Extra 3: Aurelion Has Good Friends, Too

"Is Roy going to be okay?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Finny, he was being carted off by the infirmary staff."


Neo winced at the memory of the scene. "They did say that he just needed some cream on the wound. His back is sore because Lady Lettuse ripped the dress off like a crusty bandage. Thankfully, she barely took off the first layer of skin."

"Naza... that doesn't mean she didn't take off the first layer of skin..."


Tybalt looked almost exasperated at his two companions.

Really, Royce does not deserve such ignorant sympathies.

"Royce should be getting the treatment he needs to regrow his skin in about a day or two. Thankfully, the school has enough healing serums to do wonders."

"That doesn't mean they don't have drawbacks." Neo pointed out, his brows scrunched together in disgruntlement. "Headache, nausea--and I think something similar to the effects of anesthesia..." He muttered off as he looked back towards the infirmary building.

Tybalt didn't know what this 'annastheeshia' thing is but knowing Naza and his new hobbies, it most likely has to do with medicine.

Truly, now that he thinks about it, an Odum is incomparable when they put their minds into it.

From failing his way to third year, Naza's sudden rise in grades and work ethics has improved by leaps and bounds after he had that dream.

Becoming a healer? With Naza's previous grades, it would have been an impossible feat.

Now, though, Tybalt wouldn't be surprised if he someday becomes the head officer of the Herbalist Institution...

Has it only been three months since the change?

Tybalt finds that strange. He could have sworn it felt longer.

"Hopefully, this won't affect Roy's performance. Professor Rickman wanted to skin both him and Frederick alive... Tybalt--Tybalt?"


The strawberry blonde boy blinked.

Neo's head tilted with worry, eyeing the other's pallor.

"Sorry," Tybalt smiled, waving off the concern airily. "Can you repeat that?"

"I was just talking about Professor Rickman's reaction... He was really upset about rehearsal."

Tybalt nodded in understanding, telepathically sending a wave of sympathy towards Royce's direction.

Thinking back, Professor Rickman was pissed.

Royce plays a very important supporting character at the beginning of the play--a very active supporting character.

"If he's out of commission, there is no hope for those action scenes Professor Rickman had planned for him. Though, it is unlikely that he'll take the brunt of Professor's wrath. Frederick was the one who deemed the costume ready to wear, after all. If anyone's going to die, it'll be him."

Tybalt listed out these reasons.

Neo agreed wholeheartedly in those regards. However, he had one last question.

"Didn't Frederick transfer out of our class?"

"Hah?" For a moment, Tybalt also paused in consideration. "I thought so, too. Maybe he just really wanted to be a part of the show and asked to rejoin the class for the production."

"That is likely. He played Sir Gilde quite passionately."

"Hey!" Finneas scowled.

Neo smiled placatingly. "Sorry, Finneas. Your Sir Gilde is also very good."

"Though it could use a little less swearing," Tybalt commented playfully.

"At least I'm not swooning every single fucking line."

Tybalt and Finneas both looked pointedly at Neo.

Red colored Neo's face as he began to grow flustered at the memory. "It's... it's hard to play Lady Rose when she's just so... so... mnghh..."

There was a moment of silence as Neo stewed in embarrassment, looking almost like a small animal trying to hide from the gazes of two predators.

Finneas and Tybalt stared at the blush that was glowing rather nicely on the vermillion-eyed boy's cheeks.

They both exchanged glances.

After a second, they looked away with flushed ears.

Okay. That was cute.

Tybalt swings an arm around Neo's shoulder.

"I think it's time for us to head home. Right, Naza?"

They could see the front gate of the school where carriages were lined up to take the students home.

"En. You just reminded me, Tybalt. Aurelion wanted to ride home together." He squinted a little, trying to see if the icy boy was hiding behind a tree or something. "Hmm, it doesn't look like he's-"

"Just how long are the three of you going to flirt around?!"

Tybalt felt the arm he had wrapped around Naza's shoulder freeze.

"Oh, Aurelion. There you are!"

Neo smiled as he turned to his brother... who was being flanked on both sides by Prince Serian and... Memphis Deerborn.

"Ah, I see you brought your friends."

Aurelion frowned slightly as he saw his brother focus his attention on his two companions.

The earlier irritation that had been building up inside him as he watched his brother and his friends was quickly doused in the face of his older brother's question.

"This is Prince Serian and Memphis Deerborn," He quickly introduced his companions to his brother as it is the proper thing to do.

"Pleasure," Neo greeted them with a polite smile, ignoring the way Serian excitedly looked at him.

