Awkward Encounters

I sigh and rub my temples, wishing to just snap my fingers and clean up the whole 'family mess' but it's not that easy, it never is. I look up at Liam and once again realize just how big the guy is. All Alphas are big though...

"Look, Liam, I'm really tired and I've had a long couple of days. Can we pick this up later?" I say giving him a tired smile. He instantly changes and says "Of course! I'm sorry I just got carried away with everything."

I give him an awkward smile and proceed to show him to the guest room. It's a good thing I have three bedrooms. My parents will have to figure out who gets the last room or if they'll be sharing it. I take a quick shower and fall into bed as Binx jumps up with a loud purr.

Please don't ask for food, please don't ask for food, I silently say as I close my eyes but to my surprise, he doesn't say a word. He curls up next to me and his purr soon puts me into a deep sleep. At noon, my phone starts ringing.

Shelly tells me that I have a meeting in an hour so I roll myself out of bed and decide to tell Shelly to put everything else on hold for now. I can't deal with work right now with my current case and family showing up.

After getting dressed, I walk out to find my parents and Liam at the table having breakfast. My mom and dad gaze at each other with dumb love struck looks making me frown. Liam looks up and says "Come eat with us!"

I awkwardly wave him off and say "Thanks but I don't really eat breakfast... I have an appointment so I need to get to the office." Liam shoves the last of his bacon into his mouth as he quickly gets up and says "Just give me a moment and I'll go with you."

I quickly grab my keys and say "Thanks but I'm okay!" I practically run out of the house and to my car. I jump in and quickly leave with a sigh. Once I get to the office, I grab a cup of hot coffee and two cookies before heading to my office. This time it was the classic chocolate chip, mmm.

By the time I ate the two cookies and checked all my emails, my next client walks in with Shelly. I stand up and take the file from Shelly as she says "This is Conor... he says he has a problem but didn't want to discuss it with me."

I give her a smile and tell her thanks. She gives me a warm smile and leaves as I point to the chair in front of my desk. The guy named Conor was young, maybe early twenties and he looked nervous. He was human but with the way his eyes kept darting all over the room, he reminded me more of a nervous mouse.

As he sits in the chair, I open the file and see that he was indeed only twenty. I look up and give him a kind smile as I ask "What can I do for you Conor?" He nervously licks his lips and rubs his knees as he asks "YYYYou're Eris Hallows, right?"

I frown and say "Yes, how can I help you?" He licks his lips again as a trail of sweat trickles down the side of his face. "I was told to come here and give you a message..." He says looking around the room again.

Can I not catch a break? I sigh and close the file in front of me as I ask "What message?" He looks back to me and says "Meet me at the harbor at three am in three days... that's what I was told to tell you." He says bouncing his knee.

"I'm guessing you were threatened?" I ask lancing my fingers together and placing them under my chin as I lean forward on my desk. He quickly nods his head so I ask "Do you know who this person is or what they look like?"

He quickly shakes his head and says "He... he sent my brother's finger to me in a box and told me if I wanted the rest of him in one piece that I would.. l would deliver his message to you. I know it's his finger because we have the same tattoo."

He lifts up his right hand and I can clearly see the small tattoo on his pinky. I slowly nod and say "Message received. If they ask, I'll be there and... if you need help with your brother, you know where to find me." He quickly nods and stands up before walking out of the room like his ass was on fire.

Well... this should be interesting. I walk out and say "Cancel all of my other appointments and take a break, Shelly. I will still give you your monthly salary." Shelly looks at me in surprise but I grab my things and quickly leave the office.

When I walk out, I see the sky has turned dark from the large clouds. It's the time of year where it rains quite a bit... good. I need a good storm. I get in my car but I don't want to go home... I lean back in my seat and close my eyes.

I decide to go to the park instead. I need to walk and clear my head. As I pull up to the park, families and all the runners were packing up and leaving because of the incoming storm. Perfect. I step out and walk to my trunk, grab my black magical umbrella, and head into the park.

Even though it's not raining just yet, I open the umbrella and place it on my shoulder as I slowly make my way to the walking path. Thunder is suddenly heard, making me smile at the sound. Suddenly I hear "Eris!"

My whole body freezes as I slowly turn to see Liam walking over to me with a look of confusion. I match his look as I ask "What are you doing here?" He stops in front of me and says "I should be asking you the same question. Your mother told me where you work so I went there but you were already gone. Luckily I saw you driving this way."

Suddenly I hear a low growl and turn to see Xander glaring at Liam. Liam quickly pulls me behind him and growls back at Xander as I quickly say "Waaaait wait wait. Calm down, both of you." I try to walk back around Liam but he grabs me around the waist and pulls me against him as he says "Leave wolf or I'll shred you to pieces."

Xander's eyes dilate at Liam's arm around my waist as he growls again and says "Release her before I rip your arms off." I struggle against Liam as I say "Liam, let me down! This is Xander! I know him!" I then turn to Xander and say "He's my older brother, Xander. Nothing more."

Xander looks slightly shocked but Liam doesn't release me. He keeps his body between Xander and I as he asks "What does the Alpha of New Orleans want with my little sister?" Xander's muscles flex as he tries to control his beast but he still doesn't like another Alpha male touching me like this, brother or not, and the last time we spoke, I didn't have a brother!