"That was the best idea you came up with Enri" said Grey.
"Are you insane?" asked Enri as he put his hands against Greys forehead as if checking his temperature.
"Nope but you are" said Grey as he laughed.
"We better head out" I said as I grew tired of watching them bicker.
It was already well past sundown when we went back to the dorms, the stroll back was very refreshing and relaxing considering it was cool right then but it was so hot in the afternoon nobody thought it would even be a cool evening.
We ended the day relaxed with zero additional training or revision of past lessons.
While Grey and Enri slept I found myself lost in thoughts about what I would do when I come face to face with the alien.
The week was pretty calm and fun to others but to me it wasn't, Blue told me that after he finished making the necessary calculations about the meteorite he told me it would most likely crash into the earth on Saturday.
While others went around having fun and laughing I seldom talked much, even though I wanted to keep those around me safe I knew it was impossible for me to do that as of yet.
"I have to thank you once more" said Grey as he swung his backpack over his shoulders.
"No need like you guys said I also needed the break" I said to Grey.
"Oh… Enri you still didn't tell us where you are going to" I said as Enri changed into a different shirt.
"Uhm… Cynthia invited me out for a movie" he said in a quiet voice.
"What? I didn't hear what you said?" said Grey as he teased him.
"Me too" I chimed in.
"Cynthia invited me out for a movie" he said as he ducked his head hurriedly into his cupboard as if searching for something.
"I knew that there was something more to the both of you" I said.
"Tell me about it, I already knew it would turn out that way" said Grey, "but what about Macy" he asked.
"We both talked, she said we should just remain friends" answered Enri, "apparently I'm one of the few guys she's able to hang out with" he said.
"That's great either way, it's like they say 'When one door closes another one opens', ok" said Grey.
"So, what are you going to do Hyla?" asked Grey.
"I don't know, maybe just sleep or something" I answered vaguely.
"You can't be serious" said Enri, "we finally have the weekend off and That's your plan?" he asked.
"What?" I asked plainly.
"get dressed you're coming with us" said Enri as he pushed me towards the wardrobe.
"No way, I'll then become the third wheel, thanks but no thanks" I said.
"That can be easily solved, I'll tell Susanne to come with Kat to keep you company" said Grey, "Problem solved!" he said.
"I just don't feel like going out" I said, but the actual reason was because I wanted to try to get into a relaxed state of mind since today was the day the meteorite would be crashing into earth and I was scared even though I tried my best to hide it.
"Well you seriously don't expect us as good friends to leave you here in such a state and go have fun, do you?" said Enri.
"say nothing more it has been decided you're coming with us and that's that" said Enri as he cut me off.
"Fine" I said seeing as I had no say in the matter anymore, "Let me get changed"
"You have to be careful when you're outside" said Blue in a timely manner. "Looks like I'm not the only one on edge today" I thought to myself.
"Remember to keep me posted once it enters earth's atmosphere" I said.
"Sure, remember to be careful, if the need arises we might need to run" he said.
"What's the range of the detection stat" I asked.
"About a five-block radius" answered Blue, "since we can detect it, it can also detect us" he said as he took one good and long drag from his pipe.
"Let's go out for lunch" said Grey.
"Sounds like a plan" I said.
"I'll call Cynthia and check if she's cool with it" said Enri.
In five minutes time we were all out the door without a care in the world. We dined before hitting the cinema, although we all watched different movies since apparently Enri and Grey did not want a third wheel, me, around.
Kat and I watched a thriller, while Grey and Susanne watched a Romantic movie. I was quite surprised since Grey usually does his best to avoid romantic movies. Enri and Cynthia already had tickets to a Rom-com so we split up.
While watching the movie;
"Hyla, it's entered the earth's atmosphere, I estimate touchdown in five minutes" said Blue as he interrupted me.
"What's wrong?" asked Kat, without knowing my facial reaction had undergone a slight change.
"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered something" I said.
"I thought I was the only one who doesn't like romantic movies" said Grey.
"Don't look at me like that, I also don't like them but you picked it so I had to watch it" replied Susanne as they left the theatre.
"Let's go somewhere else" suggested Susanne.
Unknown to me, Grey and Susanne had left the theatre.