chapter 72

"Trouble? This is really interesting. Usually I'm creating trouble for others ... Will this trouble take the initiative to find me this time?" Harry Quinn smiled, fearing that the world wouldn't be messy. Emoji.

Either way, or our old Joey is the most honest, he stood up from the root of the wall, gasping and asked a question that normal people should ask: "What trouble?"

"I found the Sin Fragment. But this time the Sin Fragment is a little different. He seems to have created an alternative 'hive consciousness' at his spiritual level." Zi Liang said.

"Oh! That's what it is." Old Joey nodded, as if he understood ... Of course, he 'understood' means' don't listen to it, anyway. Nod right. '

Zi Liang sighed helplessly: "I will simply say that this guy has already brainwashed a lot of people, like a group of poisonous bees for his own use, and we now ... have stabbed Ma honeycomb. "

"Oh ... It turned out to be poking the horse's honeycomb ..." Old Joey still muttered in his unique tone, it was estimated that there was still a little reaction, but soon, he understood Poke horse honeycomb represents what.

Because the voice did not fall, there was a dense footstep on the other side of the hall. I saw nearly a hundred figures gathered from different corners or corridors, some of them were prison staff, some were nurses, doctors , The guard, and even a few prisoners in prison uniforms. The crowd was so crowded in front of Ziliang, old Joey, and Harry Quinn that the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Because as long as you are careful, you can find that among the nearly 100 people, everyone's expressions are almost the same, and their eyes show the same anger.

"Hahaha-today is a special day. I have to thank you, Dr. Ziliang."

A voice came from the crowd, speaking of [Frederick Chilton] Warden, well, remember he once said that during the time when Hannibal first came, he slept every night No, it seems that as early as that time, Hannibal began to brainwash him.

"Oh? Why thank you?" Zi Liang couldn't see the panic, but took a step forward and asked the crowd.

"I used to think that the only delicacy in this world was my little teacup, but today I discovered that there are even you, and the partners you brought are so delicious, hahaha-it seems The encounter between you and me is destined. On the day when we welcome a new life, it will bring me the biggest feast! "

The way these words are spoken is strangely hairy.

Because part of it was said from the "Chilton Warden", and there are a few paragraphs from some of the population behind him. In short, the crowd in front of it seems to act as a kind of playback device, different people Speaking of different tones, and finally incomparable violations even became a complete paragraph ....

"It's really interesting, have they rehearsed?" Harry Quinn seemed excited, just like watching a circus show.

"Of course not, now the hundred or so people are the same person in a sense ... his name is Hannibal Lecter."

"so cool!"

Okay, now Ziliang has no time to break Quinn 's brain. He said so much, mainly to fight for a little time. During this time, Ziliang 's broken arm seems to be able to move easily, he Try to nudge your hands.

"This bandage is really easy to use." He muttered, then looked at the old Joey aside: "Uh, you may not hear it, but the group of people in front of you should want to eat us, so, the most It 's good to find us some weapons ... "

Old Joey froze, looking like that, he should be thinking about which is suitable for feeding in the crowd just now, but I suddenly heard that this group of people also wanted to eat themselves, which made him a little bit dumb.

"What? Want to eat us? This is too unreasonable!"

Uh, old Joey feeds Pego, Pego eats feed, and feed wants to eat Old Joey ... well, thanks to him for clearing this truth, anyway Old Joey is very depressed He said, then immediately lowered his head, reached into the small pocket on the apron, and turned upside down.

Soon, he pulled out a fire axe from his pocket less than 15 cm wide ...

I know that the 15cm pocket cannot get into the fire axe, but old Joey took it out in violation of the physical principle and handed it to Ziliang.

Well, I know better that a doctor in a white coat does n't look the same as a fire axe painted with red paint, but Ziliang seems to be very familiar with this axe. Waving, lifting and hanging down beside me ... that picture should be violated and violated.

For the first time, Harry Quinn saw old Joey pulling something out of his apron pocket and immediately stared at the little star.

"Are there any baseball bats?" She asked excitedly, leaning over.

Although the needle of the [medical syringe] in her hand has the ability to penetrate most materials, the positioning of the gadget is still a [medical equipment] anyway, and the penetration attribute is estimated to be directly facing the future. The person wearing armor is prepared for treatment. After all, the needle is too thin and too short. Even if you really put a needle on the opponent's head, it is estimated that if you do not mix it in your mind, there is no way to cause anything to others hurt.

"Oh, I'm looking for it." Old Joey muttered. Although it would be best if he could pull out a grenade at this time, Old Joey always seemed to sneer at that kind of hot weapon, so he also Never put things like guns in my pocket.

In short, in a jingle of noise, old Joey really pulled out a baseball bat ... or stuffed with nails and wrapped with a thick layer of wire ... ...

So, such a scene appeared.

On one side is a dense crowd.

On the other side, a doctor who hangs up as a child carries a fire axe.

Standing beside him was a tall, fat man who looked like a greasy pig killer.

There is also a voluptuous figure, but a beautiful nurse with a weird hairstyle, carrying a baseball bat in one hand on his shoulder


"Click", with a light sound of the lighter, Ziliang took out a cigarette, dangling it on his mouth, and took a dark sip with a dark circle ...

The crowd roared, surging ... and instantly flooded the three ...