Hannibal, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Zi Liang noticed Will's expression, and he must have thought so.

"I'm going to meet Hannibal!" Will slammed the visitor list, Shen Sheng said.

"How is that possible? Jack specifically asked ..."

Before Chilton's words were over, Will was interrupted loudly.

"I do n't have time to explain to you here that Hannibal is much more dangerous than you think. Each name in this visit record may be a time bomb! Also, I know how much you got from it. Money, if you do not let me in, this position may no longer belong to you tomorrow! "

Chilton had never seen such urgency as Will, and he did use Hannibal to earn a lot of extra money, so he had no choice but to agree to Ziliang and Will entering the prison.