"Alright, we're here be ready for anything" I said as we arrived at an open plain in the middle of the forest with large trees at the other end of the forest creating a canopy there.
In the sky Grimlings flew around as they darted from one corner to the other in small groups of twenty, far in the distance dark silhouettes danced in the sky, and they were not that small if one was to compare the size of the shadows.
"We need to find a small group and lure them farther away from here, that way once a fight starts it will take a while for them to provide reinforcement and by then we would have finished them off and retrieved the eggs" said Ganiyat, who immediately took the role of leader.
"Excuse me, uh… I thought the eggs would be in the nest?" I asked.
Till now I never bothered to wonder how we were going to retrieve the eggs since we were most likely going to have a hard time taking out the Grimlings not to mention storming their nest.