Eyes closed yet I could sense my surroundings, my mind slowly drifted off into the expanse of what was space.

I floated through the expanse of space with no recollection of who I was or what I was, all that was left was a tiny particle even finer than dust and in the expanse of space that was absolutely nothing at all.

The entire universe was boundless and I was not even comparable to dust when the significance of my existence was considered at the moment. I just existed yet I didn't it was a very strange, yet familiar feeling.

I was not able to feel the pain in my body yet I knew that I was in pain, every single cell in my body was active and I could feel as each cell slowly moved, carrying out its function.

If I focused just slightly more I was able to gain a better understanding of my whole body and how wonderful my body was and as I slowly dove deeper into that feeling I was able to dive deeper into the memories which were hidden within.