Doesn't Add Up

This time I struggle to stop laughing as I say "I don't know how" Jace takes a step towards me like he's going to kill me but Xander puts himself in front of me and with a low growl he says "Go home, now."

Jace instantly calms down and lowers his head before quickly turning away to leave. With every step, bubbles follow. I bite my lip to keep from laughing but I was failing miserably. Once Jace was far enough away, Xander glares at Harris before turning to me and asking "How do I make the bubbles stop."

My eyes twinkle with delight as I say "It'll wear off in a few hours... no harm is done. What are you doing here?" He nods his head and says "I should be asking you that question. I'm here because I have my men walking the whole City to help protect the witches. They sent me a message that said they saw you following another witch down a dark ally... I knew trouble would follow."

I frown at him and say "Why do you make it sound like trouble always follows me? And why does everyone suddenly know who I am!?" He arches a dark brow at me and gives me a sexy smirk as he says "Doesn't it though?" I stare at him in silence for a few seconds before suddenly turning back to Harris.

"Do I need to take you to the hospital?" I ask with a little concern. Harris tries to wipe the blood away from his mouth as he says "No need. What the hell was that?" I pause and ask myself the same question, what the hell was that?

"It... I'm not sure. It wasn't human... but I couldn't sense it's magic." I say suddenly thinking about the large hooded figure. "Was it a shifter or Vampire?" Xander asks with an edge to his voice. I absentmindedly shake my head and say "I don't know... it was large but I couldn't see anything because they were wearing a large, black cloak."

"Not an inch of skin was showing..." I say in a soft voice, thinking hard. Xander frowns deeply before saying "You never answered me. What are you doing here?" I slowly look up to his amber eyes and say "I'm working with Harris to catch the person or people behind all the killings. It's not just the witches being killed. Vampires are being killed as well."

Xander narrows his eyes on me and asks "How do you know about the Vampires?" I look around the ally for something I may have missed and say "Ambrose. He hired me to find the killers." Xander growls and says "He hired a witch to find a witch killer??"

Harris snorts and says "That's the same damn thing I asked." Xander turns to look at Harris and says "Do you normally work with Eris?" Harris snorts again as he says "No, we normally fight like cats and dogs but we've come together to take this thing down."

Harris pulls out his badge and shows it to Xander before slipping it back into his pocket. Xander nods his head and says "It's broke" Harris frowns in confusion before Xander points to his nose. Harris curses and says "Can't you heal with magic or something?"

I squat next to the broken glass bottle the witch hit me with and say "Normally, yes. But right now, my magic is all over the place." Xander walks up behind me and takes a sniff at the liquid before asking "What is it?"

I slowly stand up and point at the wet spot on my shoulder while saying "The potion the other witch hit me with. My magic will be back by tomorrow." I look towards Harris and say "The cloak wasn't normal. If anything... it was like it had a spell or like it was enchanted. I'm not entirely sure but you and your men need to be careful. It's extremely fast and strong... whatever it is."

I walk past Harris and say "I have a healing potion in my car, follow me." After handing Harris the potion bottle, I shut the trunk and lean against it as I start thinking back to the dark figure. Harris looks at the bottle with fear before squaring his shoulders and downing it.

As soon as he drinks the last of it, his nose is completely healed. Harris' eyes light up as he turns to look at me with awe "This taste so much better than the crap at the station! Do you make these?" I blink and look at him with a frown before slowly nodding my head and going back to thinking.

Xander leans up against my car and brushes his leg against mine before freezing. Suddenly, he drops to his knees before me and grabs both of my legs. I suck in and try to smack him away but he refuses to let go as he says "You're bleeding..." with a low growl.

Confused, I look down at my legs and see that my knees are indeed bleeding but it's not bad. I frown at him and say "It's just some scratches, no big deal." His amber eyes look up to me and lock onto my eyes as he says "You're bleeding... it's a big deal. Do you have another potion?"

I try to step away from his large hands because they were making my stomach do summersaults, but he refuses to let me go. I sigh and say "I'm not wasting a potion on something this small. I will use my magic to heal myself tomorrow."

We lock eyes with each other, like a battle of the wills but suddenly his hands tighten on me before my hole world tilts. He lifts me up and says "Lock the car. I'm taking you to get these cleaned up." I flap my arms and try to get down as I say "It's not a big deal! Release me, you idiot!"

He holds me tight and continues to walk so I shoot a look over to Harris. He stands with a smirk so I quickly yell out "What kind of cop stands by with a stupid smirk on his face when a woman is being kidnapped!? His smirk grows as he says "I'll only step in between an Alpha male and the female he's clearly interested in if the female is in trouble. He only wants to help you and I have no desire to risk my life over a few bandaids."

My mouth drops open in disbelief as Xander carries me further down the street. "Do you want to fart bubbles too?" I say with a growl but he just chuckles and says "You lost your magic completely, I can feel it so stop making a fuss and let me take care of you."