Ace on a Date

Sakura: Ichiro over here.

Ichiro approached the group sitting in silence in the library, greeting the science project group members and sat beside Sakura. Todoroki and Hiroki just gave a simple nod in response to Ichiro's greeting.

<*Sniff* Boy she smells great!>

Sakura: So here's the division of labour, I'll research on the biological component along with Ichiro, while Todoroki and Hiroki will complete the physics component. Does that sound good. *smile*

Everyone agreed and they started sifting through the books in the library trying to find any useful information. While Todoroki and Hiroki did their work in silence, Ichiro asked regular doubts to Sakura, to make conversation, which made her more than pleased, as she enjoyed showing off her extensive knowledge.

Sakura: *giggle* No Ichiro don't get the books on genetic mutation.

Ichiro: How about reproduction then?

Sakura blushed in embarrassment and started reading her book so as to not allow Ichiro to see her flushed expression.

Hiroki: We've completed our research and will get going now.

Sakura: Alright bye.

Ichiro: Sakura how about we grab a quick bite and then resume our research?

Sakura: Sounds good, I'm pretty hungry as well.

The pair left the library and went to a nearby food truck to get some burgers, which Ichiro paid for. They had some talk over each of their families and went back to work. They researched for the next hour or so.

Ichiro: Well I'm beat. Lets call it a day.

Sakura: K, we made good progress today.

Ichiro: Do you want me to drop you back home, after all there are plenty of creeps out there in the world?

Sakura: Hehe, no its quite alright. Bye Ichiro.


Ichiro trained hard and also made progress in his relationship with Sakura in the next few weeks, to the point where they texted each every night.

Ichiro: Tomorrow's the day. I'm gonna propose to her tomorrow. What should I say? I think I'll go with the old faithful 'I like you'. F*** thats cheesy. *laughing crazily*

Father: Ichiro I told you stop making so much damn noise, now go and do your homework.

Ichiro: Yes sir!

Father's POV

Father POV end


At school.

Hiroki: Ichiro I need to talk to you.

Ichiro: Sure, whats up?

Hiroki: Will you be available today at 8 pm in the batting cages near the river?

Ichiro: Sure, but why?

Hiroki releases a sort of aura: Training, I want you to pitch to me, show me your development. I need to see how good our ace is before next week's practice game.

Ichiro: I'll be there.

Hiroki: Good.

With that, Hiroki went back to his seat.


The buzzer sounded and it was lunch.

Ichiro: Sakura I need to talk to you about something.

Sakura: Sure you wanna talk in the cafeteria?

Ichiro: No I need a more private setting.

Sakura POV

Me: Ok lead me then.

We went to an open hallway and the words that followed shocked me.

Ichiro: I like you Sakura. Will you be my girlfriend?

My already red face became even more crimson that it was, and my response had been predetermined.

Sakura: Yes, I like you too.

With that I hugged him, knowing that we were alone.

Sakura POV end

Sakura: *smile* How about we eat some lunch now, I'm hungry.

Ichiro: Indeed lets go.