
I walk into the living room to find Kian staring at the black box sitting on the floor. I smirk and ask "Are you ready?" He looks up to me and nods once before saying "If anything happens, run. I can't die so I will do everything I can to make sure you get away safely."

My heart warms at his words but it's quickly followed by a chill. This man is so quick to throw himself in harm's way for me... it warms my heart but also chills it to the bone. Doesn't he realize that I wouldn't be able to handle losing him? 

There are worse things than death... I step up next to him and slip my hand into his as I say "No, we're in this together. We arrive together, we leave together." He gives me a pleading look but it doesn't work. 

I try to pull my hand away as I say "You can just stay here then.." He easily keeps my hand in his and with a long sigh he gives in and says "Okay, together." I nod in approval and bend down to the rose in the box.