Aurelion watched as his brother addressed them and felt a bit of courage as he spoke once more. "They will be riding with us back to the manor. Is that fine, brother?"

Neo noticed how Aurelion's expression appeared almost timid as if he was seeking some kind of approval or permission from him.

It was strange, and he wondered if Aurelion was always like that in the past.

The approval seeking, the nervous gesture--he saw that the boy was picking at his thumb discreetly with his pointer finger.

It seems after the revelation of his death and transmigration, things are bound to be a little strange.

And while there's nothing wrong with their new dynamic, Neo just found it rather peculiar.

Almost losing himself to his thoughts, Neo dragged his attention back to his brother and his friends.

"Of course, Aurelion. You don't need permission to bring your friends over. There's plenty of space in the carriage," He trailed off, "Though Guinivere may complain a bit."

Aurelion's face quickly turned irritable once more. "She's coming?"

Neo blinked. "Well, how else is she going to go home?"

"I thought she went home already in her own carriage," Aurelion scowled.

It is Neo who raises a questionable brow at this. "Guinivere wanted to ride home together. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. She's our sister."

"She's always trying to pick a fight with me!"

Neo turned to Tybalt and Finneas, a clear exasperated look on his face.

Like the traitors they are, the two of them pretended to be interested in the trees lining the pathway, barely able to repress the shit-eating grin on their faces.

His friends were laughing at him. He can tell.

The youth sighed, wondering why his siblings are suddenly fighting like cats and dogs. "What has gotten into you and Guinivere, lately? The two of you were never like this before. Just three months ago, you guys were perfectly fine together. Is there something going on?"

Aurelion had the audacity to sulk, his face turning even more frustrated. "It's just internal things. She keeps getting in the way and you keep spoiling her and letting her do whatever she wants."

Neo takes a deep breath. He glances at Aurelion's friends from the corner of his eyes. Both looked mildly uncomfortable as if they were anticipating a fight to break out between him and his brother.

Well, they wouldn't be wrong if he was still Nazareth.

Sighing, he decidedly ignored the presence of their companions in favor of placing his attention on Aurelion.

Will Aurelion later realize that he has essentially embarrassed him in front of his own friends by treating him like a younger brother instead of the heir of their family? Maybe.

Will Neo later come to regret speaking to him in this manner? Not really.

He and his brother cuddled under a blanket in the middle of the hallway after the conversation they had regarding his past two lifetimes.

They screamed bloody-murder together when Mother found them at five in the morning because they thought she was a serial killer who broke into the manor.

Their relationship has leveled up in more ways than one after experiencing Vespera Odum's iconic ax-murderer face in the middle of a dark hallway.

"Aurelion, she's fourteen. Let her live a little. Guinivere acts like a perfect lady in society and hold herself with the decorum of any other member of this family outside the manor. The rules should not apply to our home. Both of you should take comfort in the manor; it is home and you need not be so glacial with family."

"It still doesn't give her the right to monopolize you all the time!"

Neo gave an unimpressed look.

"Monopolize? Just yesterday, you begged me to help you with homework and I only gave in because you were working on your Alchemy unit. I know you're smart enough to do it yourself, so I don't know why you needed me to help you. Nevertheless, I still gave in and helped."

Aurelion tried to say something to defend himself, but Neo raised up a hand.

He was not done. "And don't forget, it was you who grew unhappy when Guinivere joined us an hour later with her own school work. Monopolizing my time, is it?"

Aurelion looked properly chastised.

"But that is not the point I'm getting at, Aurelion. What I want you to take away from this is that I treat you and Guinivere equally regarding everything. I don't spoil either of you, I am treating the two of you like how an older sibling is supposed to treat their younger siblings. Or am I not your brother?"

"No--brother! You know that's not what I mean--"

"I know, Aurelion. That is merely rhetorical. I just want you and Guinivere both to know that I will always be there to help. I don't pick favorites, and I'm very upset that you think so little of me."

He sees Aurelion almost let out a barely visible breath, looking... ashamed? Embarrassed? He appears somewhat uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry..."

Neo stared into his brother's eyes, feeling that he must be stern about this. His siblings' behaviors are starting to get out of hand and he doesn't want them to do anything they might regret.

"Can I presume that you understand, Aurelion?"


"Very well. I am glad that you are not angry with me for confronting you about this."

"... No... You were perfectly reasonable..."

"Come here,"

Memphis and Serian watched as their friend was enveloped into a hug by his older brother.

Nazareth Everette Odum.

The scummy trouble-maker.

