Fake It Till You Make It

After Xander and Kian leave, I find myself walking back to the guest room. Ambrose still sleeps, holding the grapes like a stuffed animal. I have no idea what's happening right now but at least he's not dead... yet.

I nervously bite my lip and check the time for the twentieth time in a row. When I think about the watchful eyes back at the bar, I know I can't keep him here for long. Ambrose is notorious for being a male slut but he never ever stays overnight at another's house.

I nervously tap my chin with the tips of my fingers as I try to think of something but when nothing comes to mind, I start pacing back and forth. When four am rolls around, I see a flash of red tail lights.

I sneak over to the window and peek out past the curtains to see a dark luxury car with dark tinted windows pulling up to my house. Ambrose's ride... shit. I quickly run over to the bed and lightly poke Ambrose on the arm. He doesn't move... not even an inch.

"Ambrose!" I whisper yell and shake him but he still doesn't move! He's literally sleeping like the dead! I grab the blanket covering him and rip it off the bed saying "I swear I will turn you into a fruit bat if you don't get your ass up!!"

I reach over and lightly slap the side of his face and quickly step back, waiting for a reaction but nothing but a light snore can be heard. This time I use a little bit of magic to zap his ass as I slap him again but to my amazement, he still doesn't wake up!!

Suddenly, I hear a soft vibrating noise. I pat him down and dig the phone out of his pocket as I hear a car door shut outside. Shit shit shit!! I throw the phone like it's on fire and pull at the ends of my hair.

"Ambrose!! You're gonna get me killed!" I hiss out in anger but when I hear the knock at the front door, I nearly jump straight out of my pants. Could I lock them out? Maybe... could I take on their entire coven? Another maybe but could I handle the entire supernatural council and community coming down on me? No, they have their fingers in everything... all over the world. I'd be so screwed!

I run over to Ambrose and start slapping him, hard! Over and over until I'm panting but still nothing. I shake out my hand and jump again when I hear them banging on the door. The phone in the corner of the room keeps ringing, like a little time bomb.

"Boss? If you don't answer, I'm coming in!" A vampire says before banging on the door again. I grit my teeth and look around the room for something, anything... Suddenly, I'm hit with an idea. I have no time to decide if it's a good one or not before I'm stripping Ambrose out of his clothes. I use my magic to help strip his pants off. I can't help but suck in and blush when I see that he's not wearing underwear! I grab the blanket off the ground and throw it back on Ambrose.

I grit my teeth and strip out of my pants before ripping my shirt and bra off. Good lord... I keep my panties on as I quickly climb ontop of Ambrose and straddle him. I grab the blanket and wrap it around my ass, leaving my bare back exposed as the front door is slammed open.

My hands shake as I clench my eyes shut in preparation. I reach up and use my nails to make a small cut on both sides of my neck to make it more convincing. I reach up and mess my hair up right before the bedroom door opens.

I rock my hips and cry out like I'm having a good time, hoping the vampire will just back away and leave. My face is beat red and I'm out of breath but it's for entirely different reasons. I try my best to keep the act up. "Boss? ...You good?" The Vampire asks with hesitation.

I come to a stop and use one arm to cover my breast as I say "Can you give us some privacy?" The vampire stays extremely silent, making me turn to face him. His eyes narrow in on me but when he lifts his head to smell the air, his eyes begin to dilate.

I keep my other hand hidden as I get ready to hit him with a powerful blast but when I feel a strong pair of hands grip my hips, my entire body freezes. I slowly turn to see Ambrose's dark blue eyes are back and he's currently looking up at me with confusion and amusement.

"Geo, leave immediately," Ambrose says never once breaking eye contact with me. Was it the blood that woke him up? Was that all I had to do!?! When Geo doesn't immediately leave, Ambrose's grip on my hips become possessive as he lets out a low growl.

Geo snaps out of his little trace and quickly apologizes before leaving the house. I nervously lick my lips and try to stand up but Ambrose's hands stay locked on my hips as his dark blue eyes take me in.

"Ambrose..." I say in a warning tone but he ignores it as he says "Even though I'm curious as to why we're currently like this... it's not an unpleasant way to wake up at all." I try to stand up again, using both arms to cover my chest as I say "It was an emergency and this was the only solution. Now, let me go."

He uses his vampire speed to pull me forward and sit up. His lips brush against my neck, right over the small cut, instantly making me shiver. As he lightly sucks on the cut, I feel the lightest brush of his fangs.