"She is one heck of girl" said Enri as he watched her go.

"Yeah, a very stuck up one" chimed Grey.

"I'm also tired of the competition too" I said as I ate.

"let's eat up and have fun" suggested Enri.

We finished our breakfast in silence as we left the building to enjoy ourselves for the day while I used the opportunity to rest up.

"So where are we heading first?"


"Looks like you're in good shape" said Coach Michael as we left the building.

It was already the day for the next round of competition but this time around we were informed that the competition would be taking place at the Emerson Dome, it was at the eastern part of the city just overlooking the sea.

Although the Emerson Dome was a newly built structure, it was a one of a kind monument drawing its conception from various parts of history.

"How long will it take us to get there?" I asked as we entered the vehicle provided by the organizers of the competition provided for us.