Home Bound

After nearly dying in the bathroom this morning, I clean up and make sure I'm wearing a long-sleeved dress to hide my arms. The black markings were now spreading to my arms and I didn't want Kian to find out. He's still concerned about me but I don't think he's suspicious.

I use my magic to strengthen myself but it doesn't work as well as it used to. Once the sun sets, I walk out of the room to find a very serious Kian. When I give him a smile, he returns it with a small but tight smile. I know he's not happy but what does he want me to do?

I walk to the same room I keep meeting Queen Cara in and I'm surprised to find everything all set up. She looks up at me and gives me a knowing look before saying "I've set everything up for you already. I will even assist you in the beginning. All you have to do is stand in the middle and focus."

She can tell how bad I'm getting but she was sticking to her word and helping me cover it up. As I go to step into the circle, I stop and turn to look back at Kain. When our eyes meet, I'm able to give him a large smile, full of gratitude.

I did it. I kept him from turning into a demon and in a way, saving him saved me. "I'm so happy I got to meet you and if there's life after this one... I hope we'll get the chance to meet again." I say with a warm smile. His intense eyes lock onto mine as his jaw tightens but he gives me a curt nod before forcing himself to step back.

Suddenly, pain hits me and I can't stop the splatter of blood that comes flying out of my mouth. My knees threaten to buckle and I almost fall but a hand grabs my arm and helps me stand. When I turn to my right, I see Queen Cara looking at me with fear and worry.

"You can't die here, child! Not here! You need to go back to your time, do you understand?" She says with a fierce look in her bright blue eyes. I grit my teeth and lock my knees as Kian rushes to my side with fear and confusion.

"What's happening? What's wrong with you!?" He asks with growing fear and worry. I shake my head and wipe my mouth as I try to push him back saying "Nothing, I'm fine. I just need to go back to my time."

He refuses to budge and quickly turns to Queen Cara and demands "What's happening!? Why can I feel a demon essence!??" Queen Cara grits her teeth but doesn't say a word. I try to push away from him but another wave of pain hits me.

My knees buckle, causing me to fall but Kian falls with me and holds me in his arms as I cough up more black blood. His face twists in fear and panic when he suddenly freezes. "The punishment..." He looks up to the Queen but she just looks away without a word.

He looks back to me with shock as he says "This... how long have you been hiding this from me? You've been in pain this whole time? Why didn't you tell me!?" He's practically yelling at the end as tears fill his eyes.

I shudder as another wave washes over me but I struggle to keep my head up as I say "This is why..." I reach up and try to wipe his fallen tear away without getting blood on him but I fail. Black blood is now on his perfect angelic face... My shaky hand falls to my side as I say "I need you to put me in the circle, hurry."

He looks at me in disbelief as he says "Are you kidding me? If you go back like this, you'll die!!" I give him a bitter smile as I say "We'll all die, Kian. Trust me, it's fine" I decide to lie and say "If I can get back to my time, I have a way to fix all of this and I'll be fine, I promise."

When I look back at him, he looks at me with a face twisted with pain and regret. He reaches up and tries to wipe the blood off my lips and chin as he says "You're a horrible liar... this is a punishment, not an illness."

He brings me into a tight hug as he says "Don't worry, I'll put you in the circle so you can go back home. I hope there really is another life after this because if there is, I'll stop at nothing to find you again. I won't let time, punishments, or even entire worlds stand in my way."

I feel relief knowing that things will be different this time. He hugs me even tighter as I tell him "Thank you, Kian." He's nearly squeezing me to death as I cough up more blood, getting it all over him as he leans in next to my ear and says "Just like you said, I'd go through hell and back for you..."

He suddenly rips the back of my dress open and presses his hand against my back. Queen Cara steps back with a grave look on her face as I look up to her for help. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes as Kian says something.

A painful tearing sensation suddenly hits me, instantly making me cry out as Kian continues to hold me tight. My back feels as if it's being ripped apart as Kian suddenly grunts in pain. Realization hits me and I begin to panic.

"Kian! Stop!! Stop immediately!! This is mine to bear, not yours!!" I scream at him as I try to pull back but I'm so weak, my shaking limbs do very little to him. He holds me tighter as the pain continues to roll through us both.

I feel him shudder and cough but when I feel something warm running down my shoulder and back, I know without a doubt that he's coughing up blood, just like me. Tears fill my eyes as I scream and cry, begging him to release me and to stop but he continues to hold me as my punishment rips him apart.

Even as the pain continues to leave me, my weakened state remains, making it impossible to pull him off me. "Pleeease!! I'm begging you, Kian... please." I cry out with my tears mixing with our blood.

He holds me tight and says "I would bear this over and over if it meant you didn't have to." I feel him shaking as his voice becomes more and more strained. "My Queen, activate the circle!" He yells out as more blood comes out of his mouth.

"No!! Stop him, Cara!!! I know you can!! Stop him!!" I scream out in desperation but she keeps her jaw clenched tight as she lifts a hand, activating the circle. I feel the last tearing sensation as Kian holds me close and strains to say "I love you Eris Hallows... more than you'll ever know."

He suddenly pushes me back and uses his magic to push me into the circle. I cough up more blood as I come to a stop but I try to get back up and run back to him. I need to take it back! When I stumble back to the edge of the circle, I hit a solid wall.

Horror hits me as I look over to Queen Cara. "Let me out!! Now!! I can still take it back!! Let me take it back!!" Kian struggles to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth as he looks up to me with a pained smile. Black markings were running up the sides of his face and down his arms as he sways on his feet.

"Save your remaining family... be happy." He says before the ground under him starts to warp. A bright red light nearly blinds me as black smoke turns into chains, latching onto him and pulling him down. I scream out and cry, trying to use my power to break the circle but it only seems to activate it. I look back over to Queen Cara and realize that she had made the circle with this in mind... like she knew all of this would happen.

I stumble back and fall to my knees as I say "You knew... you knew all along..." She keeps a straight face as she says "You can't save him this time, child but you can help him in the future..." The wind inside the circle was so strong I can barely hear her last words as everything becomes blindingly white.