Lurking Lighting Under The Abyss

Chapter 8

Time is an construct of pain and happiness measured in resolved emotions and unresolved emotions

- L.A September


Liam's P.O.V

After a uncomfortable distasteful drive back, we went inside the house that used to be called a home. My mother and uncle Nev went inside without paying any attention towards me.

There I stood uncomfortably at the brim of the door, the brown replaced wooded door caused chills to running down my spine or it might of been because I lacked clothing I had on, or the trauma I had suffered here just by going outside my childhood home.

Why can't I go inside I asked myself. It's weird and I'm so petrified  ( what am I supposed to do now that I've no where to go ). I knew deep down I didn't want Luke nor Layla to me like this.

I heard a faint voice I knew quite to well, it's my twin brother Luke asking our mother for ice-cream. That's no fair I wanted some to.

" Mom where's Liam I don't see him " he says.

He must still be standing outside, our mother came outside. She placed her warm hands on my cheeks, it's okay to be afraid.

" I'm not afraid mom ( stuttering voices ), I've been looking were my transformer is" he says hesitantly.

Sara P.O.V


Your toy is your room hade.

" It's not a toy mom, it's a transformer "

"  Really what's his name, I can't remember it "

" It's Star-scream and he's cool and he can fly"

" Really  I think I placed in the goodwill box " mom says.

It's okay I'll stay with you outside as long as you want but what about our bowls of ice cream ( small thumps as footsteps running past me ).

Are you going to let your brother have your bowl to. Our mother stared at me until I felt like a statue and submitted.

" No I won't "

I rushed inside and it felt like home again, I swerve close to table almost falling to the floor but luckily regaining my balance at the last second.


I reached my hand towards the delightful ice cream and places to first spoon of full of ice cream in my mouth ignoring my senses that wanted me look behind me. The spoon comfortable placed in my mouth between my teeth and on my tongue then I stared behind me like it was someone else.

Luke P.O.V


My twin brother Liam, seemed so hurt. There is bandages around his head and ear. But yet he smiled when he ate the ice cream our mother prepared for us. Luke don't stare  ( it's not nice mom told me when I stared a women in rolling-chair ).

I remembered what mom told me that time and I didn't want him to feel bad either. So stopped staring and stood right next to him and took my ice cream.

" I missed you, how's the pudding in the hospital though "

Giggles erupted through the room as we both started laughing. We didn't speak much after that because he seemed to noticed me.

Liam body moved to my direction, staring me down with heavy eyes. It's nice but I love ice cream more! He did and I could tell so.

Our sister still asleep in her baby-basket obviously to the fact of us.Why does babies not snork through the night like mother does, dad told me it's because mom is tired because she was caring for your sister all night.

But dad she's a cry baby ( little Luke pouted, if my son were jelious because his sister is getting all their mother's attention ). My father smiled at me and laughed softly.

" Son you also were a big cry baby "

" Isn't that's impossible dad, I'm not baby "

Dad stared at me without breaking his eye contact, son your mother told me to never tell you this but your her favorite.

Our son Luke smile erupted from his innocent face so bright and happy I'm overdosed with pride to it's full blossom without hiding his small but sharp teeth.

Their wasn't a hint of sadness that's beautiful to me though, there's people that over trying or faking something as easily some smile. That's Purely sad. I see Dad haves a concerned look on his that made him look so different. Son don't tell your brother and sister he said while looking outside like he lost something he had dear to him in that moments ago.

What can I do (he won't let things settle with me unless we all die, I need to settle this faud with him but firstly say hello to wife and children. I must of said those words a thousand times because I couldn't tell anymore if " I were going or coming " anymore.

Then I saw my dad leave without saying something to mom. Our father left the same way he came in but the this time my body were screaming for me to move and chase after him, I didn't want dad to go no I couldn't let me leave.

Suddenly a soft yet prominent sound of crying chases through the room to me. It's my sister. Luke turned his back and walked to his sister and comforted her by rubbing his finger and his sister's small palms. Comforting her in a sense she is not alone and also calming down himself and his crying become silent as quickly as salty droplets of water came to Luke's face. Mom says a baby can sense when your sad.

Ashline starts staring at me so innocently, I felt I needed to lay myself next to my sister. With her soft baby hands she planted her slap on my cheek. My attention were firmly placed on her. My eyes which were aimed at the color Northern lights painted on her rooms selling.

My focus now sifted towards this little person who just slapt me "now what Ashlin, what do you want or should I call mom". She didn't answer me and why am I talking to a baby.

Mom told me she can't talk yet but she can listen so talk to her Ashlin is your little sister for now. One day she will be your best friend. Little did I understand her words fully but here I'm talking to you. Uhhm (anxious breathing) here's the deal your my sister and I am your older brother Luke. This might seem stupid now telling you these things but I look forward to playing with you, I look forward to being best friends.

Their's this bad news in are family, our family is being hunted by this Kygo guy, mom told me everything is going to be okay the cops are doing their best to find him. No matter what happens next I will save you and Liam. Little Ashlin ( her small hands she waves them once through the air, a baby smile dawns away the sadness from Luke face, eyes and mouth).

A giggle from Luke could be heard from his mother room, so  she went to go in her room. Sara walks towards her not knowing what to expect next, slowly but softly she opens her door to see her son being nice to his kid sister. Her smile lifted her sadness she had for these heartless weeks (These Summers with their sweet tooth's) they become crumpie if they don't have something sweet and taste.

Never could I ever wish for it differently, I have gotten a sweet tooth myself. Craving bowl of ice-cream but still I didn't and could not leave what I'm seeing with my eyes. Grandpa you would of lived seeing this, Luke  were you favorite but I bet where ever you Ashlin is stealing your heart.

Suddenly I heard a soft laughter awere of it Luke turned around to see his mother smiling at him playing with his ( bighead sister / a known nickname for someone whose cute, beautiful and stuburn where I come from) even as when they both Luke and Ashlin were little everthing needed to be their or they would cry and yell or slap me with their baby hands which were ridiculously soft at touch.


I must of stood there for hours waiting for Ashlin to cry but never did, it's silly but I have waited my how life you. My children are and have become my life since you little bowls of energy where bore or should I say ice-cream it seemed to be my boys favorite treat. My stomach makes a strange sound which made me laugh, I slowly back away leaving them alone. My mindset didn't across the room, my attention were payn on these thoughts of my children 10 years from now going to high school and years later finishing it.

Those alternative memories of the unknown future brought happiness in my heart. The same smile still hasn't left me ever since I left my room to make me snack, Sara noticed the air in the air the fresh smell of rain permitting in the room. My son, Liam were starting outside as the rain poured apon the road, the door bell rang.

I open the door to Layla my best friends daughter, " Hello miss Summers is Liam here by any change", she says.

Oh yeah my mom says " I send my regards " she says.

Yes dear thank you came in Liam is sitting on the couch. Softly she wishpers I know ( she giggles) and stars over at my son like how I look at my husband on high-school. Can I please be excaused, I watch her and thinking she reminds me of myself.

I walk out the living room away from the window where they were watching the rain pour softly.

Layla P.O.V

I am next to him again their is something I can't explain, we live next to each other. When we talk I feel like a warm summer day with taking a break of playing because we're tired just to lay on the grass staring at the clouds giggling at the shapes and sizes.

At first glance I didn't stare I promised mom I wouldn't. My curiosity took over me, I can't explain it but what I saw made my eyes hurt into careless tears, which started running down my cheeks. I cried silently without him knowing or so I thought. Laim placed his hand softly on mine, Layla " please don't crying it doesn't hurt anymore" he said. Liam placed a warm kiss on my forehead.