The same guy who ordered over thirty assassination attempts on Aurelion.

That Nazareth Odum.

Memphis wasn't aware of the changes regarding Aurelion's brother.

Of course, there were rumors, but it's not like he associates himself with the older students.

All he knew was that Lione's brother was a crazy bastard who may or may not have his hands dipped in some unsavory things.


Watching the brotherly exchange between his ice cube friend and that person... it looks like he really has changed?

The last time he saw Aurelion's brother, the youth looked like a crazy ghost. Messy hair splayed all over and covering half his face. Screaming, taunting, cackling like a mad man. Cursing Aurelion left and right. Even going so far as to smirk mockingly whenever Aurelion's life is at stake.

Now, however...

He looks... normal.

And harmless...

As the son of the Captain of the Golden Lion Division, Memphis--despite having a reputation for being a brute (That bastard from the Dartmouth Family is always trying to ruin his good name!)--is well learned in body language.

He eyes Nazareth Odum discreetly, not quite convinced that his sudden shift in character is true.

He can tell that the older Odum is hiding something, but he's not sure what...

Is he plotting something?

Neo and Aurelion separated. The older automatically went to pat the younger on the head, but noticing their audience, his hand easily glided down to pat his shoulder.

Aurelion was anticipating that head pat.

He became mildly upset that it turned into a shoulder pat.

But before he can voice this, his brother's attention has turned to one of his companions.

"It's good to see you again, Your Highness."

"And you as well, Brother Neo! And please, call me Serian."

The atmosphere went from an enviously intimate sibling moment to an incredibly confusing change of subject within seconds.

"Neo?" He hears Memphis mutter to himself before Aurelion realized the exchange of words between his brother and Prince Serian.


Serian ignored the furious look Aurelion was sending him and greeted Neo shamelessly.

Neo couldn't help but pat the younger boy on the head.

On a side note, the prince is still pretty short, huh?

It took him a moment to realize what he just did...

But it's too late to take back the head pat!

Shifting his expression into a smile, he smoothly changed tactics.

"Goodness. Did you grow taller? It's only been a few months since I last saw you."

He pretended to not be aware of the fact that Aurelion is currently looking at the Crown Prince of the Empire with a look of murder.

As their father has once told them. Violence is not the answer.

He also said something about blackmail, but Neo will ignore that part for now.

After greeting Serian, he turned his attention to Memphis.

"Memphis Deerborn, was it? Lester talks about you sometimes."

Memphis looks at him warily. "Can't be anything good, I bet. That guy is not honorable."

Neo's smile freezes slightly.

He has forgotten about the rivalry between the Deerborn and Dartmouth. Thinking back, Lester really liked to trash talk Memphis and the Golden Lion Division...

However, he can't retract what he just said, so he will have to tread on.

"I must disagree with that statement. Lester is very cute when he wants to be. He talks about your fights during sword training all the time."

"Hmm... Is that so..."

Goodness. The boy was more emotionally constipated than Aurelion.

Or was he just leery of him?

That could be the main reason for his standoffishness.

"W-well, I'm sure Guinivere is waiting for us at the gates. Shall we be heading home now?"

Taking Aurelion by the arm, he waved goodbye to his own friends.

"I'll see you guys, tomorrow!"

"Have a safe trip, Naza!"

"And practice your fucking lines!"

With that, he and his friends parted.



Neo turned to his brother, who is now walking beside him at a sedated pace.

"Are you replacing me with Serian?" He hissed.

Neo wanted to point out that Memphis and Serian are only five paces behind them and can clearly hear him.


Aurelion turned to him with a fierce look.

"How is he better than me? That guy does stupid things like... like hide in bushes when he stumbles into private conversations. That idiot stumbles into private conversations all the time! He makes stupid assumptions and thinks up wild stories in his head and--and when he fights, he abuses the self-defense techniques that his mother taught him for perverts--!"


Neo thinks as Aurelion begins insulting the Crown Prince of their Empire in broad daylight right in front of said Crown Prince.

"--he's also super childish and doesn't know tact. His tutors were fired due to incompetency--mmph!"

Neo covers Aurelion's mouth.

"Aurelion, what are you talking about?"

He sees a look of confusion pass through his brother's face.

"I'm not replacing you with the Crown Prince. He just calls me brother because... Hm, actually, I wonder why he does that..." Neo reveals a thoughtful look, before shaking his head. "Well, no matter. That is beside the point. You're my brother, Aurelion. And that's not going to change any time, soon. I wouldn't ask for anyone else."

Neo watches as this ice-cube brother of his melt, relaxing into his arms.

