
He keeps his hand in my hair as he watches me with shock. "You really are like the Queen..." He whispers slowly looking over my face again. "But you don't really look like her..." He says gently touching the side of my face.

His touch leaves a path of warmth before he stops by my lips. "You're also a lot softer than Elves..." He says just above a whisper. "Softer?" I ask softly with confusion. He reaches out with his other hand and gently takes mine, bringing it to his face and saying "Feel the difference."

I gently touch his cheek and marvel at how smooth it feels but just like he said, my skin is softer. It's hard to explain but even though his skin is smooth, it's still got a tough feeling. Almost like his skin is like a smooth armor.

My hand gently moves up to his ear, pushing his long hair back as I look at his pointed ear. I gently touch it and stop when I hear him softly suck in. I quickly look at him in question but he just shakes his head and says "It's fine."

It's strange really... the way his skin can feel so smooth and yet strong at the same time. When I feel him touch my face again, my eyes find his again. "What are you?" He asks barely above a whisper making me look towards his lips.

What happened to him? Maybe this isn't really the Kian I know. Maybe it's his ancestor or something... He suddenly leans in and kisses me, causing that same rush of warmth to wash over me, stealing my breath and making my head spin. When he pulls back, I instantly recognize that look of hunger and desire. The same one that has my insides clenching.

"I apologize, I shouldn't have done that without.. I'm sorry." He says quickly standing up with a hand on his mouth. I'm still frozen in shock over everything as he walks back over to the other side of the fire. "Try to get some rest. I'll keep watch." He says poking the fire.

I slowly lower my head in my lap and close my eyes. What the hell is happening? I try to calm my racing heart as I continue to hide my face in my lap and pray that the morning would come soon. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Just as I'm about to doze, the first rays of the morning sun hit the side of my face.

I slowly lift my head a stretch my neck as Kian puts out what's left of the small fire. "Let's get to the palace so we can get you can get cleaned up and get you some food." He says walking over to the horse. I get up and stretch my back out as I start to walk over to him.

He turns to me and grabs me around the waist, lifting me up and placing me on the horse with ease. I slightly panic until he says "It's okay. Kellar is a good horse." I sit on the horse sideways and awkwardly nod my head as he walks ahead and leads the horse. I've never been on a horse before...

As we get closer and closer to the palace, we pass more and more houses. All Elves... They all look at me with wide eyes but otherwise, they don't do or say anything as we make our way to the palace. Their homes look like they're made of large mushrooms!! Well, mushrooms and cobblestones. It looks like something out of a storybook. Once we're at the palace gates, the two elves standing guard nod at Kian and allows us to pass.

When we walk past the gates, I look up and gape at the blindingly white palace. It's HUGE! And it's so white... As we walk further in, someone suddenly yells "It's her! She actually survived and she's back!"

I look over to see two male Elves pull their swords out and run over with looks of death. It's two of the guys from yesterday... Kian pulls a sword out of nowhere and says "Stand down! Both of you!" I nearly fall off the horse as I struggle to keep calm and think about how to explain myself.

The two elves immediately say "She appeared on the training grounds yesterday and wouldn't tell us who she was or how she got in. She clearly snuck in with alterer motives!" Kian doesn't back down or bat an eyelash as he says "Can you not see her eyes? She's a descendent of the Queen!"

The two elves snap their heads over to me with looks of confusion but when they see my eyes, they immediately drop their swords and say "We apologize, my lady. Please forgive us!" They kneel and bow their heads, instantly making me panic.

I quickly look over to Kian and shake my head but he nods and says "That's enough. She's exhausted and needs rest thanks to you two." The two quickly get up and leave while stealing looks at me. I look back to Kian and hiss "I'm not royalty!" But when he looks over his shoulder, he says "Here, you are."

He then pulls on the reins and leads us further in. Once we're greeted by the stablemen, he walks over and helps me off the horse and leads me into the palace. I look around the long hallway until we reach a large kitchen full of busy elves. Are those... are those pixies helping??

When I begin to slow, he gently reaches out and takes my arm. He leads me past the kitchen where all the servants are staring at me but he doesn't stop until he reaches a large door with fancy symbols. He turns to me and says "Stay here and don't move. If anyone comes before I make it back, just give them my name. Do you understand?"

I nervously nod my head as he turns around and walks into the room. I try to hear what's going on in the other room but it's impossible to hear anything. I look around at all the grand statues and paintings but when I hear the door open, I turn and find a very bright pair of blue eyes staring at me. They remind me of my mother's blue eyes...

The woman steps out and looks me over with wonder and shock but when we lock eyes again, she nearly blinds me with a large, beautiful smile. "You carry my blood... who are you?" She asks with wonder. Queen Cara... "I'm your descendent... many many years into the future," I say just above a whisper. I don't know why but I feel like she'll be able to understand and believe me.