

St Solomon is one of the world's most renown academies . A place where excellence is normal. It is also one of the world's most elite and developed institutions a place that has produced world class experts and geniuses in almost all spheres of life. It is also one of the world's most secretive organisations.

Apart from the huge amount of money required to gain admission into the school, only world class geniuses in different aspects of life are allowed into the he school. insanely talented individuals who grow up to become world leaders in their own fields. this has made the school a center of scientific, academic,economic, social and political development.

St Solomon is located on a private island off the coast of Asia. a space they need since the school is divided into four departments namely Arts, martial, sciences, and commerce .

Like most schools St Solomon had cliques,gangs,power brokers and the few powerful rogues the only difference was their activities were more serious and encouraged by the school and none of them was taken more seriously than "The thug siblings" a Ninth grader from the Arts department Who single handedly beat the whole tiger claw gang a gang made up of people from the martial department and their offence was trying to "bully" his sister a nine year old sixth grader for bearing up one of their own. The older brother was known as "the thug" and the little girl was known as "little thug" and she was from the science department with a deep interest in engineering even though many felt she was more suited for the martial department of the two siblings many feared the little thug more to the extent that they gave her another Nick name which she proudly bore "little demon" . The reason being that even though she was the weaker of the pair, none dared mess with her as they would immediately invite the wrath of the extremely deadly, silent ,demonic and ruthless divine tribulation known as "the thug". But apart from her domineering nature,Anu was usually playful until her dark side was ignited at least and she decided to let all hell loose for no reason especially as none amongst the students dared to annoy her in fact, she had her own little gang. In the whole of the regal St Solomon, it was truly a grave thing to displease "the little demon".

Tobi knew himself and his sister were never meant to be in sick a school if it didn't have a kind of relationship with his parents and their kind a kind he knew to be the ELLDRAN a Ian's of super race amongst all species present even in animals and aliens. A type of people capable of controlling and absorbing cosmic energy into themselves He knew himself and his sister were ELLDRAN he knew they were from a deep ELLDRAN heritage that migrated to Africa and he that of the two children, his parents only knew that Anu had the family inheritance he hid his talent from his family except his monstrous strength and his white hair which he now hid underneath black hair dye phenomenons his parents thought came from what ever they had sealed inside of him to hide it from some enemy. at least he knew that they meant him no harm but he really wanted to know on what side of the balance they truly stood and now after four years of constantly absorbing energy into himself and feeling the energy swirling within him get not knowing what to do with it, he was finally going to get his answer and it came with the news of his parent's death in a black envelope that suddenly appeared on his bed They had been found dead in their rooms their bodies mutilated according to some of the news he got online, it was definitely a targeted killing with a lot of emotions behind it and Tobi had a feeling, he felt that what they had killed his parents for was either sealed in him or Any. And so, he knew he was going to have to just trust his parents and definitely make sure that the evil whatever was in them could be used for would never manifest. Holding the letter with different thoughts going through his mind as his fists clenched if his own will, Tobi didn't notice as a shadow that had been following him for the past eight years if his life alone away from the window. He knew that meeting all the sides in this battle beneath the surface was simply inevitable so he planned in going back home to bury his parents his heart dark as thoughts of revenge ravaged him from within he didn't even feel his eyes turning blue for a second a startling almost transparent glass like azure shade that glowed with piercing light