Unlike every other day today was actually not so bad, I just got into the university to study the course of dreams 'Mechatronics Engineering'. The fresher's orientation seminar was boring, I'm pretty sure everyone there felt the same.

Right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Hyla Orland. I was just your average teen who was about to explore the world away from home. There's nothing special about me just your regular average guy, sure I look quite handsome.

I was on my way to the dorm when I bumped into my cousin who also got admitted to the same University as me, same faculty only different departments since he applied for Petroleum and Gas Engineering.

"Hey Hyla, what are you doing here?" asked my cousin.

Right this is my cousin who I was talking about 'Danie Greyness' he's taller than me by a whole head, he's smooth with the ladies and they just love him.

"I got assigned to this dorm, you?" I said answering as I nodded in his direction as I inquired about his being here.


"Nice what room? Cause I got put in Room 30 in the west wing" I said laughing.

"Shit, I also got assigned to Room 30 in the west wing, looks like we're roommates" he said as slapped me on my shoulder.

"let's go"

We got to meet our other roommates as we entered the room,

"You guys must be our roommates" said the guy sitting on the top bunk on the left with his laptop as he listened to music.

"Yeah we are" said Greyness as he walked towards him.

Jumping off his bunk he walked towards us as he introduced himself.

"I am Enri Strong, fresher PGE" he said.

"looks like we're in the same department, I'm Danie Greyness but you can call me Grey and this is my cousin" he said as he looked at me.

"Hyla Orland, MCE" I said as I shook hands with him.

"Looks like only the last guy is in another Faculty." He said as he laughed.

After the introduction we settled into the room as soon as our last roommate walked in.

"Hi, I'm Khalil you must be my roommates" he said as he walked towards his bunk searching for something in his bag.



"Nice to meet you" he paused smiling "I've got to go" he said as he finished arranging his bag.


"looks like we won't be seeing much of him for a while" said Enri.

"Yep, he must be a busy guy" I said laughing.

"So, anyway who's going to the party this weekend" asked Enri as he put his laptop aside.

"I'm not sure, You?" I said as I asked Grey.

"Let's go Bro" he said as he slowly rubbed my shoulders "think about it, they'll be lots of fun things not to mention the girls" he said as he raised his brows mischievously.

"I don't know"

"Come on, you know deep down you want to go" he said.

"Don't forget there's a meteorite falling towards earth" I said pausing "I was planning on watching its descent through earth from the Observatory downtown" I said.

"Dude would you rather watch a falling rock or hang out with beautiful bunnies all night" he said.

"Fine, I guess I could monitor its descent from my phone." I said as I agreed.

"It's settled we leave on the set date boys." Said Grey as he laughed out like someone possessed by a pervy ghost.

Morning came softly,

"Grey, your alarm is ringing" I said as I kicked him in bed as I rubbed my eyes.

"Wah..." he mumbled as he got out of bed.

"I'm going to take a shower, I already arranged the books we need for our class this morning" I said as I grabbed my towel as I walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks" he simply said.

"You guys I'm trying to sleep" said Khalil as he covered his head with his pillow in a futile attempt to block the noise.

"When did you even get back" asked Enri as he hopped of the top of his bunk.

"Like I said I'm trying to sleep"

"Just let him be" said Grey as he put the already arranged books into his bags "We've got such an early class".

"Yeah, we all have to take the same courses during our first year" he said opening his laptop.

"Dude, what do you use your laptop for?" asked Grey.

"OH, I produce beats" he said smiling.

"nice after our class today you got to let me listen to your beats" Grey said as he looked at Enri.

"Sure" said Enri.

"We got to go what are you guys still up to" I asked as I opened the door.

"Dude, relax it's the first class we won't do anything serious plus am downloading the school map now." Said Grey as he slouched in his reading chair.

"Come on, I clearly asked you to download that last night" I said.

"Ok, stop arguing let's go I downloaded the map already" said Enri as picked his backpack from his bed.


"Are you sure you guys are cousins? Cause I don't see how that works" said Enri as he laughed.

"Seriously" said Grey and I simultaneously as we turned to give him the evil eye.

"I didn't say anything" said Enri as he raised both arms in surrender.

"less talking and more walking" I said as I increased my pace.