WebNovelThe Hold85.71%

Chapter 6

I cannot really tell you what happened following the defeat at the hands of the Hessian's, in all honesty we did not stand a chance these are men and women born and bred for warfare and who had been previously quiet and misunderstood after the battle and my subsequent "braining" at the hands of the armour-clad bastards...I was taken prisoner and weirdly enough was treated for my injuries along with all the rest of the captured men and women of Avon, there was nothing like what the stories we heard of where the Hessian's were Raping our women, Pillaging our homes and Raiding the land...in fact no one even looked back at us preferring the idea to return to Hess as soon as possible which despite the constant marching and brief rests would take months.

During this trip many of the prisoners would die not due to mistreatment or the Hessian's murderous ways but due to the fact that their injuries were so severe they were lucky too make it this far there was no way that some of these men would make it weeks let alone months and would proceed too slow us all down so the group detoured to a small village not too far from Avon where they left the injured and infirm to their own fate much to the chagrin of many of rhe other prisoners who had family or friends being abandoned and left for dead with this more and more prisoners became antagonistic challenginh our captors and attempting to escape what we all could on imagine to be a ghastly end awaiting us in Hess.

Throughout the nights I could hear the voices of our captors doing the rounds and counting us up before carrying on there merry way back to their encampment, throughout this period of time I have made the best effort not to stand out after all I would definitely want to keep myself breathing for as long as I can however I do not know how long that could last, I can over hear the chatter from the captured troops of the Baron planning to assault the guards on there next pass through in a bid to get their weapons...I cannot tell if these fellows are just dumb or so scared they have forgotten about the army around us and even worse the elite fighting force at the forefront of it all, the men of Aisling Ritter all of which bear his crest and who even the Hessian men seem to do their best in their attempts to try to avoid them.

The appointed time came and the men took action quickly dispatching the two guards using brute force at this point speed was everything if they can get free before anyone knows what has happened they may in fact succeed and make good their attempts to escape...the escapees had a solid plan cutting their hand bindings using the guards swords and proceeding to strip and put on the guards uniforms now with mud and blood on them before cutting the bindings of their co-conspiritors and the rest of us the instructions were simple and clear to move slowly and quietly in different directions to maximise our chances of escape.

If only things went too plan the story would have ended here and I would have been able to return to my quiet life somewhere else and never would have had to become who I am...however as I was saying the plan went smoothly so far with us all moving in different directions and doing our best to avoid any sign of life in the wooded area, I won't lie at this point my nerves are so shot I am pretty sure that a rabbit appearing may give me a heartattack and end this story early however I did not find any sigb of life and just kept proceeding through the woods till I heard the sound of someone breathing heavily...my heart pounding and my mind stuck in this moment I turned to face the direction I heard it from finding there a man no older than myself with piercing blue eyes and long braided hair in the distance...No matter how old I am I remember this meeting like it was yesterday this was the first time I actually saw the man who will re-write the boarders of the world for his country and who I had the honour of witnessing become a legend...Aisling Ritter.