He pats him on the back.

"Let's go home, okay?"

They left the gates of the school and walked down the lane of carriages to their own.

From behind the Odum Family carriage, Guinivere popped out with an impatient expression.

"Hey! What took you two so long?"

Neo laughed, feeling more relaxed as he was surrounded by both of his siblings. "Sorry. Something happened during rehearsal. Did you wait for long? Are you hungry?"

The fire in Guinivere's eyes dwindled down to a small spark, her impatience disappearing in the face of her older brother. Within a matter of seconds, the girl turned well-tempered and... shy..."

"No. I was just... worried that you left already..." Guinivere looked down at her feet, feeling embarrassed at her admittance.

Neo chuckled, automatically stroking the girl's head. "Let's get inside the carriage. Aurelion and his friends will be riding with us. Is that alright?"


Guinivere, as if realizing that it wasn't just her and her oldest brother riding home together, turned her head and saw that Aurelion and his two companions were standing there as well.

She sees the look Aurelion was giving her as if saying: Did you forget about me?

She scowled fiercely.

Neo watched worriedly as he saw the invisible tension building.

"Guinivere," He cut in without any pretense, "Is this alright? If sitting with Prince Serian and Sir Deerborn makes you uncomfortable, I can always call for another carriage to ride back home, myself."

That got both Aurelion and Guinivere's attention.

"What? Brother, why do you need to ride home by yourself?"

"There's plenty of room inside our carriage!"

Neo tilted his head, appearing confused. "Well, I thought it's because of the extra people. There are five of us, aren't there? The two of you can sit together in one seat and Prince Serian and Sir Deerborn can sit in another. I'll just call for--"

"No need! We can squeeze in together just fine!" Aurelion interjected, shooting a nasty look at his sister as if saying: I swear to the gods if you ruin this--

"Oh? Is that okay with you, Guinivere?" Neo turned to his sister, who was now looking anxiously at the carriage to check the size of its interior.

"Yes. It looks like it can fit eight people, Brother. You don't need to worry about space!"

Neo smiles brightly. "Excellent! Let's get inside."

Only Serian and Memphis noticed the mischievous smirk curling on the eldest Odum's lips as he helped his siblings into the carriage.

Both wondered if the three Odums forgot about them, once again lost in their own world.

Serian thought that Brother Neo was really good at getting Lione and Guinny to behave themselves. Truly admirable.

He allowed himself to be helped inside and blatantly ignored the dirty looks that Lione and Guinny gave him.

On the other hand, Memphis dismissed Nazareth's hand and jumped inside. He had assumed the smirk on the youth was a wicked one.

Were Guinevere and Aurelion being manipulated? Has the scummy trouble-maker changed tactics?

Memphis frowned.

If Nazareth even dares to play them like this--

Aurelion has friends, too. Companions who are loyal. Supportive in more ways than one.

He has witnessed the boy becoming hurt, both physically and emotionally, by what Nazareth has done to him.

Yet, there is no backlash whatsoever. For some reason, Aurelion never does anything about his trashy older brother besides defending himself.

Perhaps sensing his agitation, Memphis accidentally meets Nazareth's gaze. He looks away quickly, willing himself to calm down.

His anger for this bastard has been simmering for years. It can simmer longer.

So, rather than thinking about that piece of scum, he refocuses on other memories, such as his friendship with the boy sitting beside him.

When Memphis met Aurelion for the first time, he didn't see a boy with an icy exterior and a sharp mind.

What he saw was a victim of trauma that was similar to veteran soldiers of the Lesser Krieg War.

Which was unusual, because it didn't look like either the Duke or Duchess of Odum would treat their children in this manner.

So, when he 'met' Nazareth Odum, things became quite clear.

Memphis has always watched the sibling interaction from a distance, usually behind a crowd or a tree with the rest of their friends when Aurelion went out to speak with his brother (if he could even call him that).

It is evident that Aurelion desires his older brother's approval. He has always looked forlornly at that bastard, his expectations crushed and broken whenever an attempt on his life happens--acknowledging the fact that his own brother is the one pulling the strings.

So yeah, Memphis doesn't really believe that the bastard turned over a new leaf.

How can he, when Aureliion has been hurt like that?

For now, he will observe quietly.

And if he sees a slipup...


Memphis discreetly gives a look at the smiling bastard.

Nazareth better prepares himself for his wrath...

Meanwhile, Aurelion was stewing silently.

Brother patted Serian's head.

Brother patted Guinivere's head.

He looks at his older brother, trying to get his attention.

Where is his head pat?!