"Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, obviously neither someone can break it. "
"Marriage is about understanding, accepting who and what that person really is, and loving him/her WHOLEHEARTEDLY."
"Marriage is one of the seven (7) sacraments of the church and so it is a sacred one."
"Marriage involves love and battles.. Battles to fight and conserve the sacredness of marriage."
That's what I believed when I'm still searching for someone to be my husband and hopefully, to spend the rest of my life with.
Apparently, I got married.
At first, I thought it'll lasts. But along the way, something came up or should I say, 'Someone came up to ruin what's mine.' And suddenly, what I believed in, turned into drastically nightmare.
That 'someone' ruined not only my marriage, but also my life.
And I will never let myself spend every single day knowing that they're happy while I'm miserable, broken and ruined.
Enjoy now, spend your time with each other, because one day, I'll be back.
and I'll make sure that you will suffer-- the both of you. That you will ask for forgiveness, for repentance. And repent that you ever exist in this world..
You will experience how bad A BRIDE'S REVENGE is..