Times Up

Enzo gives me a tight smile and says "Cute, normally I would agree with that and show you just how rough I like it but you WILL give me what I want. One way or the other. If you won't willing send us back, so be it..." As he lifts his hand, I call forth my magic, getting ready to fight to the death.

There's a bright flash of light before I'm suddenly falling! I land in a crouch and blink away the bright light as Enzo's laugh echoes all around me. "Hard way it is. The beast belongs to me but once he devours you, I'll have what I need to leave."

I look up but I see nothing but a solid ceiling. Shit... I look around and give my eyes a chance to adjust to the dim light. He said the beast belongs to him... what beast? All I see are dark, empty tunnels but the sheer size of them has me a little nervous.

My sarcastic nature will one day be the death of me... "Binx?" I call out in my head as I start to slowly walk to the closest wall. I gently press my hand against the cold wall as Binx says "I deserve a whole damn whale after this!! I'm getting hairballs from all this stress!"

I slowly smile as I ask "Has Kian calmed down?" Binx sighs and says "For now... He freaked out when he felt your pain. I told him you were fine but he started acting like a caged wild beast. If he was tied up to something, he probably would've chewed off his own damn leg to get to you."

My smile fades as I say "Tell him I'm fine and work on finding a way to summon me." Binx sighs and says "That's the problem, you don't have a summons name and if your theory about turning into a demon every full moon is true... your time is running out. You'll turn back into the old you and we won't be able to summon you out like a demon until the next full moon."

Double shit... I try to keep calm as I slowly start walking again. I try to test out my power on the wall a few times but it doesn't do anything... it's like the wall absorbs it like a magical sponge. "Eris... what's going on?" Binx suddenly asks trying to get a feel on the situation.

I quickly tell him "I'm currently playing hide and seek with death. I'm counting on you two to find me a way out..." I cut the link and look around the large empty tunnel with confusion. I was fully expecting to come face to face with a three-eyed monster or something but it's... empty.

Did his beast get out and run away? Or is it something much worse? I start walking again before testing out the walls again. Over and over it's the exact same. Suddenly, a chilling thought passes through me.

I come to a stop and slowly look over to the wall my hand is currently resting on. I slowly take my hand off and step back a few feet. I look to the wall, then to the ceiling before looking down at the ground. It all looks like underground tunnels... but, could this be the beast he's talking about?

Every time I try and use my powers, it soaks it up like a sponge. If I think about it... it would be the perfect "beast". The person endlessly wanders down here, slowly losing their mind until they try to use their powers to break out...

The walls or... beast would then devour it until nothing remains... I take a few more steps back until I'm in the middle of the tunnel and sigh. Either that or I have a really good imagination... Not wanting to find out the hard way, I decide to play it safe and wander the tunnels from the middle.

I walk and walk... and walk but no matter how long I walk or how many turns I take, I don't see or hear anything! Just an occasional breeze... I have no idea how long I've been walking for... "Binx!!" I suddenly call out as I plop down on the cold floor.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks with worry but I wave him off and ask "How long has it been since I last spoke to you?" Binx grows quiet before saying "Almost a full twenty-four hours. What's going on? I can tell you're tired."

I rub my temples and say "It feels like I've been wandering down here for three days... I'm currently down in some kind of tunnel and I have no way of finding a way out." Binx is silent for a while before saying "I asked Kian but he doesn't know of any tunnels like that."

I sigh and lay back onto the cool ground before saying "I figured as much. This seems to be something Enzo has created himself. Any luck on finding me a way out of hell?" Binx sighs this time and says "We've gone through every book you own, we can't find anything."

I slowly close my eyes as I say "Just keep looking..." before I realize it, I've dosed off.

I suddenly open my eyes, heart racing, and all as I sit up and look around in confusion. Why did I suddenly wake up and why is my heart racing? I quickly stand up and look back and forth in the tunnel.

I nervously lick my lips as I strain to listen but I'm only greeted by silence. No, that isn't right... there's something else down here and if you listen close enough, you can hear it breathing. The gentle breeze I was feeling this whole time was the beast's breath!

Oooookay!! I quickly walk back over to the wall and plaster myself to the side of it. I wait for a few minutes but nothing changes. I slowly continue walking and as I get closer and closer, the 'breeze' gets stronger and stronger.

How big was this thing!? And is it... is it sleeping? I continue walking down the dimly lit tunnel until I come to what looks like a dead end. I hesitate a little before stepping a little closer, trying to find this thing.

If I can follow it's breath, I can maybe find out what this thing is. I lift my hand out to feel and slowly move forward. When my hand touches something cool, I realize that I've hit the wall at the end. Suddenly, the breathing stops.

Large, golden red-eyes snap open, startling me and causing me to stumble back! What I was touching was not a wall... it was this things face!!! Its pitch-black pupils turn into vertical slits as its growl causes my insides to shake before it slowly starts to stand!

Bits of rock and stone tumble down as the beast comes to its full height. I gape up at the thing in awe and say "Shit... it's huge..."